Getting the actual link URL from a Watir::Anchor object - watir

I have written code with Watir-WebDriver to get links from a table:
data.rows.each { |row|
puts row.cell(:index => 2).link
It returns this when I build it:
How do I get an actual URL from it?

Try this:
data.rows.each {|row| p row.cell(:index => 2).link.href}
More information at


In Angular, how to parse and extract HTTP response that has Complex structure (JSON)?

I am new to Angular and need your help here. I have an Angular service that has the API calling function as shown below.
searcheBay() {
console.log("calling ebay service");
return this.httpClient.get (this.ebayURL);
and I am calling this function from the component as shown below.
this.searchService.searcheBay().subscribe((data) => {
this.svcdata = data
The data variable has complex JSON structure (see the image below).
The data I am looking to read is held by "searchResult" element. Could you suggest how to parse and extract the "searchResult" element? Thanks in advance.
I debugged in the Safari DEV console and see the element accessibility as shown below.
When I updated the same code in my component, I encounter compile: ERROR in src/app/search/search.component.ts(20,29): error TS2339: Property 'findItemsByKeywordsResponse' does not exist on type 'Object'. Please suggest your thoughts.
this.searchService.searcheBay().subscribe((data) => {
this.svcdata = data.findItemsByKeywordsResponse[0].searchResult
}); try this, if you response data Object is same as you shown in the image,
this.searchService.searcheBay().subscribe((data) => {
this.svcdata = data.findItemsByKeywordsResponse[0].searchResult;
this.searchService.searcheBay().subscribe((data: any) => {
this.svcdata = data.findItemsByKeywordsResponse[0].searchResult;
I ended up using the map projection as shown below. Hope this helps.
this.searchService.searcheBay().pipe(map((data:any) => data.findItemsByKeywordsResponse[0].searchResult)).subscribe((data) => {
this.svcdata = data;

Passing JavaScript variable into snippet

I'm working on a search form for my ModX application that is consisted of a chunk and a snippet. What I'm trying to achieve is to pass what was entered into the search box into a javascript variable and then pass it to my snippet, however, the snippet receives the literal text, and not the value that I enter into the parameter when I call it.
I don't know if what I'm attempting is possible in ModX or if I need to take a different approach, but I would be hugely thankful for anyone who can provide any insight.
$('.search-btn').click(function() {
var search = $('.search-entry').val();
[[showSearchResults? &q=`search`]]
$search = $modx->getOption('q', $scriptProperties);
echo $search; // this always prints "search"
I doubt that this code makes sense:
$('.search-btn').click(function() {
var search = $('.search-entry').val();
[[showSearchResults? &q=`search`]]
The snippet call returns the result of snippet's execution with param q always equal to the string 'search' in your case and finally on your page you will have something like this:
$('.search-btn').click(function() {
var search = $('.search-entry').val();
'search' // assuming your snippet just returns what has been passed to it.
In order to accomplish your task you can use a simple trick. Call your snippet like this:
[[!yourSnippet? &yourVar=`[[!#POST.yourVar]]` ]] // or GET
Lets say this snippet call is located on a page accessible via url /test/ on your server. So, now you just have to send the parameters you collected from your search form using AJAX to the /test/ page where your snippet is:
var yourVar = $('.search-entry').val();
type: "POST",
url: "/test/",
data: {yourVar: yourVar},
success: success,
dataType: "html"
Hope it helps :)
PS If you want to search Resource content and TV content, I can highly recommend an extra called SimpleSearch.

is_singular() for custom post type in pre_get_posts

I'm trying to modify the query for a specific post type, whatever page (single or archive) is currently displayed. I'm using the pre_get_posts filter with this test:
if ( is_singular( 'evenement' ) || is_post_type_archive( 'evenement' ) ) {
// do something
but the is_singular conditional tag never seems to be true when I'm on a single evenement page.
Any idea what I could have missed?
Thanks for helping.
I had the same issue and figured that you can't use is_singular in pre_get_posts because the queried object is not set at this point. It make sense: the query isn't processed yet, and is_singular return true if a post is being displayed - we don't know at this point if the query return any result, as of pre​_get_posts).
You can use instead the post_type query parameter like this:
if($query->get('post_type') === 'evenement') {
// ... do stuff
You can use '$query->is_singular' in combination with a post_type check:
if ( $query->is_singular && $query->get('post_type') === 'your_post_type' ) {
// your code
If you only test for post type then you will also modify the query for archive pages.

Remove parent div if duplicate words

I'm using a service called Embedly to style my RSS feeds from Google Feedburner. I have an example code over her: JsFiddle
If you look closely you will see the source (CNN) at the end of every title. This is called .provider I would like to get rid of the whole div (.embed) IF the the word CNN is located elsewere (meaning duplicate) in the div, either .description or a
I tried many things, this is one of them really straight forward code:
$('.embed').each(function() {
if($('.embed a:first **could also be .description**', this).text() == $('.provider', this).text())
I cant figure out why its not working. I also used it with on and live click with no luck.
I just realized the 'embeds' are not there on document tready. I added a button with click event which you can click after the embedly has loaded in:
You can use success event to filter provider class from the data like this :
key: ':3eccf441bf0f43acbb076da9817af27d',
success: function(oembed, dict) {
output = $(oembed['code']);
description = $(oembed['code']).find(".description").text();
var regex =new RegExp(output.find('.provider').text(),"i");
if(regex.exec(description) == null ) {
output.find("a:eq(0)").text(); // First
output.find("a:eq(1)").text(); // Provider
Checkout this jsfiddle demo
Is it that what you want?
var regex = /CNN/;
$('.embed').each(function(index, element) {
if (regex.exec($('.embed a:first').text()) != null
&& regex.exec($('.provider').text()) != null) {

use drupal hook_nodeapi

i have a page tweety which contains a single form where a user enters a word in a textbox and in on pressing search the tweets corresponding to that word are displayed.
I want to use hook_nodeapi to add these tweets but i want those things only on a specific url not all the page(or any node type).
I ll use hook_menu to make that page and display the form for the search. What should i do after that. I knw the twiiter api to fetch the tweets so that is not a issue.
I think what you're attempting to do is have the tweets load on a predetermined page by passing the posted information to the page, is that correct?
There's a couple ways I think you could accomplish this - easiest, and not requiring any complex ahah scripting would be to take the word they enter and generate a path which you could then use to make the page in question.
Make a menu Item:
function mymodule_menu() {
$items = array();
$items['mymodule/tweets/%'] = array(
'title' => t('Tweets about' . check_plain(array(2))),
'page callback' => 'mymodule_tweet_display',
'page arguments' => array(2) // This is the 3rd argument in the path, the %
In your form, you'll need to send the user to this path so add to your hook_submit function:
$tweet_topic = $form_state['values']['your-field-name-here'];
drupal_goto('mymodule/tweets/' . $tweet_topic);
Now add your page module, this is where you can use the twitter api:
function mymodule_tweet_display($tweet_topic) {
$tweet_topic = check_plain($tweet_topic);
// Use this variable in your Twitter API call
// ...
// Make sure you assign your display content to the page by returning a variable
return $page;
