Extracting debugging information from core files - linux

I've been tasked with writing a script to clean up old core files on production Linux servers. While the script is not difficult to write, I'd like to save a basic stack backtrace to a log file before removing the core files.
Being that these servers are production, and we do not have GDB or any development tools installed, I'm looking for some quick and dirty program that will give the analog of a gdb backtrace command for a multithreaded application.
Does anyone know of such a tool?
Thanks in advance.

There are a few things like this. Mostly they are incomplete relative to gdb -- for example it is uncommon for backtracers to print information about function arguments or locals, but gdb can do this. Also gdb can often unwind in cases where other unwinders choke.
Anyway, one I know of is elfutils. https://fedorahosted.org/elfutils/. It has an unwinder in development (not sure if it is in or yet, check git).
There's also libbacktrace. It is part of gcc and is designed for in-process unwinding. However, it could perhaps be adapted to core files.
There's also libunwind. I hear it is kind of terrible but YMMV.
One thing to note is that many of these require debuginfo to be available.
One last thought -- there has been a lot of work in the "catch a trace" area from the ABRT folks. ABRT uses a kernel hook to catch a core dump while it is being made. Then it does analysis by uploading the core to a server, files bugs, etc. You could maybe reuse a lot of their work. There's some other work in this space as well.
Kind of a brain dump, I hope it helps.


Is a core dump executable by itself?

The Wikipedia page on Core dump says
In Unix-like systems, core dumps generally use the standard executable
a.out in older versions of Unix,
ELF in modern Linux, System V, Solaris, and BSD systems,
Mach-O in OS X, etc.
Does this mean a core dump is executable by itself? If not, why not?
Edit: Since #WumpusQ.Wumbley mentions a coredump_filter in a comment, perhaps the above question should be: can a core dump be produced such that it is executable by itself?
In older unix variants it was the default to include the text as well as data in the core dump but it was also given in the a.out format and not ELF. Today's default behavior (in Linux for sure, not 100% sure about BSD variants, Solaris etc.) is to have the core dump in ELF format without the text sections but that behavior can be changed.
However, a core dump cannot be executed directly in any case without some help. The reason for that is that there are two things missing from a simple core file. One is the entry point, the other is code to restore the CPU state to the state at or just before the dump occurred (by default also the text sections are missing).
In AIX there used to be a utility called undump but I have no idea what happened to it. It doesn't exist in any standard Linux distribution I know of. As mentioned above (#WumpusQ) there's also an attempt at a similar project for Linux mentioned in above comments, however this project is not complete and doesn't restore the CPU state to the original state. It is, however, still good enough in some specific debugging cases.
It is also worth mentioning that there exist other ELF formatted files that cannot be executes as well which are not core files. Such as object files (compiler output) and .so (shared object) files. Those require a linking stage before being run to resolve external addresses.
I emailed this question the creator of the undump utility for his expertise, and got the following reply:
As mentioned in some of the answers there, it is possible to include
the code sections by setting the coredump_filter, but it's not the
default for Linux (and I'm not entirely sure about BSD variants and
Solaris). If the various code sections are saved in the original
core-dump, there is really nothing missing in order to create the new
executable. It does, however, require some changes in the original
core file (such as including an entry point and pointing that entry
point to code that will restore CPU registers). If the core file is
modified in this way it will become an executable and you'll be able
to run it. Unfortunately, though, some of the states are not going to
be saved so the new executable will not be able to run directly. Open
files, sockets, pips, etc are not going to be open and may even point
to other FDs (which could cause all sorts of weird things). However,
it will most probably be enough for most debugging tasks such running
small functions from gdb (so that you don't get a "not running an
executable" stuff).
As other guys said, I don't think you can execute a core dump file without the original binary.
In case you're interested to debug the binary (and it has debugging symbols included, in other words it is not stripped) then you can run gdb binary core.
Inside gdb you can use bt command (backtrace) to get the stack trace when the application crashed.

How to test the kernel for kernel panics?

I am testing the Linux Kernel on an embedded device and would like to find situations / scenarios in which Linux Kernel would issue panics.
Can you suggest some test steps (manual or code automated) to create Kernel panics?
There's a variety of tools that you can use to try to crash your machine:
crashme tries to execute random code; this is good for testing process lifecycle code.
fsx is a tool to try to exercise the filesystem code extensively; it's good for testing drivers, block io and filesystem code.
The Linux Test Project aims to create a large repository of kernel test cases; it might not be designed with crashing systems in particular, but it may go a long way towards helping you and your team keep everything working as planned. (Note that the LTP isn't proscriptive -- the kernel community doesn't treat their tests as anything important -- but the LTP team tries very hard to be descriptive about what the kernel does and doesn't do.)
If your device is network-connected, you can run nmap against it, using a variety of scanning options: -sV --version-all will try to find versions of all services running (this can be stressful), -O --osscan-guess will try to determine the operating system by throwing strange network packets at the machine and guessing by responses what the output is.
The nessus scanning tool also does version identification of running services; it may or may not offer any improvements over nmap, though.
You can also hand your device to users; they figure out the craziest things to do with software, they'll spot bugs you'd never even think to look for. :)
You can try following key combination
SysRq + c
echo c >/proc/sysrq-trigger
Crashme has been known to find unknown kernel panic situations, but it must be run in a potent way that creates a variety of signal exceptions handled within the process and a variety of process exit conditions.
The main purpose of the messages generated by Crashme is to determine if sufficiently interesting things are happening to indicate possible potency. For example, if the mprotect call is needed to allow memory allocated with malloc to be executed as instructions, and if you don't have the mprotect enabled in the source code crashme.c for your platform, then Crashme is impotent.
It seems that operating systems on x64 architectures tend to have execution turned off for data segments. Recently I have updated the crashme.c on http://crashme.codeplex.com/ to use mprotect in case of __APPLE__ and tested it on a MacBook Pro running MAC OS X Lion. This is the first serious update to Crashme since 1994. Expect to see updated Centos and Freebsd support soon.

Under Linux, how do I track down a memory leak in pre-built software?

I have a new Ubuntu Linux Server 64bit 10.04 LTS.
A default install of Mysql with replication turned on appears to be leaking memory.
However, we've tried going back to an earlier version and memory is still leaking but I can't tell where.
What tools/techniques can I use to pinpoint where memory is leaking so that I can rectify the problem?
Valgrind, http://valgrind.org/, can be very useful in these situations. It runs on unmodified executables but it does help tremendously if you can install the debugging symbols. Be sure to use the --show-reachable=yes flag as the leaked memory may still be reachable in some way but just not the way you want it. Also --trace-children in case of a fork. You'll likely have to track down in the start-up script where the executable is called and then add something like the following:
valgrind --show-reachable=yes --trace-children=yes --log-file=/path/to/log SQL-cmdline sqlargs
The man page has lots of other potentially useful options.
Have you tried the MySQL mailing list? Something like this would certainly be of interest to them if you can reproduce it in a straightforward manner.
You can use Valgrind as ninjalj suggests, but I doubt you'll get that close to anything useful. Even if you see a real leak (and they will be hard enough to validate), tracking down the root cause through the C call stacks will likely be very annoying (for example if the leak is triggered by a particular SQL pattern or stored procedure, you'll be looking at the call stack from the resultant optimized query, and not the original calls, which are likely in a different language).
Normally you might have no recourse, and have to resort to tracking it down through callstacks and iterative testing, but you have the source code to MySQL (including the source for the exact default package install), so you can use more advanced tools like MemoryScape (or at least build with symbols in order to provide Valgrind more food for thought).
Try using valgrind.
A very good and powerful tool, which is installed/available for most distributions is Valgrind.
It has a plethora of different options and is pretty much (as far as I've seen) the default profiler under linux systems.

How to "hibernate" a process in Linux by storing its memory to disk and restoring it later?

Is it possible to 'hibernate' a process in linux?
Just like 'hibernate' in laptop, I would to write all the memory used by a process to disk, free up the RAM. And then later on, I can 'resume the process', i.e, reading all the data from memory and put it back to RAM and I can continue with my process?
I used to maintain CryoPID, which is a program that does exactly what you are talking about. It writes the contents of a program's address space, VDSO, file descriptor references and states to a file that can later be reconstructed. CryoPID started when there were no usable hooks in Linux itself and worked entirely from userspace (actually, it still does work, depending on your distro / kernel / security settings).
Problems were (indeed) sockets, pending RT signals, numerous X11 issues, the glibc caching getpid() implementation amongst many others. Randomization (especially VDSO) turned out to be insurmountable for the few of us working on it after Bernard walked away from it. However, it was fun and became the topic of several masters thesis.
If you are just contemplating a program that can save its running state and re-start directly into that state, its far .. far .. easier to just save that information from within the program itself, perhaps when servicing a signal.
I'd like to put a status update here, as of 2014.
The accepted answer suggests CryoPID as a tool to perform Checkpoint/Restore, but I found the project to be unmantained and impossible to compile with recent kernels.
Now, I found two actively mantained projects providing the application checkpointing feature.
The first, the one I suggest 'cause I have better luck running it, is CRIU
that performs checkpoint/restore mainly in userspace, and requires the kernel option CONFIG_CHECKPOINT_RESTORE enabled to work.
Checkpoint/Restore In Userspace, or CRIU (pronounced kree-oo, IPA: /krɪʊ/, Russian: криу), is a software tool for Linux operating system. Using this tool, you can freeze a running application (or part of it) and checkpoint it to a hard drive as a collection of files. You can then use the files to restore and run the application from the point it was frozen at. The distinctive feature of the CRIU project is that it is mainly implemented in user space.
The latter is DMTCP; quoting from their main page:
DMTCP (Distributed MultiThreaded Checkpointing) is a tool to transparently checkpoint the state of multiple simultaneous applications, including multi-threaded and distributed applications. It operates directly on the user binary executable, without any Linux kernel modules or other kernel modifications.
There is also a nice Wikipedia page on the argument: Application_checkpointing
The answers mentioning ctrl-z are really talking about stopping the process with a signal, in this case SIGTSTP. You can issue a stop signal with kill:
kill -STOP <pid>
That will suspend execution of the process. It won't immediately free the memory used by it, but as memory is required for other processes the memory used by the stopped process will be gradually swapped out.
When you want to wake it up again, use
kill -CONT <pid>
The more complicated solutions, like CryoPID, are really only needed if you want the stopped process to be able to survive a system shutdown/restart - it doesn't sound like you need that.
Linux Kernel has now partially implemented the checkpoint/restart futures:https://ckpt.wiki.kernel.org/, the status is here.
Some useful information are in the lwn(linux weekly net):
http://lwn.net/Articles/375855/ http://lwn.net/Articles/412749/ ......
So the answer is "YES"
The issue is restoring the streams - files and sockets - that the program has open.
When your whole OS hibernates, the local files and such can obviously be restored. Network connections don't, but then the code that accesses the internet is typically more error checking and such and survives the error conditions (or ought to).
If you did per-program hibernation (without application support), how would you handle open files? What if another process accesses those files in the interim? etc?
Maintaining state when the program is not loaded is going to be difficult.
Simply suspending the threads and letting it get swapped to disk would have much the same effect?
Or run the program in a virtual machine and let the VM handle suspension.
Short answer is "yes, but not always reliably". Check out CryoPID:
Open files will indeed be the most common problem. CryoPID states explicitly:
Open files and offsets are restored.
Temporary files that have been
unlinked and are not accessible on the
filesystem are always saved in the
image. Other files that do not exist
on resume are not yet restored.
Support for saving file contents for
such situations is planned.
The same issues will also affect TCP connections, though CryoPID supports tcpcp for connection resuming.
I extended Cryopid producing a package called Cryopid2 available from SourceForge. This can
migrate a process as well as hibernating it (along with any open files and sockets - data
in sockets/pipes is sucked into the process on hibernation and spat back into these when
process is restarted).
The reason I have not been active with this project is I am not a kernel developer - both
this (and/or the original cryopid) need to get someone on board who can get them running
with the lastest kernels (e.g. Linux 3.x).
The Cryopid method does work - and is probably the best solution to general purpose process
hibernation/migration in Linux I have come across.
The short answer is "yes." You might start by looking at this for some ideas: ELF executable reconstruction from a core image (http://vx.netlux.org/lib/vsc03.html)
As others have noted, it's difficult for the OS to provide this functionality, because the application needs to have some error checking builtin to handle broken streams.
However, on a side note, some programming languages and tools that use virtual machines explicitly support this functionality, such as the Self programming language.
This is sort of the ultimate goal of clustered operating system. Mathew Dillon puts a lot of effort to implement something like this in his Dragonfly BSD project.
adding another workaround: you can use virtualbox. run your applications in a regular virtual machine and simply "save the machine state" whenever you want.
I know this is not an answer, but I thought it could be useful when there are no real options.
if for any reason you don't like virtualbox, vmware and Qemu are as good.
Ctrl-Z increases the chances the process's pages will be swapped, but it doesn't free the process's resources completely. The problem with freeing a process's resources completely is that things like file handles, sockets are kernel resources the process gets to use, but doesn't know how to persist on its own. So Ctrl-Z is as good as it gets.
There was some research on checkpoint/restore for Linux back in 2.2 and 2.4 days, but it never made it past prototype. It is possible (with the caveats described in the other answers) for certain values of possible - I you can write a kernel module to do it, it is possible. But for the common value of possible (can I do it from the shell on a commercial Linux distribution), it is not yet possible.
There's ctrl+z in linux, but i'm not sure it offers the features you specified. I suspect you asked this question since it doesn't

Logging frameworks for embedded linux?

I need a small, portable framework for logging on embedded linux. Ideally it would output to a file or a socket, and having some sort of log rotation/compression would also be nice.
So far, I've found a lot of frameworks, but almost all of them have daunting build procedures or require the use of application frameworks (e.g. log4cxx requires the Apache Portable Runtime, which I'd rather not bother with...).
Just looking for something simple and robust, but everything I seem to find is complicated or requires lots of secondary junk just to run.
Suggestions? (and if the answer is roll my own, that's fine, but...it's be great to avoid that)
Use syslog(3) and syslogd from BusyBox. BusyBox can be very compact when stripped down and doesn't depend on anything other than libc. You can strip out everything you don't want so it is perfectly possible to use it only for logging.
We use BusyBox on a number of embedded systems, both Linux and uClinux, and find its logging facilities highly reliable.
I have no experience with the log4cxx-module but I am using APR on an embedded target running Linux (it is based on the Atmel AT91SAM926x processor family). It was really simple to configure and compile (more or less ./configure --host=arm-none-linux-gnueabi) so I would not be to afraid of going down the log4cxx-path.
Maybe you should consider spending some time on a good logging framework, since this is what you are going to use on your embedded Linux. ... and printf ...
I cooked something where I can enable/disable various logging levels per module in runtime.
Did you ever try debugging multithreaded apps on Linux?
Good luck!
Implementing very robust logging mechanism in C taking about 1000 code lines (from our code base). 90% of this defines of different sections. This includes different macros DBG_E DBG_W DBG_TRACE etc ... and spliting to the section, run time changing of debug level and debug modules (does not include compression just simple print abstraction that can be implemented in different ways file/socket/serial etc...) .
I will estimate that it take about few days to implement. The down side you will spend a few days the up side that you will get something that works for your needs and nothing more, i understand that you are working on embedded platform and footprint and memory usage are important, the best and optimized solution will be one you write. We invested those few days ones. and using it across different products/project and adjust/improve with the time past according to real needs. Main problem of generic solution that it usually will do sort of what you need and a lot more, this more usually just waist of resources.
I can't imagine that your platform is too small to include log4cxx and APR, neither is a large library, and even the tiniest platform is likely to have space for them.
You could just use syslog, which is provided by the C library - a syslog daemon is provided by busybox (which no doubt, you already use if you're on a really tiny platform). I don't know if busybox's syslogd can log to the network, but it has some level of flexibility. You can do log rotation using shell scripts pretty trivially.
Use klogd it reads the kernel log messages(from /proc/kmsg kernel) interface and redirect those messages to appropriate directory. you can use user configurable syslogd daemon along with klogd that will redirect kernel messages into appropriate files in /var/log/ directory.
For instance logs related to mail service will be stored in /var/log/main.log and logs related to kernel booting process will be stored in /var/log/boot.log . User can configure log parsing using syslogd configuration file.
But the use of syslogd may lead to your system performance degradation because for every log messages syslog daemon will do disk operation to store that log into appropriate file
Log sequence
Messages from kernel
---> klogd ( access messages from kernel ring buffer)-->syslogd --> /var/log/*
