Problems with environment variables - linux

I ame using Linux Mint and I have to set some new environment variables.
I edited the file bash.bashrc in etc/ appending this line:
export NDK=/home/myname/Scrivania/android-ndk
but if i write on the shell the command $NDK i get this:
bash: home/myname/Scrivania/android-ndk: File o directory non esistente

you get this error message exactly because you asked for it =)
sh#$NDK <enter>
keeping things simple such command tries to execute programs which stored inside NDK variable,
if it's what you tried to achieve then you should check that it's really exists.
if you want just to output value use:
sh#echo $NDK

$NDK is not a command. When you say $NDK at the shell prompt, then the OS tries to execute /home/myname/Scrivania/android-ndk which is probably not what you want.
Even if the directory /home/myname/Scrivania/android-ndk were to exist you would get the error you mentioned upon saying $NDK. You probably wanted to say cd $NDK or such.

type source .bashrc
in your terminal.


How to make a fish script executable in any directory?

I made the switch to Ubuntu a couple of months ago and still do not have very much experience with unix and fish aside from the basic/often used commands. For a C class that I am taking I constantly need to SSH onto a remote linux machine run by my university called Zeus. The command to ssh onto it is a bit lengthy, and I would like to be able to make the process faster with a fish script.
I wrote a file called "" that essentially just calls my ssh command, among a few other things. Currently I can only run it by calling "fish" within the directory of the file. I would like to be able to run the script from within any directory, just like any other command. IE just typing "zeus" would attempt to log me into the remote machine. I'm assuming that I have to do something with PATH. How can I do this? Thanks!
You can make an executable and put it somewhere in $PATH. However, the simplest thing is to make a zeus function. A fish function is like a function in other languages: some named block of code.
Run this: function zeus; your_long_command_goes_here ; end
Run funcsave zeus to save it permanently
Now zeus will run that command.
What this does is put a file in ~/.config/fish/functions/. You can also do that manually of course.
I think this should work.
Add this to the first line of the script:
That way it knows to execute your script with fish. Otherwise you would have to use ./scriptname or fish scriptname, to indicate you wanted fish to execute it.
Remove the .fish ending, if you want to call it just by "zeus".
Add the file to your path. In your .fishrc, write:
Okay, so I've never used fish. Apperently they don't use .fishrc, put it into your equivalent of .bashrc. Which is ~/.config/fish/ as far as I can see. Actually the line you have to write is
With XXX being the path to your file, for example copy it into a folder named bin in your home directory. Then it would be
set -x PATH $PATH $HOME/bin
Last but not least, make the file executeable by writing:
chmod +x FILENAME
It seems like an alias would be a simpler solution for you however.
In your fish equivalent of .bashrc, you can do:
function zeus
ssh username#server
This seems to be the fish equivalent of an alias. If it is just 1 line that is long, you could do it like this. Having the line inside the function. Now you could just call "zeus" from anywhere aswell.
ridiculous_fish's answer is (obviously) entirely correct, but actually complicating it a bit in my opinion.
funced zeus; and funcsave zeus
will do the same thing in one go, launching an (empty) interactive function definition prompt in the first command, instantly saving it when editing finishes. If there is already a function of that name it will show up in the editor, so it's easy to continuously tweak your functions without having to dive into (or even consider the existence of) your fish config dir.
One of the very first functions I made when picking up the shell was "func", that makes exactly those two calls (since I only rarely edit a function without the intention of saving my changes)
For simple ssh stuff and other oneliners that don't take any input or where the input ($argv) is sure to just be appended at the end of the line,
alias zeus='ssh ...'; and funcsave zeus
will do the same. Any further editing will have to go through funced though.

Add a command for bash script to terminal

I have file in my android-studio/bin folder, which I would like to use as a command in bash (like launching any other normal application).
I read somewhere that adding this line to ~/.profile should work,
export PATH=$PATH:/home/goel/android-studio/bin
But it doesn't work. Whats the correct process?
Add the script folder name to PATH environment variable in ~/bash.rc file
and you can also create alias for you script in ~/bash.rc
and source the /etc/bash.bashrc file, now you can issue your script or alias name in any terminal. Hope this helps.
If you change your PATH in a .profile, you still have to make the shell read the .profile. Starting a new terminal is sometimes not enough (some terminals don't read the .profile), in which case you have to log out and back in.
Is executable? Have you tried ./ inside its containing folder to check whether it runs at all?

Cannot set Paths and sourcing in .bash_profile

new to linux's inner workings.
I have accrued a lot of executable scripts since I started, I was told I wasted a lot of time typing their full paths every time I wanted to use them so it was suggested to add the paths into my .bash_profile so I did as follows
export $PATH
. $HOME/bin/AtomsScriptsNG/bin/src/
source $HOME/bin/AtomsScriptsNG/bin/src/
I am connecting to a cluster computer which runs on the Unix language using putty.exe (not sure if it makes a difference).
When I login with the above .bash_profile I get the following errors
-bash: export: `/home/eg205/bin/Tools/cif2cell-1.1.5:/home/eg205/bin/Tools/ctepro uts:/usr/lib64/qt-3.3/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/opt/pbs/default/bin:/home/eg205/bin:/home/eg205/bin:/home/eg205/bin/Tools': not a valid identifier
-bash: /home/eg205/bin/AtomsScriptsNG/bin/src/ No such file or directory
-bash: /export71/home/eg205/bin/AtomsScriptsNG/bin/src/ No such file or directory
I'm sure I'm making some glaring mistake... how do I set it up correctly to load the AtomsScruptsNG environment from the and look in the directories bin, cif2cell-1.1.5 and cteprouts for the scripts I run often?
try removing the $ from your export line like this:
export PATH
this will tell the shell to export the variable 'PATH' and not it's "contents/value".
One thing to have in mind concerning shells: every line you pass into a shell, either by typing or by feeding it scripts, will be executed AFTER all substitutions have been made. so everything which looks like $FOOBAR will be replaced by the contents of the variable FOOBAR.
if every variable has been succesfully replaced the whole commandline will be executed by the shell.

bash:python3.3 no such file or directory

I recently installed a /usr/local copy of python3.3.2 and when convinced it was solid, re-installed under /usr and removed the /usr/local version. When I run the executable as /usr/bin/python3.3, everything is fine but when I run it as 'python3.3' I get the message:
> python3.3
bash: /usr/local/bin/python3.3: No such file or directory
'which' finds /usr/bin/python3.3. I did a 'set -u' and 'set echo' trying to figure out what is going on without success. How is bash getting in here?
Thank you.
Steve S.
Your executable file is still remembered by the shell as if it's done with hash:
hash: hash [-lr] [-p pathname] [-dt] [name ...]
Remember or display program locations.
Determine and remember the full pathname of each command NAME. If
no arguments are given, information about remembered commands is displayed.
-r forget all remembered locations
Running hash -r without needing to restart your shell would fix that.
Update: Actually the shell also remembers it not just by running through hash. Perhaps when you try to execute it or do things like type -P prog, the shell would remember it already. This is the error I had on my test and I didn't run w:
bash: /usr/local/bin/w: No such file or directory
And hash -r fixed it.
It seems like bash is caching the previous location of python3.3 somewhere. Try closing your shell and logging in once again - that should wipe the cache and allow bash to pick up the proper location of python3.3.

Calling script from shell script - getting command not found

I am new to shell scripting. I am trying to work through this.
> script to execute in cron (
. /mnt/stor/backups/
(I also tried source /mnt/stor/backups/
> script to execute (
When is called (it does get called) it appears to simply be parsed and not executed. So no matter what I put in it I get messages like:
/mnt/stor/backups/ line 8: date: command not found
/mnt/stor/backups/ line 8: mysqldump: command not found
/mnt/stor/backups/ line 8: tar: command not found
/mnt/stor/backups/ line 8: rm: command not found
The idea is to have a domain localized file, execute it with variables, and call a master script that uses the variable to do the dirty work. Because of limitations with one of my hosts and multiple domains this is the best method.
The script with the Problem seems to be /mnt/stor/backups/ Try setting the PATH to include all the usual directories with binaries, so the script can find its tools. Or, even better, change /mnt/stor/backups/ and use absolute paths in the commands like /bin/rm instead of just 'rm'.
When running from cron, you can't rely on any variables that are normally in your login shell's profile (e.g.: PATH, CLASSPATH, etc). You have to set explicitly what you need. In your case, i'm guessing that it's the lack of a PATH variable that's causing your troubles.
It's also good practice to put full paths to the programs you're executing from an unattended script, just to make sure you really are going to run that specific command, i.e., don't rely on the path.
So instead of
for example, use
