How to set a Map value in h:inputText - jsf

I'm struggling to implement a fairly trivial functionality with JSF which involves dynamically displaying the content of a nested map on a page and editing capabilities for its values. But it has turned out that the MappedValueExpression$Entry that you get when iterating over a map with c:forEach is not writable!
<c:forEach items='#{inflectionBean.word.inflectionalForms}' var="number" >
<p:fieldset legend="#{number.key}">
<c:forEach items="#{number.value}" var="case" >
<p:panel header="#{case.key}">
<h:inputText value="#{case.value}" />
When I am trying to submit the above form I'm getting:
javax.el.PropertyNotWritableException: /inflection.xhtml #39,56 value="#{case.value}": The class 'com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.jstl.core.MappedValueExpression$Entry' does not have a writable property 'value'.
I wonder if there are reasonable workarounds or if I am approaching the problem in a wrong way. Thanks!

Basically, what your code is attempting is invoking Map.Entry#setValue(value). This is indeed not possible in EL. Instead, you should be referencing the map value directly on the map itself by key, so that EL can do Map#put(key, value).
<c:forEach items="#{number.value}" var="case">
<h:inputText value="#{number.value[case.key]}" />


Is it possible to render/update a c:forEach of a map via ajax?

I believe JSF 2.2 does not iterate over Maps, so c:forEach has to be used.
I have a button that adds an object in a Map via Ajax. Afterwards, it renders the list of existing objects in the Map. I logged it, and the values are inserted well. The problem is that they are not updated/refreshed correctly in the xhtml page - well, sometimes they are, sometimes they are not.
<h:commandButton action="#{myController.addValue()}" type="submit" value="Add">
<f:ajax execute="#this input1 input2" render="#form" />
<h:panelGroup id="valuelist">
<!-- This does not refresh properly -->
<c:forEach items="#{myController.main.values}" var="entry">
#{} / #{entry.value.description}
<!-- This does refresh properly -->
<ui:repeat var="entry" value="#{myController.main.values.entrySet().toArray()}">
#{} / #{entry.value.description}
I suppose it is something related to the JSF phases. I found a solution that uses ui:repeat, but it converts the Map to an array so I am not sure it is very efficient. How could I make the c:forEach refresh properly?

Dynamically setting value of a h:selectOneMenu using c:forEach

I'm working on a project that requires me to display and be able to select and store tags to the product. Tags are provided in tree-like structure. I can't assume maximum depth of a tags tree.
I wanted to display tags split by levels, using c:forEach - p:selectManyCheckbox - f:selectItems, and handling selections using p:ajax components.
I use following types to store possible values and selections in Tree object:
HashMap<Long, ArrayList<Tag>> tree;
HashMap<Long, Object[]> selected;
Hashmap keys are equal to "tag level".
In order to display values I use following code for testing:
<p:panelGrid id="tagDisplay" columns="2">
<c:forEach begin="1" end="5" var="idx">
<p:outputLabel value="#{idx}"></p:outputLabel>
<p:selectManyCheckbox value="#{product.tags.selected[1]}">
<f:selectItems value="#{product.tags.tree[1]}" var="tag" itemLabel="#{}" itemValue="#{}" />
<p:ajax listener="#{product.selectorListener}" update="tagDisplay" />
Code seemed to work fine, though displayed five times.
Now I'm stuck trying to dynamically bind Hashmaps to selectors. As I replaced "1" with "idx", I got no results.
I tried to use ui-repeat with a dummy table, but then I lost panelgrid structure.
Any help will be appreciated!
My environment - Websphere 8.5, JSF 2.2, Primefaces 5.2
The <c:forEach begin end> is only for static iteration, not for dynamic iteration.
You'd better iterate over #{product.tags.tree} itself in <c:forEach items>. Each iteration over a Map will give Map.Entry back which in turn has getKey() and getValue() methods.
<p:panelGrid ...>
<c:forEach items="#{product.tags.tree}" var="entry" varStatus="loop">
<p:outputLabel value="#{loop.index}"></p:outputLabel>
<p:selectManyCheckbox value="#{product.tags.selected[entry.key]}">
<f:selectItems value="#{entry.value}" ... />
That said, must it really be a HashMap? Don't you rather want a fixed ordered LinkedHashMap?

JSF / Richfaces : how to retrieve the backing bean property that served as value for a inputtext

Hie all,
I have a complex form with a list of inputs (inputtext) that have been generated using a foreach over a backing bean property (list).
<c:forEach items="#{myBean.list}" var="elem">
<h:inputText value="#{elem.val}">
<a4j:ajax render="#this"/>
When one input is changed, I would like to know which one it was, so that I can proceed some immediate update on my model (ie call some update methods in a backing EJB).
I have been looking through ValueChangeEvent, AjaxBehaviorEvent, IUComponent... but did not find where I cloud get a direct reference back to my backing property...
Is there a way to achieve this ?
Thanks for help
Did you try to add a a4j:support like this?
<c:forEach items="#{myBean.list}" var="elem">
<h:inputText value="#{elem.val}">
<a4j:ajax event="onchange" listner="#{someBean.changeValue(elem)}" render="#this"/>
This way you can get, into the changeValue method, a reference to the element.

Filtering issues (no change in contents) in datatable primefaces 3.5, sorting works

Primefaces 3.5 doesn't seem to filter data at all from the datatable, oddly enough it somehow reorders them as I type, so, there must be some AJAX calls firing, but obviously not the right ones.
<h:panelGroup id="table-wrapper-component">
var="tagInfoObject" emptyMessage="No tags found with given criteria"
<prime:ajax event="filter" global="false" />
<prime:column sortBy="#{tagInfoObject.tagId}"
headerText="Identifier" filterMatchMode="contains" filterBy = "#{tagInfoObject.tagId}">
<h:outputText value="#{tagInfoObject.tagId}" />
<prime:column sortBy="#{tagInfoObject.type.tagTypeId}"
headerText="Tag Identifier" filterMatchMode="contains" filterBy ="#{tagInfoObject.type.tagTypeId}">
<h:outputText value="#{tagInfoObject.type.tagTypeId}" />
<prime:column sortBy="#{tagInfoObject.title}" headerText="Title" filterMatchMode="contains" filterBy="#{tagInfoObject.title}">
<h:outputText value="#{tagInfoObject.title}" />
<prime:column filterBy="#{tagInfoObject.description}"
filterMatchMode="contains" sortBy="#{tagInfoObject.description}"
styleClass="wrap" headerText="Component Description">
<h:outputText value="#{tagInfoObject.description}" />
Any help is appreciated! All the Beans and method calls exist and return the appropriate data, just that the filtering doesn't seem to work at all.
Also, note that sorting functions properly only filtering does not!
The issue was that you always need to wrap any filtering/sorting attributes in a data table with an h:form tag. This is not explicitly specified in the documentation of PrimeFaces, however, it is in the showcase here. I wrapped the whole thing in form tags.
So, don't forget to wrap your data tables in a form if you want any type of interaction provided by primefaces.
Your managed Bean Code will do a lot of good
Post your managed bean code.
May be you have not set the value for artifactSelectionBackingBean.filteredComponents in the managed bean

JSF2 Building Dynamic EL Expressions

I am working on creating a dynamic table using JSTL forEach and a h:dataTable and have all of the controls and potential error message showing nicely, but am now stuck on getting the value set for each of the control. I will need to create (I think) a dynamic EL expression to set the value, but have not been able to get any of my versions to work. I was hoping to build out the expression using c:out, but found out that that tag is not available in JSF2.
So, is it possible to build a dynamic expression in the page?
How can I set the expression in the backing bean if the control hasn't been built yet ?
<h:dataTable id="dtDetails" styleClass="slate_table" value="#{remediationDetail.eventList}" var="dataItem">
<c:forEach items="#{remediationDetail.eventHeaders}" var="key">
<f:facet name="header">#{key.fieldDefinition.fieldConfiguration.customLabel}</f:facet>
<h:inputText value="" id="txtNumber" styleClass="remediation_textbox error_marker" title="#{remediationDetail.errorMessages(,}">
<f:convertNumber maxFractionDigits="0" maxIntegerDigits="19"/>
As always, any help or direction is appreciated.
I was not being able to create a Dynamic EL Expression. So, I ended using the index of the c:forEach to help define what values I am looking for. The only catch for this result is that I would be expecting the data that I am about to display to have the same number of positions in the array.
<c:forEach items="#{remediationDetail.eventHeaders}" var="key" varStatus="looper">
<f:facet name="header">#{key.fieldDefinition.fieldConfiguration.customLabel}</f:facet>
<h:inputText id="txtNumber" value="#{dataItem.entityList[looper.index].val}">
<f:convertNumber maxFractionDigits="0" maxIntegerDigits="19"/>
In my case the following helped to build dynamic EL.
<ui:param name="beanName" value="myBackedBean"/>
<ui:param name="propertyName" value="field1"/>
<ui:param name="nestedPropertyName" value="field1"/>
<p:inputTextarea value="#{sessionScope[beanName][propertyName][nestedPropertyName]}"/>
Inspired of this topic
