What is the difference between = and =+ in Excel [closed] - excel

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am beginner in Excel. I have a workbook in which the formula column is defined as
=+TEXT($A36,"mmm"), but even if I give =Text($A36,"mmm")
it is returning the Month.
What is the difference in using =+ and + in Excel?
Will it changes the functionality in any ways?

This is simply a legacy way of doing it. From Lotus 123 I believe. It makes absolutely no difference to the functionality.

There is no difference. It's the exact same thing.
It comes from an old syntax used in Lotus


How to stop google docs replacing parentheses? [closed]

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Closed 10 months ago.
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Is it possible to make google docs stop replacing parentheses?
Sometimes I make there cheat sheets for myself but I noticed that when I make parentheses there it places instead of which do not work in a code.
That's called smart quotes.
To turn them off, click Tools > Preferences and then unselect Use smart quotes:

what is this blank space that gets inserted in excel? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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When I open excel, the rows move down and a big blank space gets inserted. I have no idea why this is happening nor how to fix it. Any suggestions? See image below:
It's a known monitor issue, you have to check for compatibility
If you drag it about between monitors it can fix it other than that compatibility settings.

OnlyOffice DocumentServer Spreadsheet Filter Consistency [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Problem, step by step:
Create a spreadsheet
Paste a csv file
Create a sort filter
Use the sort filter (A-Z)
Close the file (wait saving process)
Open the file (BANG: some rows was erased)
I consider a serious problem (consistency) as well as the correction a determining factor for an effective use or contracting of the solution.
This problem reproduced by me: https://youtu.be/M6_sEu8_F_E
Is there any expecting for repair or an alternative solution?
This problem will fixed in version 4.2
See https://github.com/ONLYOFFICE/DocumentServer/issues/63#issuecomment-259364585 (I assume this is your issue too)

Need to remove arrow symbols from excel data [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I was given some data in excel and it looks like this:
Maps ix↵About the Author↵x↵Preface↵xi↵Ancillary
I need to remove these little arrows and replace them with a single white space. How would I do that?
Thank you.
How about: Ctrl+h (Search and Replace), enter "↵" (by copy/paste) in the search field and (blank space) in the replace field?

Indirect reference not working excel 2010 [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Im trying to create a reference using the indirect formula in excel 2010 however the reference doesn't seem to return any results.
=D53+INDIRECT("'01 07'!"&I53)
If i use the reference in a different way it works.
=D53 + '01 07'!I53
Can't seem to figure out what the problem is. In the future i need the indirect formula to reference to the current sheetname.
Thanks in advance !
Try =D53+INDIRECT("'01 07'!I53")
