How to remove all all options from NicEdit except Bold,Italic,UnderLine? - frontend

I've got this problem that I can't solve. Partly because I can't explain it with the right terms. I'm new to this so sorry for this clumsy question.
You can see my goal here ...
I am using NicEdit in that i am getting so many options default But i don't want that all i want set only some of specific options.
Any ideas ?

Please read the manual of nicEditor.
var NicEditconfig = {
iconsPath : '/img/nicEditorIcons.gif',
buttonList : ['bold','italic','underline','ol','ul']
var NE = new nicEditor(NicEditconfig);


How to jBox from JS?

(This is embarrassing, I should not be asking this...but I just don't see the problem...)
As part of a JS-Fn, I would like to give the user immediate feedback by opening a jBox-Tooltip that is attached to the control user is dealing with. But the control tip does not open - what am I doing wrong? I have simpified stepwise by removing params and finally even this does not do.
var x=new jBox('Tooltip',{content:"Press Escape again to clear the input-field!"});;
I started with
var x = new jBox('Tooltip',{
content:"Press Escape again to clear the input-field!",
attach: "#ipExpr",
onInit: function() {; }
NB: I've chedcked that $("#ipExpr").length==1
It seems that attaching the jBox to an element and opening it when its being initialised seems to be the problem. Can you describe what kind of behavior your looking for in detail? For example, if you like to open the jBox right away on the element with id #idExpr, you could do it like this:
var x = new jBox('Tooltip',{
content:"Press Escape again to clear the input-field!",
onInit: function() {{target: $('#ipExpr')}); }

Hiding _all_ remote methods in loopback model

I'm using loopback 3.
I have this lines of codes in my model's js (survey.js):
let enabledRemoteMethods = []
Survey.sharedClass.methods().forEach(function(method) {
console.log(, method.isStatic)
let matchingEnabledRemoteMethod = _.find(enabledRemoteMethods, {name:});
if (!matchingEnabledRemoteMethod) {
Survey.disableRemoteMethodByName(, method.isStatic);
It works.... almost. I could still see in the explorer the REST endpoint for "PATCH /surveys/{id}". My expectation is: there shouldn't be any REST endpoints listed in the explorer.
Then I examined the URL corresponding to that operation, it is:
Which, according to the documentation, means that patchAttributes is a static method.
Then I cross checked with the output in the console... there it says: pathAttributes is not static.
I even have tried adding this line:
Survey.disableRemoteMethodByName("patchAttributes", true);
Survey.disableRemoteMethodByName("patchAttributes", false);
No luck.
Can someone confirm if it's a bug in loopback 3 (I don't know about loopback 2, haven't checked)? If it's a bug I wouldn't have to spend time on it and just wait until it gets fixed. But if it's not a bug, can someone point out what's missing in my code?
UPDATE: figured out how
With this line I'm able to get rid of it:
Survey.disableRemoteMethodByName("prototype.patchAttributes", true);
The second parameter doesn't seem to matter (you can put false as well). Not sure why though (I suppose it should've accepted true only).
This is my current solution:
let disabledPrototypesRemoteMethods = ['patchAttributes']
let enabledRemoteMethods = [
"create", "findById", "replaceById", "deleteById",
Survey.sharedClass.methods().forEach(function(method) {
if (enabledRemoteMethods.indexOf( == -1) {
if (disabledPrototypesRemoteMethods.indexOf( > -1) {
Survey.disableRemoteMethodByName("prototype." +;
Still, one small detail: this thing still shows up (I suppose it provides the POST alternative for the normal PUT for the replaceById operation..., but I don't want it; I want to force user of my API to go with the PUT only):
I tried adding this line:
No luck.
Anyway... hope this useful for others; loopback doc is kind of sketchy.
You can get the prototype methods as well by looking at the stringName property. That way you can include the prototypes in your list.
The stringName includes the sharedClass name in the value, so you will need to parse that out.
module.exports = BusinessProfileContacted => {
const enabledRemoteMethods = ["create", "findById", "replaceById", "deleteById", "replaceOrCreateQuestion", "prototype.replaceAttributes"];
Survey.sharedClass.methods().forEach(method => {
const methodName = method.stringName.replace(/.*?(?=\.)/, '').substr(1);
if (enabledRemoteMethods.indexOf(methodName) === -1) {

Setting a model attribute to a value based on, but not equal to, the input in angular-formly

I'm trying to figure out how to parse a form entry to set the model attribute to something else; e.g., extracting the video ID of a youtube video from a URL input. Is there a way to use parsers/formatters (6.21 features?) to accomplish this easily? I hoped to find a good example for this, and maybe there is one somewhere, but perhaps this would make a good one if there's not.
Here is a working example of what I'm attempting to accomplish, but in multiple steps and without the use of parsers. Any help adapting the code to set model.videoID from a URL in a single step (or fewer than 3 steps, at least) would be very appreciated. Thank you for your help with this and my other past questions. :)
Wow, this was much easier than I expected to implement. Here is the modification of the JS Bin which uses parsers, recently added with angular-formly#6.21.0, to extract the video ID from a YouTube URL in one function. It also, conveniently, validates itself!
Here is the relevant code, to summarize:
key: 'vidid',
type: 'input',
parsers: [extractID],
templateOptions: {
label: 'YouTube Video',
placeholder: 'Insert video URL here'
function extractID(value) {
if (value != undefined || value != '') {
var regExp = /^.*(\/|v\/|u\/\w\/|embed\/|watch\?v=|\&v=|\?v=)([^#\&\?]*).*/;
var match = value.match(regExp);
if (match && match[2].length == 11) {
return match[2];

Missing FlashVars in Flash Professional CS5 and swfobject?

I have a Flash Professional CS5 movie which I'm trying to pass a parameter with swfobject. The problem is that movieclip's flashvar variables (under loaderInfo.parameters) is null.
Here is the swfobject code:
function loadSetupBar(connectId)
// add the setup bar to the DOM using swfobject
{{gameWidth}}, $("#top-bar").height(),
"10.0.0", "{{installSwf}}",
{connectionId : connectId },
allowFullScreen : true,
wmode : 'opaque',
allowscriptaccess: "always"
According to the swfobject documentation, everything seems to be ok.
Here's the corresponding code inside the FLA (A MovieClip with its own AS3 class):
var params : Object = root.loaderInfo.parameters;
var connectionId : String = params.connectionId;
if ( !params.hasOwnProperty('connectionId') )
// this line is always printed.
trace("[SetupBar-Error] loaderInfo parameters missing property 'connectionId'")
I'm not sure about what else to do.
EDIT: Here is a list of things I've tried that have failed:
casted root.loaderInfo to class LoaderInfo ( i.e. LoaderInfo(this.root.loaderInfo) )
passing a String literal in swfobject.embedSWF instead of param connectId
(i.e. {connectionID : 'myTestValue'})
There's a problem with the TLF TEXT control, when you add it to the stage the flashvars begins not working . just don't use it and your flashvars will work fine . i've faced the same problem and i got it solved by not using TLF TEXT control.
I hope i helped .
Best Regards
Try this:
var params:Object = LoaderInfo(this.root.loaderInfo).parameters;
var connectionID:String = params.connectionId;

MODX - Making multiple snippet calls on a page returning differeny output

I've created a snippet that pulls data from a databse table and displays it in tabular format. The snippet takes an id as parameter, and this is added to the sql query.
My problem is that if I've got more than 1 snippet call (sometimes need the tabular data for different id's displayed on a page) on the same page, all table data is the same as the last database call that's been made by the last snippet.
What do I need to do to kinda not cache the snippet database calls and have them all display their own content?
I've tried setting the page to no cache-able. Also used the [! !] brackets for the snippet calls, and even used the function_exists() method, but none of them helped.
Please can someone help me?
Try this at the end of the snippet:
mysql_connect('host', 'user', 'pass');
You need to specify the connection parameters ofcourse.
It would help to answer if you can post your snippet. I do this with multiple calls on the page without issue, so there is either something wrong inside the snippet, or you need to output to unique placeholder names.
You have encountered a glitch of ModX, and it took me a long time to solve. ModX does a lot of caching by using hashing and apparently, when multiple connections are made from within one page divided over multiple snippets, this erratic behaviour can be seen. This is most likely very unwanted behaviour, it can be solved easily but gives you terrible headache otherways.
One sympton is that $modx->getObject($classname, $id)returns null (often).
The solution is very simple:
either use a static class with a single db instance, or
use $modx->setPlaceholder($instance, $tag);, or a combination.
My solution has been:
class dt__xpdo {
private function __construct() {}
public function __destruct() {
static public function db($modx = null) {
if ($modx->getPlaceholder('dt_xpdo') == '') {
$dt_user = 'xxxxxxxxx';
$dt_pw = 'xxxxxxxxx';
$dt_host = 'localhost';
$dt_dbname = 'xxxxxxxxx';
$dt_port = '3306';
$dt_dsn = "mysql:host=$dt_host;dbname=$dt_dbname;port=$dt_port;charset=utf8";
$dt_xpdo = new xPDO($dt_dsn, $dt_user, $dt_pw);
$dt_xpdo->setPackage('mymodel', MODX_CORE_PATH.'components/mymodel/'.'model/', '');
//$modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, 'mymodel.config.php');
//$modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, 'Could not addPackage for mymodel!');
$modx->setPlaceholder('dt_xpdo', $dt_xpdo);
return $modx->getPlaceholder('dt_xpdo');
Now you can use in your code:
require_once 'above.php';
and use something like
$xpdo = dt__xpdo::db($modx);
and continue flawlessly!
