Indirect reference not working excel 2010 [closed] - excel

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Im trying to create a reference using the indirect formula in excel 2010 however the reference doesn't seem to return any results.
=D53+INDIRECT("'01 07'!"&I53)
If i use the reference in a different way it works.
=D53 + '01 07'!I53
Can't seem to figure out what the problem is. In the future i need the indirect formula to reference to the current sheetname.
Thanks in advance !

Try =D53+INDIRECT("'01 07'!I53")


what is this blank space that gets inserted in excel? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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When I open excel, the rows move down and a big blank space gets inserted. I have no idea why this is happening nor how to fix it. Any suggestions? See image below:
It's a known monitor issue, you have to check for compatibility
If you drag it about between monitors it can fix it other than that compatibility settings.

How can I get data from a Table [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Can someone assist me on how can I get data from a table in Excel 2013?
I have a table named Personal:
and I want to have a control in a cell like this:
(I do not know how to add this control in a cell)
So I can select data from the table:
I googled a lot before asking here, and couldn't find how to do it.
Maybe your google foo could do with some polish. For the dropdown try DATA > Data Tools, Data Validation,
Allow: List
Source: whatever the range is for the data in your table.

What is the difference between = and =+ in Excel [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am beginner in Excel. I have a workbook in which the formula column is defined as
=+TEXT($A36,"mmm"), but even if I give =Text($A36,"mmm")
it is returning the Month.
What is the difference in using =+ and + in Excel?
Will it changes the functionality in any ways?
This is simply a legacy way of doing it. From Lotus 123 I believe. It makes absolutely no difference to the functionality.
There is no difference. It's the exact same thing.
It comes from an old syntax used in Lotus

Progress 4GL - need to select Excel worksheet by name [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Through a Progress 4GL program, I am trying to select a specific worksheet in the workbook. The worksheet name I am trying to select is called "Budget". Any ideas on how I can select this by name. Provide sample code snippet.
I haven't tried it but this should work:
CREATE "Excel.Application" chExcelApplication.
chWorkSheet = chExcelApplication:Sheets("SheetName")

Get distinct values for a string in a cell [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have a spreadsheet that looks like that:
I want to get the distinct sections, in fact the distinct first string from the section colume. I tried advanced filters however, this only gives me the whole string. Is there a excel formula to check the columes just for the first string?(Like here: bla, blub, bla1, bla2, blue)
I appreciate your answer!
In Excel, add a new column with:
=LEFT(B2,FIND(" ",B2))
that will give you the list of first words; after that you can use filters.
