Running Flash Player on Headless Linux Server - linux

Warning: I'm not that good at using Linux, so be easy on me.
I'm running a CentOS 6 x64 Server. I have a swf designed to generate complex images on command. I did a lot of searching, and the best answer I could find is install Xvfb and Flash Player to run the SWF.
So I installed Xvfb fine, and downloaded the standalone flash player debugger for Linux. I use
xvfb-run ./flashplayerdebugger screenapp.swf
to generate the image. Flash player debugger is designed for x86, and was throwing an error. I googled it, and found a page telling me to install the x86 dependencies. I did it, and the errors are gone. Unfortunately the swf doesn't seem to work on the server. For testing purposes it contacts a php file which creates a text file, so I know it's working, which works fine on my Windows computer for testing.
All it does is after I run the command is hang, after waiting a bit nothing still happens. I'm not sure if it's supposed to be like that, but it's not running the simple code I have on the swf to just load a URL
[root#ms1 ~]# xvfb-run ./flashplayerdebugger screenapp.swf
Xlib: extension "RANDR" missing on display ":99".
[3]+ Stopped xvfb-run ./flashplayerdebugger screenapp.swf
I'm no Linux expert, but the test SWF works fine on Windows, just can't get it to run on Linux. If the problem is flashplayerdebugger, how can I install the correct flash player?

Try this
xvfb-run +extension RANDR ./flashplayerdebugger screenapp.swf
Also, I found that its very useful that in Linux you can just copy-paste any console error or message by ctrl+shift+c (various for different consoles) and just google about it possible solutions.


Ubuntu - I can't lauch apps and run command with sudo

I am writing this post because after several hours of research I did not manage to find an answer.
I have been using Ubuntu 20.04 for a few months in dualboot on my original Windows. But since a few days I have not been able to launch applications (example: Chromium, Firefox, Visual Studio Code, Settings), I tried to launch them via the terminal, but I have no response, not even an error. I also cannot execute a command with sudo
After several searches I understood that it could come from gnome, I then try several subject recommend it to execute
$ killall gnome-control-center
$ gnome-control-center
When I try to kill I get no response, and when I run gnome-control-center I get the following error :Failed to register: Timeout was reached
I cannot move forward in my plans because of this problem, would you have a solution please?
This might just be that something on your system is corrupted, you might just have to copy the files you use all the time (Code, pdfs) wipe the drive and reinstall your ubuntu. Also, check if the Windows is working if that's not working it might be a problem with your computers internals.

Virtual machine "pc1" Netkit error?

I've just installed a networking simulator Called Netkit. On Debian stretch stable. Using the official installation guide here.
After setting the correct paths and installing. I then run the script.
Everything is checked OK, and it has found the terminal emulator xterm which is needed for netkit. And recieve the complete message.
[ READY ] Congratulations! Your Netkit setup is now complete!
Enjoy Netkit!
The Problem
Running netkit using the command:
vstart pc1
The xterm netkit-kernel emulator starts running. However I'm getting an infinite loop of the same error message:
ubda: can't open "home/foo/netkit/pc1.disk" failed, errno= 13
So im guessing it's because the file is missing? if so how do i obtain it? and if not, what is causing this error. I've followed the install guide completely.
I'm assuming your system is not a 32bit system. Netkit is only supported on the 32-bit architecture(unless the compatibility libraries are installed). Hence I would suggest you download a 32-bit VM(instead of installing the libraries) and run Netkit on the same(worked fine for me).
Check position of your lab-folder..

Use exec node in Node-RED while running Windows 10?

I have been trying to run the exec node in Node-RED, hoping that it would use the command prompt native to Windows 10. I would provide a command that would run a python script I have. If the command went through, my windows button would be clicked. Node-RED says "Successfully Deployed" when I run my single exec node, but the windows button does not pop up. I am concluding that Node-RED does not know how to access the Windows command prompt, which is very frustrating. Is there a way to run python scripts from Node-RED while running Windows?
In case it is relevant, I am using Node-RED to communicate with the bluetooth low energy protocols of the Lightblue Bean Arduino board. I am sure that there is not a python library for communicating with bluetooth low energy for Windows. For Mac and Linux, sure, it's implemented by Adafruit. But they say they do not have anything for Windows.
Many thanks.
I asked someone and they told me you cannot have a standalone exec node- you need to use an inject node to get everything going. I checked off "Inject once at start?" and my script ran just dandy.

Can't launch Visual Studio Code on Ubuntu

I'm running a VM in Azure with Ubuntu 14.04. I've installed XFCE and use X2GO to remote desktop to the machine.
I've downloaded the VS Code and unzipped the files. When I run Code from a terminal I get the following error:
WouterDeKort#UbuntuDev:~/tools/web/visual-studio-code$ ./Code
bash: cannot set terminal process group (-1): Inappropriate ioctl for device
bash: no job control in this shell
WouterDeKort#UbuntuDev:~/tools/web/visual-studio-code$ [ , [Error: channel closed] ]
Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
DISCLAIMER ;-) I'm a total Linux newby. I've just installed Linux for the first time today and I have no idea what I'm doing ;-)
The work-a-round is in issue 3451. After running this, I was able to launch it from Debian Jessie with LXDE over X2Go.
sudo sed -i 's/BIG-REQUESTS/_IG-REQUESTS/' /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
I have the same problem using X2GO and LXDE. Works okay (but slowly) using MobaXterm so apparently this is a problem specific to X2GO.
For anyone who still wonder what is the best choice if you want to start Visual Studio Code on a headless Ubuntu - the winning combination is:
Ubuntu Server + xfce + nomachine remote desktop
VS Code starts immediately without any hacks, you can set your resolution however you like, and nomachine is blazingly fast.

Black Console after automated Debian UEFI install

I try to build a reproducible automated build environment based on Debian 8.1 Jessie.
I created a boot iso image based on a netinstall image and put a preseed.cfg file in int for automatic installation.
I managed to get it bootable with BIOS and UEFI and can install a KDE Developer Debian in VMWare Workstation 11 fully automated.
I have also a server iso image to install a debian Server with Jenkins, both with BIOS and UEFI Boot.
But after the installation, the Version with UEFI Boot shows a black Screen when started.
I can blindly log in, start the gui with "startx" and see my installed xfce desktop. When i quit xfce the console is usable and visible.
I tried suggested bootparameters "nomodeset" and "vga=Linux" that i found with google to no avail.
I also tried to debug the boot prozess, to find out which command leads to a blank screen, but i did not find the right place to delay the processes at bootup so i can see when the messages dissapear (quiet bootparameter was removed :-)
I also tried to reset the console to no avail.
Can anybode point me to a tool that does the same "switching" like X so the console is useable?
Can anybody give me some hints how to debug the bootprocess to find out which command is causing this behaviour?
I dont want to install X because this should be a headless server system later.
I managed to get my system to boot using the kernel command line modprobe.blacklist=vmwgfx, or placing 'blacklist vmwgfx' in /etc/modprobe.d/*.conf
I assume it is some bug in the vmwgfx module, however as this workaround works for me I have no immediate need to investigate further.
