How would one create a proper polymorphic Functor instance failing on unsafeVacuous? - haskell

When discussing Void on Haskell Libraries mailing list, there was this remark:
Back in the day it used to be implemented by an unsafeCoerce at the behest
of Conor McBride who didn't want to pay for traversing the whole Functor
and replacing its contents, when the types tell us that it shouldn't have
any. This is correct if applied to a proper Functor, but subvertible in the
presence of GADTs.
The documentation for unsafeVacuous also says:
If Void is uninhabited than any Functor that holds only values of the type Void is holding no values.
This is only safe for valid functors that do not perform GADT-like analysis on the argument.
How would such a mischievous GADT Functor instance look like? (Using only total functions of course, without undefined, error etc.)

It's certainly possible if you're willing to give a Functor instance that does not adhere to the functor laws (but is total):
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, KindSignatures #-}
import Data.Void
import Data.Void.Unsafe
data F :: * -> * where
C :: F Void
D :: F a
instance Functor F where
fmap f _ = D
wrong :: ()
wrong = case (unsafeVacuous C :: F Int) of D -> ()
Now evaluating wrong results in a run-time exception, even though the type-checker considers it total.
Because there's been so much discussion about the functoriality, let me add an informal argument why a GADT that actually performs analysis on its argument cannot be a functor. If we have
data F :: * -> * where
C :: ... -> F Something
where Something is any type that isn't a plain variable, then we cannot give a valid Functor instance for F. The fmap function would have to map C to C in order to adhere to the identity law for functors. But we have to produce an F b, for unknown b. If Something is anything but a plain variable, that isn't possible.


Can I tell GHC to arbitrarily select which instance to use, because I don't care?

I have some code like this:
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
{-# LANUAGE VariousLanguageExtensionsNoneOfWhichWorked #-}
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Either
import Data.Void
class Constructive a where
lem :: Either (a -> Void) a
instance Constructive Void where
lem = Left id
instance Num a => Constructive a where
lem = Right 0
instance Enum a => Constructive a where
lem = Right $ toEnum 0
instance Bounded a => Constructive a where
lem = Right minBound
instance Monoid a => Constructive a where
lem = Right mempty
instance Alternative f => Constructive (f a) where
lem = Right empty
The problem is, GHC complains with
Duplicate instance declarations:
instance [overlap ok] Bounded a => Constructive a
-- Defined at pad.hs:49:10
instance [overlap ok] Monoid a => Constructive a
-- Defined at pad.hs:52:10
Along with a bunch of similar errors.
Is there a way to tell GHC to pick one at random, since I don't care which it uses? (I don't even care if it picks a different one each time I use lem, since it does not matter.)
This is not really an answer to your question, more like an extended comment suggesting another route how to tackle the problem.
In Haskell the canonical solution would be to create a newtype for each of your instances, which is probably not what you want. However, I'd like to suggest you an alternative approach.
In Haskell we basically have 3 possibilities how to construct a data type:
Algebraic data types using products and coproducts (disjoint unions).
Function types.
Primitive types.
For the first part, we could use SYB or GHC Generics. If a product is empty, or has an empty factor, it maps to a -> Void. And a coproduct maps to a -> Void iff all its summands do.
A function type a -> b is constructive if both a and b are:
instance (Constructive a, Constructive b) => Constructive (a -> b) where
If x :: b is nonempty, a -> b is inhabited by const x. If a is empty then a -> b is inhabited by absurd. And if a is non-empty and b is empty, a -> b maps to Void.
All Haskell primitive types are non-empty, so they're trivially constructive.
Unfortunately it seems there is no way to tell GHC that all data types are one of these three. My suggestion would be to implement the instance for -> and then either
Try to use SYB to implement an instance for everything that implements Data. There would still be the problem how to deal with overlapping instances. Or:
Try to use GHC Generics to provide default instances for ADTs and implement instances manually for primitive types. This would mean that for every data type you'd have to still provide an empty instance implementation, with the default provided by Generics.
After writing this, I discovered AdvancedOverlap. Perhaps combining it with one of the previous approaches could lead to a nice solution.

Haskell function returning existential type

Is it possible to write a Haskell function that yields a parameterised type where the exact type parameter is hidden? I.e. something like f :: T -> (exists a. U a)? The obvious attempt:
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
data D a = D a
data Wrap = forall a. Wrap (D a)
unwrap :: Wrap -> D a
unwrap (Wrap d) = d
fails to compile with:
Couldn't match type `a1' with `a'
`a1' is a rigid type variable bound by
a pattern with constructor
Wrap :: forall a. D a -> Wrap,
in an equation for `unwrap'
at test.hs:8:9
`a' is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for unwrap :: Wrap -> D a at test.hs:7:11
Expected type: D a
Actual type: D a1
In the expression: d
In an equation for `unwrap': unwrap (Wrap d) = d
I know this is a contrived example, but I'm curious if there is a way to convince GHC that I do not care for the exact type with which D is parameterised, without introducing another existential wrapper type for the result of unwrap.
To clarify, I do want type safety, but also would like to be able to apply a function dToString :: D a -> String that does not care about a (e.g. because it just extracts a String field from D) to the result of unwrap. I realise there are other ways of achieving it (e.g. defining wrapToString (Wrap d) = dToString d) but I'm more interested in whether there is a fundamental reason why such hiding under existential is not permitted.
Yes, you can, but not in a straightforward way.
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
data D a = D a
data Wrap = forall a. Wrap (D a)
unwrap :: Wrap -> forall r. (forall a. D a -> r) -> r
unwrap (Wrap x) k = k x
test :: D a -> IO ()
test (D a) = putStrLn "Got a D something"
main = unwrap (Wrap (D 5)) test
You cannot return a D something_unknown from your function, but you can extract it and immediately pass it to another function that accepts D a, as shown.
Yes, you can convince GHC that you do not care for the exact type with which D is parameterised. Just, it's a horrible idea.
import Unsafe.Coerce
data D a = D a deriving (Show)
data Wrap where -- this GADT is equivalent to your `ExistentialQuantification` version
Wrap :: D a -> Wrap
unwrap :: Wrap -> D a
unwrap (Wrap (D a)) = D (unsafeCoerce a)
main = print (unwrap (Wrap $ D "bla") :: D Integer)
This is what happens when I execute that simple program:
and so on, until memory consumption brings down the system.
Types are important! If you circumvent the type system, you circumvent any predictability of your program (i.e. anything can happen, including thermonuclear war or the famous demons flying out of your nose).
Now, evidently you thought that types somehow work differently. In dynamic languages such as Python, and also to a degree in OO languages like Java, a type is in a sense a property that a value can have. So, (reference-) values don't just carry around the information needed to distinguish different values of a single type, but also information to distinguish different (sub-)types. That's in many senses rather inefficient – it's a major reason why Python is so slow and Java needs such a huge VM.
In Haskell, types don't exist at runtime. A function never knows what type the values have it's working with. Only because the compiler knows all about the types it will have, the function doesn't need any such knowledge – the compiler has already hard-coded it! (That is, unless you circumvent it with unsafeCoerce, which as I demonstrated is as unsafe as it sounds.)
If you do want to attach the type as a “property” to a value, you need to do it explicitly, and that's what those existential wrappers are there for. However, there are usually better ways to do it in a functional language. What's really the application you wanted this for?
Perhaps it's also helpful to recall what a signature with polymorphic result means. unwrap :: Wrap -> D a doesn't mean “the result is some D a... and the caller better don't care for the a used”. That would be the case in Java, but it would be rather useless in Haskell because there's nothing you can do with a value of unknown type.
Instead it means: for whatever type a the caller requests, this function is able to supply a suitable D a value. Of course this is tough to deliver – without extra information it's just as impossible as doing anything with a value of given unknown type. But if there are already a values in the arguments, or a is somehow constrained to a type class (e.g. fromInteger :: Num a => Integer -> a, then it's quite possible and very useful.
To obtain a String field – independent of the a parameter – you can just operate directly on the wrapped value:
data D a = D
{ dLabel :: String
, dValue :: a
data Wrap where Wrap :: D a -> Wrap
labelFromWrap :: Wrap -> String
labelFromWrap (Wrap (D l _)) = l
To write such functions on Wrap more generically (with any “ label accesor that doesn't care about a”), use Rank2-polymorphism as shown in n.m.'s answer.

Any advantage of using type constructors in type classes?

Take for example the class Functor:
class Functor a
instance Functor Maybe
Here Maybe is a type constructor.
But we can do this in two other ways:
Firstly, using multi-parameter type classes:
class MultiFunctor a e
instance MultiFunctor (Maybe a) a
Secondly using type families:
class MonoFunctor a
instance MonoFunctor (Maybe a)
type family Element
type instance Element (Maybe a) a
Now there's one obvious advantage of the two latter methods, namely that it allows us to do things like this:
instance Text Char
instance Text
type instance Element Text Char
So we can work with monomorphic containers.
The second advantage is that we can make instances of types that don't have the type parameter as the final parameter. Lets say we make an Either style type but put the types the wrong way around:
data Silly t errorT = Silly t errorT
instance Functor Silly -- oh no we can't do this without a newtype wrapper
instance MultiFunctor (Silly t errorT) t
works fine and
instance MonoFunctor (Silly t errorT)
type instance Element (Silly t errorT) t
is also good.
Given these flexibility advantages of only using complete types (not type signatures) in type class definitions, is there any reason to use the original style definition, assuming you're using GHC and don't mind using the extensions? That is, is there anything special you can do putting a type constructor, not just a full type in a type class that you can't do with multi-parameter type classes or type families?
Your proposals ignore some rather important details about the existing Functor definition because you didn't work through the details of writing out what would happen with the class's member function.
class MultiFunctor a e where
mfmap :: (e -> ??) -> a -> ????
instance MultiFunctor (Maybe a) a where
mfmap = ???????
An important property of fmap at the moment is that its first argument can change types. fmap show :: (Functor f, Show a) => f a -> f String. You can't just throw that away, or you lose most of the value of fmap. So really, MultiFunctor would need to look more like...
class MultiFunctor s t a b | s -> a, t -> b, s b -> t, t a -> s where
mfmap :: (a -> b) -> s -> t
instance (a ~ c, b ~ d) => MultiFunctor (Maybe a) (Maybe b) c d where
mfmap _ Nothing = Nothing
mfmap f (Just a) = Just (f a)
Note just how incredibly complicated this has become to try to make inference at least close to possible. All the functional dependencies are in place to allow instance selection without annotating types all over the place. (I may have missed a couple possible functional dependencies in there!) The instance itself grew some crazy type equality constraints to allow instance selection to be more reliable. And the worst part is - this still has worse properties for reasoning than fmap does.
Supposing my previous instance didn't exist, I could write an instance like this:
instance MultiFunctor (Maybe Int) (Maybe Int) Int Int where
mfmap _ Nothing = Nothing
mfmap f (Just a) = Just (if f a == a then a else f a * 2)
This is broken, of course - but it's broken in a new way that wasn't even possible before. A really important part of the definition of Functor is that the types a and b in fmap don't appear anywhere in the instance definition. Just looking at the class is enough to tell the programmer that the behavior of fmap cannot depend on the types a and b. You get that guarantee for free. You don't need to trust that instances were written correctly.
Because fmap gives you that guarantee for free, you don't even need to check both Functor laws when defining an instance. It's sufficient to check the law fmap id x == x. The second law comes along for free when the first law is proven. But with that broken mfmap I just provided, mfmap id x == x is true, even though the second law is not.
As the implementer of mfmap, you have more work to do to prove your implementation is correct. As a user of it, you have to put more trust in the implementation's correctness, since the type system can't guarantee as much.
If you work out more complete examples for the other systems, you find that they have just as many issues if you want to support the full functionality of fmap. And this is why they aren't really used. They add a lot of complexity for only a small gain in utility.
Well, for one thing the traditional functor class is just much simpler. That alone is a valid reason to prefer it, even though this is Haskell and not Python. And it also represents the mathematical idea better of what a functor is supposed to be: a mapping from objects to objects (f :: *->*), with extra property (->Constraint) that each (forall (a::*) (b::*)) morphism (a->b) is lifted to a morphism on the corresponding object mapped to (-> f a->f b). None of that can be seen very clearly in the * -> * -> Constraint version of the class, or its TypeFamilies equivalent.
On a more practical account, yes, there are also things you can only do with the (*->*)->Constraint version.
In particular, what this constraint guarantees you right away is that all Haskell types are valid objects you can put into the functor, whereas for MultiFunctor you need to check every possible contained type, one by one. Sometimes that's just not possible (or is it?), like when you're mapping over infinitely many types:
data Tough f a = Doable (f a)
| Tough (f (Tough f (a, a)))
instance (Applicative f) = Semigroup (Tough f a) where
Doable x <> Doable y = Tough . Doable $ (,)<$>x<*>y
Tough xs <> Tough ys = Tough $ xs <> ys
-- The following actually violates the semigroup associativity law. Hardly matters here I suppose...
xs <> Doable y = xs <> Tough (Doable $ fmap twice y)
Doable x <> ys = Tough (Doable $ fmap twice x) <> ys
twice x = (x,x)
Note that this uses the Applicative instance of f not just on the a type, but also on arbitrary tuples thereof. I can't see how you could express that with a MultiParamTypeClasses- or TypeFamilies-based applicative class. (It might be possible if you make Tough a suitable GADT, but without that... probably not.)
BTW, this example is perhaps not as useless as it may look – it basically expresses read-only vectors of length 2n in a monadic state.
The expanded variant is indeed more flexible. It was used e.g. by Oleg Kiselyov to define restricted monads. Roughly, you can have
class MN2 m a where
ret2 :: a -> m a
class (MN2 m a, MN2 m b) => MN3 m a b where
bind2 :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
allowing monad instances to be parametrized over a and b. This is useful because you can restrict those types to members of some other class:
import Data.Set as Set
instance MN2 Set.Set a where
-- does not require Ord
return = Set.singleton
instance Prelude.Ord b => MN3 SMPlus a b where
-- Set.union requires Ord
m >>= f = Set.fold (Set.union . f) Set.empty m
Note than because of that Ord constraint, we are unable to define Monad Set.Set using unrestricted monads. Indeed, the monad class requires the monad to be usable at all types.
Also see: parameterized (indexed) monad.

Why is Identity monad useful?

I often read that
It seem that identity monad is useless. It's not... but that's another
So can anyone tell my how is it useful?
Identity is to monads, functors and applicative functors as 0 is to numbers. On its own it seems useless, but it's often needed in places where one expects a monad or an (applicative) functor that actually doesn't do anything.
As already mentioned, Identity allows us to define just monad transformers and then define their corresponding monads just as SomeT Identity.
But that's not all. It's often convenient to also define other concepts in terms of monads, which usually adds a lot of flexibility. For example Conduit i m o (also see this tutorial) defines an element in a pipeline that can request data of type i, can produce data of type o, and uses monad m for internal processing. Then such a pipeline can be run in the given monad using
($$) :: Monad m => Source m a -> Sink a m b -> m b
(where Source is an alias for Conduit with no input and Sink for Conduit with no output). And when no effectful computations are needed in the pipeline, just pure code, we just specialize m to Identity and run such a pipeline as
runIdentity (source $$ sink)
Identity is also the "empty" functor and applicative functor: Identity composed with another functor or applicative functor is isomorphic to the original. For example, Lens' is defined as a function polymorphic in a Functor:
Functor f => (a -> f a) -> s -> f s
roughly speaking, such a lens allows to read or manipulate something of type a inside s, for example a field inside a record (for an introduction to lenses see this post). If we specialize f to Identity, we get
(a -> Identity a) -> s -> Identity s
which is isomorphic to
(a -> a) -> s -> s
so given an updating function on a, return an updating function on s. (For completeness: If we specialize f to Const a, we get (a -> Const b a) -> s -> Const b s, which is isomorphic to (a -> b) -> (s -> b), that is, given a reader on a, return a reader on s.)
Sometimes I work with records whose fields are optional in some contexts (like when parsing the record from JSON) but mandatory in others.
I solve that by parametrizing the record with a functor, and using Maybe or Identity in each case.
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
data Query f = Query
_viewName :: String
, _target :: f Server -- Server is some type, it doesn't matter which
deriving (Generic)
The server field is optional when parsing JSON:
instance FromJSON (Query Maybe)
But then I have a function like
withDefaultServer :: Server -> Query Maybe -> Query Identity
withDefaultServer = undefined
that returns a record in which the _target field is mandatory.
(This answer doesn't use anything monadic about Identity, though.)
One use of it is as a base monad for monad transformer stacks: instead of having to provide two types Some :: * ->* and SomeT :: (* -> *) -> * -> *, it is enough to provide just a latter by setting type Some = SomeT Identity.
Another, somewhat similar use case (but completely detached from the whole monad business) is when you need to refer to tuples: we can say () is a nullary tuple, (a, b) is a binary tuple, (a, b, c) is a ternary tuple, and so on, but what does that leave for the unary case? Saying a is a unary tuple for any choice of a is often not satisfactory, for example when we are building some typeclass instances like Data.Tuple.Select, some type constructor is needed to act as the unambiguous key. So by adding e.g. Sel1 instances to Identity a, it forces us to distinguish between (a, b) (a two-tuple containing an a and a b), and Identity (a, b) (a one-tuple containing a single (a, b) value).
(Note that Data.Tuple.Select defines its own type called OneTuple instead of reusing Identity, but it is isomorphic to Identity—in fact, it's just a rename away—and I think it only exists to avoid a non-base dependency.)
One real use-case is to be a (pure) base of monad transformers stack, e.g.
type Reader r = ReaderT r Identity

How does one statisfy a class constraint in an instance of a class that requires a type constructor rather than a concrete type?

I'm currently in Chapter 8 of Learn you a Haskell, and I've reached the section on the Functor typeclass. In said section the author gives examples of how different types could be made instances of the class (e.g Maybe, a custom Tree type, etc.) Seeing this, I decided to (for fun and practice) try implementing an instance for the Data.Set type; in all of this ignoring, of course.
The actual instance itself is pretty straight-forward, and I wrote it as:
instance Functor Set.Set where
fmap f empty = Set.empty
fmap f s = Set.fromList $ map f (Set.elems s)
But, since I happen to use the function fromList this brings in a class constraint calling for the types used in the Set to be Ord, as is explained by a compiler error:
Error occurred
ERROR line 4 - Cannot justify constraints in instance member binding
*** Expression : fmap
*** Type : Functor Set => (a -> b) -> Set a -> Set b
*** Given context : Functor Set
*** Constraints : Ord b
See: Live Example
I tried putting a constraint on the instance, or adding a type signature to fmap, but neither succeeded (both were compiler errors as well.)
Given a situation like this, how can a constraint be fulfilled and satisfied? Is there any possible way?
Thanks in advance! :)
Unfortunately, there is no easy way to do this with the standard Functor class. This is why Set does not come with a Functor instance by default: you cannot write one.
This is something of a problem, and there have been some suggested solutions (e.g. defining the Functor class in a different way), but I do not know if there is a consensus on how to best handle this.
I believe one approach is to rewrite the Functor class using constraint kinds to reify the additional constraints instances of the new Functor class may have. This would let you specify that Set has to contain types from the Ord class.
Another approach uses only multi-parameter classes. I could only find the article about doing this for the Monad class, but making Set part of Monad faces the same problems as making it part of Functor. It's called Restricted Monads.
The basic gist of using multi-parameter classes here seems to be something like this:
class Functor' f a b where
fmap' :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
instance (Ord a, Ord b) => Functor' Data.Set.Set a b where
fmap' =
Essentially, all you're doing here is making the types in the Set also part of the class. This then lets you constrain what these types can be when you write an instance of that class.
This version of Functor needs two extensions: MultiParamTypeClasses and FlexibleInstances. (You need the first extension to be able to define the class and the second extension to be able to define an instance for Set.)
Haskell : An example of a Foldable which is not a Functor (or not Traversable)? has a good discussion about this.
This is impossible. The purpose of the Functor class is that if you have Functor f => f a, you can replace the a with whatever you like. The class is not allowed to constrain you to only return this or that. Since Set requires that its elements satisfy certain constraints (and indeed this isn't an implementation detail but really an essential property of sets), it doesn't satisfy the requirements of Functor.
There are, as mentioned in another answer, ways of developing a class like Functor that does constrain you in that way, but it's really a different class, because it gives the user of the class fewer guarantees (you don't get to use this with whatever type parameter you want), in exchange for becoming applicable to a wider range of types. That is, after all, the classic tradeoff of defining a property of types: the more types you want to satisfy it, the less they must be forced to satisfy.
(Another interesting example of where this shows up is the MonadPlus class. In particular, for every instance MonadPlus TC you can make an instance Monoid (TC a), but you can't always go the other way around. Hence the Monoid (Maybe a) instance is different from the MonadPlus Maybe instance, because the former can restrict the a but the latter can't.)
You can do this using a CoYoneda Functor.
data CYSet a where
CYSet :: (Ord a) => Set.Set a -> (a -> b) -> CYSet b
liftCYSet :: (Ord a) => Set.Set a -> CYSet a
liftCYSet s = CYSet s id
lowerCYSet :: (Ord a) => CYSet a -> Set.Set a
lowerCYSet (CYSet s f) = Set.fromList $ map f $ Set.elems s
instance Functor CYSet where
fmap f (CYSet s g) = CYSet s (f . g)
main = putStrLn . show
$ lowerCYSet
$ fmap (\x -> x `mod` 3)
$ fmap abs
$ fmap (\x -> x - 5)
$ liftCYSet $ Set.fromList [1..10]
-- prints "fromList [0,1,2]"
