store google form responses in existing sheet of a spreadsheet - google-docs

I'm new to Google forms and spreadsheets.
I know you can create a form, and send its responses into a new sheet of a Google spreadsheet.
Wondering if it is possible to store form responses in an existing sheet of a spreadsheet.
This page seems to indicate not, which seems unnecessary.
The form will be embedded in a Wordpress website.

when you create a Google Form, you are allowed to choose a response destination. It can be a new Spreadsheet or an Existing Spreadsheet, however, you do not get the liberty to choose a specific SHEET, if you know what I mean.
As a workaround, you can use arrayformula to populate the responses from the Form Response Sheet to any sheet you want.


How to copy only updated rows from Google Sheets to Excel

Currently, I'm connecting Jotform to Google sheets where information with the submissions are uploaded. We primarily use excel for the bulk of our operations and would like to connect the submissions uploaded from google sheets to excel. I can use import data from web which excel offers but it more so just copies the entire table even if you delete some rows on excel.
I want to do something similar to what zapier offers where the connection is not just a copy of the entire table and it only uploads new rows uploaded to google sheets onto excel and refreshes frequently.
Is there a way I can do this? My best bet is to use Google sheets API's? But i'm not sure where to get started.
What are "new" submissions? Excel need to know that.
You can directly import the data from jotform to Excel, no need to do it via google sheets.
Yes, even then all submissions are downloaded, that will always be the case. But not all need to be displayed. You can choose in and with Power Query what shall remain and loaded to Excel.
If you don't use a date for what you consider new, you have to store all old data in Excel as well, so Excel can see whether a submission is already downloaded before or not. You could load all data to the Data Model, where it uses very little space.
You need to learn PowerQuery for this. It is very worth it, because with little learning you can do a lot of fantastic things to your submissions and other data.

Excel Power Query with Sheet 2 of a Google Spreadsheet as source?

I've been scraping parts of a published Google Spreadsheet into Excel using Power Query. I'm not the owner of the Google Spreadsheet, so I dont have the Spreadsheet ID.
To illustrate what I've got access to, I've made a mockup here
So I want the Power Query in Excel to pull data from the second sheet, but I can't find a direct link to the sheet I want.
Is there any way to have the power query "navigate" to the second sheet so I can access the data? Any other way I can scrape whats in the second sheet?

How to search a website using a range of cells in excel to extract specific data

I'm trying to search the website "" using a column of cells and import the "Cap Hit" value back into excel in the adjacent column for each.
I'm a complete beginner when it comes to programming, so I've mostly been trying to learn from previous questions such as this one: excel macro to search a website and extract results
I'm still pretty perplexed, especially with how to extract just the specific value I'm looking for. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
I don't know which version of Excel you work with.
Anyway you can try this :
Create a new sheet.
Go to Data in the ribbon to get external data and choose "From web".
Input the url of your page ie
After a moment you should retrieve "Results" data that you can load with or without structure modifications. You now have a data table in your new sheet.
You can now access it with Vlookup or similar function, with VBA code or with formulas, to put specific data on specific cells of specific sheets like you need to.
Hope it helps.

How to push the hyperlink value to another worksheet in Excel

I have a work book in MS Excel with two work sheets. The first one is called "List Data" and it's where I store the data for the drop down menus on the second page, called "Primary Form". One of my lists are hyperlinks that I want my users to be able to click on, however the hyperlink functionality (web address, etc.) doesn't get pushed to the Primary Form. Is there a way to accomplish this?
MS Excel 365

Can we store a database in firebase, make changes and retrieve?

I have a data set in excel and I want to store it in a Firebase. I have to make changes in it like adding some columns using website and retrieve the values for the changes.
How to proceed?
If I understand your problem, You want sync your excel changes to firebase.If so,then take your data on spread sheet from excel file
you can go with Google Spread Sheets and Zapier
What you need,
1.Zapier Account
2.Google Acount
On Zapier account,make a Zap which will get data from your Spread Sheet and instert it at specified locaion on firebase
Once you have setup then it will automatically insert your sheet data to firebase. But note one thing,setup your Zap first before taking your data to spread sheet from excel beacuase Zapier will not check for existing rows.It always start checking rows after you have setup Zap
