Getting Image in Python Without Modules And Python Details - python-3.x

1)I am new to programming and was wondering how one would go about getting an image from a file location to the screen in python without having to import any modules (if this is possible).
2)Maybe what I am really asking is for a tutorial or an advance tutorial on python, computer programming in general, or maybe some tutorials in computer science. Some direction and guidance on where I can answer all of my question about what is part of the python programming language and what is made for quick and easy coding would be appreciated. (An example question of what I would liked answered is "can I make every built in and downloadable python module using just python code or is lower level coding needed and if no lower level coding is needed what is the python code to make these really cool modules"?)
(I took a beginners class in python and have become extremely fond of computers ever since. Now I have been teaching myself C++ and Java and just want to understand the details behind these languages and want to understand how computer scientist and software engineers create the things they do so sorry if I ask a lot of questions.)

1) Of course it's not possible. You can open the image file, but to render it on the screen you need some sort of graphical toolkit, and you need to import modules to do that.
In fact, only the absolutely most common things are, as it's called, "built in" in Python. You need to import a lot in Python, and there is no reason for you not to do this, so the question in itself doesn't make sense.
2) There are tons of tutorials that do what you want. One of the most popular ones are "Learn Python the Hard Way". I've looked at it briefly and it seems good.


Planned self-learning curriculum?

I'm currently taking a year off between high school and college. I'm working as a junior IT technician, so I'm getting plenty of experience on the hardware side of things. I want to use this year off to also get started on some programming; I have experience in Visual basic from high school courses, but want to further my learning before going to school. Now, obviously I will not be able to become overly proficient in all of these, but these are the languages that I plan on learning over the course of the next few years:
Ruby (on Rails)
(Objective) C__ (I'll research my college program and see what C they use, and learn that)
Will being proficient in these languages give me a good base to work from? I tried to pick a selection of languages that seem to offer good employability, ability to develop on a number of platforms (desktop, web, mobile), and ones that are currently popular and sought-after.
Am I missing anything? Does anyone see anything important that I've missed, things I've picked that are a waste of time, or otherwise?
Thanks a lot guys.
I don't know if you've read the Pragmatic Programmer (a great read) But there's a section in there on expanding your knowledge portfolio, and they suggest learning one language a year, and I must confess I agree with them.
So I would work out what you want to write, and then pick the language that fulfills the requirements you want. And as you're going to college, I would also consider what language that the course you're attending is going to be teaching. I'd most certainly place my effort in to learning that language.
I'd also recommend (assuming they're going to let you use linux) learning a scripting language, such as BASH, and learn to create make or build files in your chosen environment, it's a heck of a lot easier than remembering compiler options.
Python is good to start with and then do Java. It would be enough for a starter on my opinion.
If you thought of learing php instead then learn mysql too. And more over you have overall missed the database. :(
Atleast learn my sql or ms sql of your choice.

How do I start contributing to GNOME?

How do I start contributing to GNOME? I can program in C++ and Python, but have never touched C. I am not familiar with GTK even.
To be honest, I have no idea how GNOME works. All I have is a deep desire to somehow contribute to it.
Where do you recommend do I start? Any tutorial, mailing list or anything. I am ready to do the hard work, I just need a direction.
PS: I could have googled for the problem, but nothing beats the experience I have seen since Google returns SO for most of the questions.
Visit Join GNOME.
Figure out what you want to do for them
If it's development, then:
learn C and GTK
checkout the source code
browse through the bug-tracker to find a reasonably sized task and ask for help of more senior committers to tell you what is at your level
fix it and submit a patch
wait for roses and glory
But maybe you can help with other things, as mentioned on Join GNOME
Design / Artworks
Technical Documentation (review, proofreading)
Best of luck and thank you for trying to contribute.
Be sure to check out GNOME Love as well. It's a site aimed at getting people started with GNOME.
You may find it handy and useful by creating new extensions for Gnome shell.
There are a lot of extensions on It requires JavaScript programming. It will also give you insights of how things work in Gnome.
start simple program with below manual.
The GTK+ tutorial
GTK+ 2 Reference Manual
GTK+ 3 Reference Manual
show your program here: (Project Showcase)
also to note:
you don't have to learn C (even though it's a good idea). You can use PyGtk for GTK development in python (but i won't recommend that because of the speed of python).
GTK bindings for c++ also exit it's called gtkmm. It have binding for many other librays (Cluttermm, Cairomm, Pangomm).
there are bindings for A LOT of languages but native C is the best solution.
I would recommend learning vala because of it's ease of use but also because of it's speed (but that's just personal preference).
also check the gnome-devel-demo out. can be useful

Why can't I keep 2 languages in my head at the same time? [closed]

It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center.
Closed 10 years ago.
At home I'm working on a large personal project written in Java. I recently found employment as a C# developer.
After an 8 hour workday reading C# code, I find it very hard to switch back to Java at home. Actually, my home project stalled almost completely since I've been employed.
At first I thought I'd have to wait for vacation to actually switch back to Java, but even after a week of not having C# on the brain, I did not manage to come into Java-mood again. I do not want to admit that my home project died, but I can't really see a way to overcome this issue.
If it's that bad, can you start the project again in C#? It may be quicker than waiting for your java-mood to return. It should be quicker than starting from scratch, as you've coded the logic and domain already, so you may be able to translate-and-type your way through that bit.
Use a good (and comparable) IDE in both. I switch between C# and Java, and find the combination of Visual Studio with JetBrains ReSharper for C# and IntelliJ Idea for Java makes this straightforward.
Celebrate the differences - I find a spell in C# helps my Java and vice versa. Differences in, for example, the collection frameworks just help you understand the implementations in each language more deeply.
Use the similarities to your advantage. Syntactically, the differences are not great. You should be writing code, not writing C# or writing Java. As Steve McConnell would put it, "code into the language and not in the language" (or something like that - think it's from Code Complete).
In fact, read Code Complete if you haven't already - great training for flipping between languages.
I suppose you could call this the habitual time to recovery,.
It can help to generalize to: programming logic knowledge + syntax and API = Language Knowledge ... because ...
Human beings are creatures of habit and build efficient work methods, memories and psychology based on environments and tasks we perform most often. This is a good thing.
I recently spent alot of time programming in Python, after being almost 100% C for a long time. I picked up Python quite easily and now am switching back to C. To my surprise, the problems I thought I would encounter (missing semi-colons, the random impulse to indent) were not there.
I concluded this is because:
While I was programming Python, I was frequently (daily) looking at the C source of other projects to remember the ones I didn't document too well. Because my C projects fit in with the Python stuff.
I was always looking at the C implementation of some of the Python stuff
I guess the trick is to relate new skills to old skills so that when you conduct tasks in the new skillset, your brain is still thinking about the old skills and how they related. Many theorise that learning is based on this relational foundation in your mind, and knowing about it can help you reduce the learning curve and time to recovery.
Think of it like a relational database. When you do something new, create a forign key and normalize things out. Don't create a whole new table or database.
Learn a generalization of programming logic and build on that with just the changes between languages. You will learn/switch faster.
Sorry for the bad RDBMS analogy
Your brain is full.
Full Brain
Firstly, if you've put in an 8 hour day programming in any language, it may not be switching languages so much as just needing a break from programming. I can only speak for myself, and I know some SO'ers may feel otherwise, but I often need a break from programming after a full work day of doing it.
Currently I prefer to program in Python, but my job wants me to do shell scripting, Java, JavaScript, PHP, and IDL (that's Interactive Data Language, not Interface Description Language). So, I try to do some Python at home to keep those skills from atrophying. What I find (in addition to often needing a break as mentioned above) is that I get my languages confused a lot when I first switch from one to another. It's easy at that point to give up, but I find that as I get mentally deeper into programming with a given language I make fewer mistakes from the language confusion. So, maybe if you can just push past that first reluctance to use Java, you'll have success. YMMV, of course, and good luck!
This is because of something in psychology called the interference effect, or Stroop Effect. The two tasks are closely related (programming) so the knowledge brought into your mind by one language interferes with the knowledge brought into your mind by the other language.
Here's a cute example of a simple task that is hard to do because of this effect:
Switching between two different frameworks is very hard to do. It's even harder if you haven't been doing them for very long.
The question, I think, has to come back to you in that you should ask yourself what you prefer now. If you still like Java and want to keep your skills up in Java, you will probably need to spend more time with it on a semi-daily basis. Working with it on nights and weekends and making sure there are no long breaks in between.
If you prefer C# now and really have no interest in persuing Java, I would convert the project at home to C# as that can only make you a better C# programmer and make you better at your day job.
I wonder if it's related to the similarities between those particular languages. Granted I've not actually used C#, but it seems pretty similar to Java. The similarities might make it difficult to context switch from work to hobby. Maybe you could learn and switch to Python, Haskell, Lisp, etc. for your personal project.
You could try spending some time programming in a completely different language in your spare time. For example, write something in Haskell, Prolog, Mercury, Oz, or Factor.
When (if?) you come back to Java, its similarities to C# will be much more striking than its differences.
That is normal. It may be a problem of Cognitive Flexibility and Inflexibility. It happens with human speech too.
Check yourself. If you are getting too tired to work at home after your regular 8 hour workday reading C# code, and also you want so much to finish your project, and now you find difficult to code in java, you may be suffering from anxiety. If you take some energy drink, coffee, cola, then you are favoring anxiety.
There are exercises for keeping yourself Cognitive Flexible. One of them is to switch for a while (couple of minutes) to Java instead of spending so much time in C#. It is like when you are programming in Java and have to switch to SQL, then to HTML. You are being flexible and switching.
Good luck.
As I answer this i feel I need to make some assumptions here based on personal experience. I write code in C++ or c# on side projects while at work am forced to dangle between php and python
There was a time i was without a steady day job and kept pretty busy on side projects.
When i landed my day job the enthusiasm i had for my side projects dwindled based on two major factors... Like you i was at my job 8 to 9 hrs a day.
2ndly i had an increased steady source of additional revenue so the motivation to code just to earn a living drastically reduced and i found myself more and more opting not to take up any new projects after work coz i jus wasnt in the mood anymore.
I also discovered that with this new attitude i started making rookie mistakes when coding in c++ unlike before. After changing my attitude things picked up again.
My best guess is that you are going through the same thing that i was going through. I suggest you find new ways to get motivated once you leave work and you will find it easier to continue programming in java.
I have a similar thing at work. I write code in JavaScript and c# but at home I write code in Python and JavaScript.
I have sometimes caught myself writing python style code in c# and then getting my tests failing. I agree with Nat that working in a language that is totally different from your work language will help you see the similarities and that they only differences will be where the libraries exist!
You know when you are overworked: it's when you try to find F1 key in the elevator cabin to launch it up!
I think java is for the diligent, and .net is for the lazy.
Perhaps someone would be angry for that,but I wanna say I am a .Neter.The .net syntax is less strict than the java's.In fact in the source code of .net,there is some simplify.
for example,we can use Convert.toDateTime(string) to Convert a String to DateTime directly.
But in java,we should make the difinition of the string's format such as "yyyy-dd-mm" then we can convert.

Learning a language while on a project? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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Have you ever tried learning a language while on a project? I have, and from my personal experience I can say that it takes courage, effort, time, thinking, lots of caffeine and no sleep. Sometimes this has to be done without choice, other times you choose to do it; if you are working on a personal project for example.
What I normally do in this kind of situation, and I believe everyone does, is "build" on top of my current knowledge of languages, structures, syntax and logic. What I find difficult to cope with, is the difference of integrity in some cases. Some languages offer a good background for future learning and "language study", they pose as a good source of information or a frame of reference and can give a "firm" grasp of what's to come. Other languages form or introduce a new way of thinking and are harder to get used to.
Sometimes you unintentionally think in a specific language and when introduced to a new way of thinking, a new language, can cause confusion or make you get lost between the "borders" of your new and your current knowledge of languages.
What can be a good solution in this case? What should be used to broaden the knowledge of the new language, a new way of thinking, and maintain or incorporate the current knowledge of other languages inside the "borders" of the new language?
I find I need to do a project to properly learn a language, but those can be personal projects. When I learned Python on the job, I first expected (and found) a significant slowdown in my productivity for a while. I read the standard tutorials, coding standards and I lurked on the Python list for a while, which gave me a much better idea of the best practices of the language.
Doing things like coding dojos and stuff when learning a language can help you get a feel for things. I just recently changed jobs and went back to Java, and I spent some time working on toy programs just to get back in the feel for things (I'm also reading Effective Java, 2nd edition as my previous major experience had been with Java 1.4).
I think, in some respects no matter what the impetus for learning the language, you have to start by imitating good patterns in the new language. Whether that means finding a good book, with excellent code examples, good on-line tutorials, or following the lead of a more experienced developer, you have to absorb what it means to write good code in a particular language first. Once you have developed a level of comfort, you can start branching out and and experimenting with alternatives to the patterns that you've learned, looking for ways to apply things you've learned from other languages, but keeping within the "rules" of the language. Eventually, you'll get to the point where you know you can 'break the rules" that you learned earlier because you have enough experience to know when they do/don't apply.
My personal preference, even when forced to learn a new language, is to start with some throw away code. Even starting from good tutorials, you'll undoubtedly write code that later you will look back on and not understand how stupid you could have been. I prefer, if possible, to write as my first foray into a language code that will be thrown away and not come back to haunt me later. The alternative is to spend a lot of time refactoring as you learn more and more. Eventually, you'll end up doing this, too.
I would like to mention ALT.NET here
Self-organizing, ad-hoc community of developers bound by a desire to improve ourselves, challenge assumptions, and help each other pursue excellence in the practice of software development.
So in the spirit of ALT.NET, it is challenging but useful to reach out of your comfort zone to learn new languages. Some things that really helped me are as follows:
Understand the history behind a language or script. Knowing evolution helps a lot.
Pick the right book. Research StackOverflow and to find the right book to help you ease the growing pains.
OOP is fairly common in most of the mature languages, so you can skip many of the chapters related to OOP in many books. Syntax learning will be a gradual process. I commonly bookmark some quick handy guides for that.
Read as many community forums as possible to understand the common pitfalls of the new language.
Attend some local meetups to interact with the community and share your pains.
Take one pitch at a time by building small not so complicated applications and thereby gaining momentum.
Make sure you create a reference frame for what you need to learn. Things like how security, logging, multithreading are handled.
Be Open minded, you can be critical, but if you hate something then do not learn that language.
Finally, I think it is worthwhile to learn one strong languages like C# or Java, one functional language and one scripting language like ruby or python.
These things helped me tremendously and I think will help all software engineers and architects to really gear for any development environment.
I learned PHP after I was hired to be the project lead on the Zend Framework project.
It helped that I had 20 years of professional programming background, and good knowledge of C, Java, Perl, JavaScript, SQL, etc. I've also gravitated towards dynamic scripting languages for most of my career. I've written applications in awk, frameworks in shell, macro packages in troff, I even wrote a forum using only sed.
Things to help learn a language on the job:
Reading code and documentation.
Listening to mailing lists and blogs of the community.
Talking to experts in the language, fortunately several of whom were my immediate teammates.
Writing practice code, and asked for code reviews and coaching.(Zend_Console_Getopt was my first significant PHP contribution).
Learning the tools that go along with the language. PHPUnit, Xdebug, phpDoc, phing, etc.
Of course I did apply what I knew from other programming languages. Many computer science concepts are language-universal. The differences of a given language are often simply idiomatic, a way of stating something that can be done another way in another language. This is especially true for languages like Perl or PHP, which both borrow a lot of idioms from earlier languages.
It also helped that I took courses in Compiler Design in college. Having a good foundation in how languages are constructed makes it easier to pick up new languages. At some level, they're all just ways of abstracting runtime stacks and object references.
If you're a junior member of the team and don't know the language, this is not necessarily an issue at all. As long as there is some code review and supervision, you can be a productive.
Language syntax is one issue, but architectural differences are a more important concern. Many languages are also development platforms, and if you don't have experience with the platform, you don't know how to create a viable solution architecture. So if you're the project lead or working solo, you'd better have some experience on the platform before you do your design work.
For example, I would say an experienced C# coder with no VB experience would probably survive a VB.NET project just fine. In fact, it would be more difficult for a developer who only had experience in C#/ASP.NET to complete a C# WPF project than a VB ASP.NET project. An experienced PHP developer might hesitate a bit on a ColdFusion project, but they probably won't make any serious blunders because they are familiar with a script based web development architecture.
Many concepts, such as object modelling and database query strategies, translate just fine between languages. But there is always a learning curve for a new platform, and sometimes it can be quite nasty. The worst case is that the project must be thrown out because the architure is too wrong to refactor.
I like to learn a new language while working on a project, because a real project will usually force me to learn aspects of the language that I might otherwise skip. One of the first things I like to to is read code in that language, and jump in. I find resources (such as books and various internet sites) to help as I go along.
Then, after I've been working on it for a while, I like to read (or re-read) books or other resources on the language. By this time I have some knowledge, so this will help solidify some things and also point out areas where I am flat-out wrong in my understanding. For instance, I can see that I was making incorrect assumptions about similarities between languages.
This also applies to tools -- after using a tool for a while and learning the basics, reading (or skimming) the documentation can teach me a lot.
In my opinion, you should try to avoid that. I know, most of the times you can't but in any case try not to mix the new language with the old one, and never add to the mixture old habits, practices and patterns.
Always try to find resources that will help you get through the new language in the way the language works, not in the way other languages do; that will never have a happy ending, and if it does it will be very hard to modify it to the right way.
Yes I have.
I mean, is there another way? The only language I ever learned that was not on a project was ABC basic, which was what you used on my first computer.
I would recommend if you start with a certain language, stick with it. I only say that because many times in the past I tried more and more different ones, and the one I started out with was the best :D
Everytime I have/want to learn a new language, I force myself to find something to code.
But to be sure I did it well, I always want to be able to check my code and what it ouputs.
To do so, I just try to do the same kind of stuff with languages I know and to compare the outputs. For that, I created a little project (hosted on Github) with an exercise sheet and the correction for every language I learnt. It's a good way to learn in my opinion because it gives you a real little project.

Reference material for LabVIEW [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm supposed to learn how to use LabVIEW for my new job, and I'm wondering if anybody can recommend some good books or reference/tutorial web sites.
I'm a senior developer with lots of Java/C#/C++ experience.
I realize that this question is perhaps more vague than is intended on stack overflow, so how about this? Please answer with one book or web site and a brief description. Then people can vote up their favourites.
It will take some training and some time to learn the style needed to develop maintainable code.
Coming from Java/C#/C++, you probably have a good idea of good software architecture. Now you just need to learn the peculiarities of LabView and the common pitfalls.
For the basics, National Instruments offers training courses. See if your new employer can send you to a Basics I/II class to get your feet wet. They offer some online classes as well. Following classes, you can sign up to take tests for certification.
Get an evaluation copy of Labview from National Instruments; they have a well maintained help file that you can dive right into, with example code included. Look at "Getting Started" and "LabVIEW Environment". You should be able to jump right in and become familiar with the dev environment pretty quickly.
LabVIEW, being graphical is nice, but don't throw out your best practices from an application design point of view. It is common to end up with code looking like rainbow sphaghetti, or code that stretches several screens wide. Use subvi's and keep each vi with a specific purpose and function.
The official NI support forums and knowledgebase are probably the best resources out there at the moment.
Unofficial sites like Tutorials in G have a subset of the information found on the official site and documentation, but still may be useful for cross reference if you get stuck.
Edit: Basics I/II are designed to be accessible to users without prior software development experience. Depending on how you feel after using the evaluation version, you may be able to move directly into Intermediate I/II. NI has the course outlines available on their website as well, so you know what you're going to cover in each.
LabVIEW for Everyone is recently revised and quite comprehensive. Other than the free stuff available on the Web, this is probably the best place to start learning the language.
The LabVIEW Style Guide is a great book on how to organize and arrange your code and files for maximum benefit.
Object oriented programming is a recent addition to LabVIEW. The LVOOP white paper explains much about how it works and why the way it is the way it is.
It's a bit out of date, but LabVIEW Advanced Programming Techniques by Bitter, Mohiuddin and Nawrocki is still full of useful stuff.
The National Instruments forums are a great place to go for basic help. The LabVIEW Advanced Virtual Architects (LAVA) is the community forum for advanced topics.
Tutorials in G, also check out the webring.
The official NI support page and support forums are hard to beat.
It really helps having a guru around for LabVIEW.
'Arc the daft' pretty much nailed exactly what one should try to do to learn LabVIEW. However, I would not skip Basic's I and II. The classes do teach basic programming concepts and are geared to non-programmers, however they do cover the IDE extensively. The LabVIEW IDE is strange coming from a text based language and spending the time in the class learning it with an instructor can really accelerate your learning.
I would skip Intermediate 1 if you are a seasoned developer. Intermediate 1 tries to teach software engineering practices in the span of a three day course. If you are studying to get your CLD you need to know the course and the terminology for the exam, otherwise I wouldn't spend my time or capital in the course.
Subscribe to the Info-LabVIEW mailing list. It's got a lot quieter in recent times as the NI and LAVA forums have grown in popularity, but it's still read by some very experienced and helpful people, including people at NI, and if you can't find what you need elsewhere then a good question will usually get a good answer.
The NI style guide, as already mentioned, is a good reference - re-read it as you learn about more of the things it covers, it contains some densely packed good advice.
Personal top tips: look at the supplied example code (although it's not necessarily perfect); learn to use queues and notifiers as soon as possible; don't dive in to using event structures and control references until you've figured out what you can and can't do without them; and start small and simple - you should find it easy to reuse this code later on by repackaging it into subVI's as the scope of your ambitions increases. And have fun!
For me the best way to learn LabVIEW was by analyzing the in-build examples. The best forums are NI Developer Zone Community and LAVA Forums
LabVIEW is really easy to work with but the tricky bit is to know how to design your application so that it will not becaome a spaghetti. Once you get the basics (e.g. LabVIEW Introduction Course) learn how to use design patterns, events, queues, typedefs and references. Use modular architecture, avoid big structures, try 'writing' your code in small window.
It is also important to know the differences between LabVIEW versions (full/pro, and ver 7.1.1, 8.2, 8.5, 8.6, 2009), how to use version control system with the vi's (binary files), and how to keep your files in project so that you can easily reuse any code and be "DRY" (don't repeat yourself), how to build executable and what LabVIEW RunTime Engine it needs (for customers), what is DAQmx and how to use it, what are VISA drivers and which version is correct for you settings, how to use Measurements & Automation program..
When I started with LabVIEW a few years ago I was given a link to the LabVIEW Graphical Programming Course. It covers the basics and having a sound knowledge of other programming languages I think helped me pick things up quickly.
I would start with the LabVIEW wiki.
Specifically, LabVIEW Tutorial. There are lots of online references and links to LabVIEW reference books. Welcome to the world of LabVIEW!
I would suggest you start with LabVIEW for Everyone. Its a good book which covers the basics of LabVIEW well.
