Rendering a 3D model in matlab - graphics

I am trying to render these models in Matlab so that I can sample them and then use their shape for my research work.
My question is that: Is there a way to render 3D models, used in different 3D graphics engines, in Matlab?
I have found something similar but it only loads an obj mesh.
I have also found an answer which uses OpenGL function in a mex file to access the graphics of a figure and get the depth buffer. However what I am trying to do is to render a model within a matlab figure.

Take a look at:
I understand that it's still not completely stable, but they're working on it.
Anyway, this lets you render to a matrix and then do whatever you like with it (imshow it, imwrite it, etc.)


How do 3d engines decide where polygons go in a model?

I am trying to build my own 3d engine from a 2d one. so far everything works fine but its very inefficient due to the fact that the wire frame model has lines between every point on the shape. I've been doing some research but haven't been able to find anything regarding what dictates where polygons go for the most optimal rendering.
Here is what a cube looks like in my program:
Is there some mathematical way to remove all the extra geometry?
Any advice really helps, thanks.
Ok so after longer than I'd like to to admit I figured out that you don't need to order faces by their z coordinate, instead just take the surface normal of the shape and render only render it if it's above a value (most of the time 0) (also you'll want to use premade triangles from object files instead of assigning them to the faces yourself)

create 3d model of an equipment from 2d images

GOAL: I have to create a 3d model of a machine part. I have about 25 images of the same thing taken from different angles.
Progress: I am able to extract the coordinates for a label that is on the machine for most of the images.
Problem: but I have no idea how to proceed. I have read a bit about aero-triangulation, but I couldn't figure out how to implement it. I would really appreciate it, if you could guide me in the right direction.
It would be really helpful, if you could provide your solutions using python and opencv.
Edit: sorry but I cannot upload the code for this one as it is confidential. don't blame me please I am just an intern. Although I can tell that I cropped a template of the label from an image and then used Sift to match that template on all the images to get the coordinates of the label.
If you want to implement things yourself with OpenCV, I would command looking at SIFT (or SURF) features, RANSAC and the epipolar constraint. I believe the OpenCV cookbook describe those. Warning: math involved. And I don't know how to do dense mapping in OpenCV.
I know the GUI program "VisualSFM" that can automatically recreate 3D model from images. It uses SFM and other command line utilities behind the scenes. Since everything is opensource, you could create a python wrapper around the actual libraries (I found asking Google). VisualSFM prints the command it calls, so a hacky way could be to call the same commands from python.
If it is a simple shape and you don't want to automate it, it could be faster to model it yourself (and the result could look better). In 1.5 week I managed to learn the basics of blender and to model a guitar necklace: . And I would now be able to do it in less than 1h. How long are you ready to invest to find a solution with OpenCV?

Emulating a perspective rectangle on 2D

So, I'm currently developing a puzzle game of sorts, and I came upon something I'm not sure how to approach.
As you can see from the screenshot below, the text on the sides next to the main square is distorted along the diagonal of the quadrilateral. This is because this is not a screenshot of a 3D environment, but rather a 2D environment where the squares have been stretched in such a way that it looks like it's 3D.
I have tried using 3D perspective and changing depths, and while it solves the issue of the distorted sides, I was wondering if it's possible to fix this issue without doing 3D perspectives. Mainly because the current mesh transformation scheme took a while to get to, and converting that to something that works on 3D space is extra effort that might be avoidable.
I have a feeling this is unavoidable, but I'm curious if anyone knows a solution. I'm currently using OpenGL ES 1.
Probably not the answer you wanted, but I'd go with the 3d transformation because it will save you not only this distortion, but will simplify many other things down the road and give you opportunities to do nice effects.
What you are lacking in this scene is "perspective-correct interpolation", which is slightly non-linear, and is done automatically when you provide coordinates with depth information.
It may be possible to emulate it another way (though your options are limited since you do not have shaders available) but they will all likely be less efficient than using the dedicated functionality of your GPU. I recommend that you switch to using 3D coordinates.
Actually, I just found the answer. Turns out there's a Q coordinate which you can use to play around with trapezoidal texture distortion:
texture mapping a trapezoid with a square texture in OpenGL
Looks like it won't be as correct as doing it 3D, but I suppose it will be easier for my use right now.

3D visualization - rotating cube

I have many 3D vectors. I want to plot them in a cube so that each dimension is on a particular side of the cube.
Now, I am looking for some visualization/tool or library that lets me rotate this cube in 3D and see the vectors in various different angles.
Abhishek S
Try Processing, it is somewhat intended for data visualization and in addition to simple control over 3D drawing, it also has the full power of Java programming language. You can see numerous works, done by other people on OpenProcessing.
However, if you are into anything serious, I would suggest you to use some ohter IDE than the default one. I use Eclipse for that, importing Processing as a library into my project. It requires a tiny boilerplate to work, but then you're happy!

Easiest way to create and render 3D model by rotating a 2D silhouette

I have a black and white 2D drawing of a silhouette (say, a chess piece) that I would like to rotate around an axis to create a 3D object.
Then I want to render that 3D object from multiple angles using some sort of raytracing software, saving each angle into a separate file.
What would be the easiest way to automatically (repeatedly) 1. get a vector path from the 2d drawing 2. create the 3D model by rotating it 3. import it into the raytracer.
I haven't chosen a specific raytracer yet, but Sunflow has caught my eye.
Texturing/bump mapping would be nice but non-essential
The modeling feature you're looking for is a Lathe.
Sunflow can import 3ds files and blender files.
I've never used blender, but here's a tutorial for using the lathe to make a wine glass. You'd replace the silhouette of the wine glass with your shape:
Blender is FOSS, you can down load it here: (can't post more than one link, so you'll have to type this one in yourself :-)
I found a pretty cool site where you can do this online, interactively:
No great detail revolution but maybe you can find the code and extend it to your needs.
