Im working on a simple crosswords application,the main layout is this
a fragment at the top the load ads so ads be present on any application page , the below fragment have a linearlayout for the crossword table, under it 2 linearlayouts , one for hints and the other for keyboard and all the 3 linearlayouts under a linearlayout with vertical orientation
okay now when ad refresh or when i press the power button and power on to resume app again , (and on some devices when filling any of the table squares)
this happen
the crosswords linearlayout comes below other 2 layouts as shown and also the squares inside the lnearlayout gets randomized, i load the crosswords iems in an asynktask on the oncreateview method of the fragment
so my question is any1 know where to look at that makes this mess, i even tried a tablelayout and still same problem
the mess on view orders was caused by calling view.bringToFront();
i was calling it before animating every square, took it off and eveery
Respected Android Programmer,
I am facing the one major problem is that nested scroll view not get disable. Here I am using RecylerView inside the Nested ScrollView.
Actually I am using the so many fragments in one Activity so when default recylerview loaded the listing user the Nested Scrolview now i have to click on floating button i have to hide the that fragment with with trance parent layout or frame layout. Its done but now problem is that when i use all function of recycler like
NestedScrollView mScrollView;
Not working may i know the reason.
Romesh Chand
I have a screen in my react-native app where I am showing details of a record. It's a pretty simple screen where on the left column, I have a label describing the item and on the right, I have the value of the item. For one of the values, I have to render a ListView and I am not able to properly align it. Below is the sample app on rnplay with the symptoms:
Sample app on rnplay
Please run on iOS. Here ComponentListView is a reusable component that I am using to render ListView and it takes a component and data as it props and render each entry in the data using the passed in component. Here the list is BackupList and the component to render in each row is BackupSummary. If you run the app, you will observe that the backups are not aligned properly. I ran it in the Inspector on the simulator and looks like the ListView starts from where Varun Accepted is seen. I am not sure why. Right now there is just one item in the this.props.backupContacts but there could be more. I have tried many different flexbox properties such as alignItems, justifyContent, alignSelf in order to get it to work with no success.
Please let me know if you know how to fix it.
Put your ListView inside a View and apply css on View, something like this
<View style={{display:'flex', flexDirection:'row', justifyContent:'center'}}>
Currently in my app I have this design:
-- DialogViewController 1
-----DialogViewController 2
--------DialogViewController 3
Problem with this is that dialog view controllers 4-7 breaks the monotouch dialog flow (so to speak), because of TabBarController in between. When I create dialog view controllers 4-7 I need to create new Root in their constructors which I don't need to for DVC 1-3.
With this approach certain things like radio groups don't work inside DVC 4-7 e.g it will display the radio group selection, but there is no navigation bar at the top.
My question is what can I do to solve this? Can I use TabBarController inside DVC somehow if that makes sense? Or how can I "hook" DVC 4-7 back to main "circuit"?
Thanks in advance.
According to the iOS HIG
A tab bar appears at the bottom edge of the screen and should be
accessible from every location in the app
which implies that it should be the root, not nested inside another controller.
GridPanel not rendering correctly
I'm using EditorGridPanels on dynamically generated web pages. ExtJS does not control the ViewPort.
When I wrap the Grid generation code in Ext.onReady(), the grids render perfectly.
If I do not wrap it in Ext.onReady() it renders with subtle layout issues like
the grids are a little too wide
the top toolbar gets cut off on the right
the rows don't quite fit and they shift when clicking a cell
I have tried forcing the grids' layout to get recalculated once the page loads...
var grid = ...
[ ... ]
...but this does not work.
The reason I'm trying to avoid placing Grid initialization inside Ext.onReady() is that sometimes pages take a long time to fully load every resource, and in these cases the pages look fully loaded apart from the blank spaces where the grids eventually get rendered to!
Any suggestions on what I might try? Right now a complete redesign of the page is not in scope, so I'm looking for something I can do to get the grid to layout like it does when initialized inside onReady()!
You could perhaps mask the page initially with 'loading..' message and remove this in the onReady().
If you're getting issue outside of on the onReady it would indicate something has not loaded when you're trying to render components, this in my experience will lead to further issues down the line.
I have a series of PDFScrollViews (like the one given in the sample code on Apple Developer) inside a UIScrollView but I want them to all scroll at once no matter where in the ScrollView the Pinch-Zoom action happens, currently this only happens to the one PDFScrollView that is pinched and the other stay the same size. The basic goal I'm trying to achieve here is to make a series of PDFs act as one homogeneous PDF to the user.
implement scroll view's delegate method
-(UIView *) viewForZoomingInScrollView: (UIScrollView *) ScrollView
And return your PDF view.
hope it 'll work