how to release a panel for using after usercontrolget Visibility.Collapsed - wpf-controls

I created a userControl which has a progressbar label and textblock. (this works great)
i have it in a panel that has also listbox.
i bind it with few property changed and one of them is Visibility.
everytime that i need to load a long list i show this usercontrol so the user will know that there is something in progress and when ist over i get the list and the userControl collapsed(=Visibility).so far so good but my problem is that this all panel and only this one looks enable but i cant do anything. no slectedItem, no scrolling nothing the rest panels and controls working fine.
i think that its the usercontrol still holding the panel although i send Visibility.Collapsed but i dont know what to do.
hope to get an answer for this problem im sure its something that ive missed or didnt pay much attention.
if u need the codes let me know.
thanks in advance.

I've fix it. Just had to put the my usercontrol in new grid.
<Grid Height="210" Width="410" Visibility="{Binding ProbarWindow}">
<userControl:InProgressWindow ProgressValue="{Binding ProgressBarValue}" ProgressValueText="{Binding ProgressBarValueText}" Height="200" Width="400"/>
thats it.


Can't find UIModalPresentationStyle enum value blurOverFullScreen

I am now developing a modal view presented on UINavigationController.
I tried to blur the content of UINavigationController's rootViewController under the modal view.
So I set up modalPresentationStyle value as .overFullScreen or .overCurrentContext. But I can't get the right result.(A blurred effect was shown for a second and it was disappeared.)
I read Apple's document and found that there is .blurOverFullScreen configuration on it.
But I can't use it on my environment(Xcode 10.1).
Please help me how I should solve this issue.

Cosmicmind: how to dismiss floatingViewController / return rootViewController?

toolbarController?.floatingViewController = vc
to floating view controller. As expected, toolbar not showing and screen shows with full size. I want to dismiss back to rootViewController didnt achieve that.
Actually i showed apps in pagetabbar like google play and now i want to show app detail page. When user clicks app icon, app icon will animate and shows detail page and if he wants to, it will dismiss that. I used transition method first (it has animation parameter) but i want to figure out difference between floating usages etc. Is there any showcase ? Thank you for great library btw.
to hide the floatingViewController, set it to nil. There isn't a showcase at the moment. The transition method is for changing the rootViewController. Hope this helps :)

Properly aligning a ListView in react-native

I have a screen in my react-native app where I am showing details of a record. It's a pretty simple screen where on the left column, I have a label describing the item and on the right, I have the value of the item. For one of the values, I have to render a ListView and I am not able to properly align it. Below is the sample app on rnplay with the symptoms:
Sample app on rnplay
Please run on iOS. Here ComponentListView is a reusable component that I am using to render ListView and it takes a component and data as it props and render each entry in the data using the passed in component. Here the list is BackupList and the component to render in each row is BackupSummary. If you run the app, you will observe that the backups are not aligned properly. I ran it in the Inspector on the simulator and looks like the ListView starts from where Varun Accepted is seen. I am not sure why. Right now there is just one item in the this.props.backupContacts but there could be more. I have tried many different flexbox properties such as alignItems, justifyContent, alignSelf in order to get it to work with no success.
Please let me know if you know how to fix it.
Put your ListView inside a View and apply css on View, something like this
<View style={{display:'flex', flexDirection:'row', justifyContent:'center'}}>

how to put a seperate view inside a splitview in template 10?

basically I want this splitview from MainPageView to load the departmentView which contains its own ViewModel that has an Observablecollection
but it has to be in sync with the navigation service. because I am relying on the template10's OnNavigatedToAsync to load my data
This is interesting. Nobody has ever asked for this before. I am not 100% sure you want the Template 10 hamburger menu in this circumstance. Why? Because the T10 HamMenu is really built around the idea of managed buttons in the Pane. There is NOTHING stopping you from simply adding your own SplitView control to your app and doing what you are wanting. The more I think about it the more I think that might be the best thing for you to do. If you think otherwise, please explain. Otherwise, just adding a SPlitView might not have been an option you thought of until now. The HamMenu in T10 uses the SplitView control.

Wrong View shown (Catel)

I'm trying to open a View with a ViewModel from my MainWindowViewModel.
It works, but all I get is a blank window. It binds the correct title but every other control is missing.
Did anyone have the same problem and found a solution?
You forgot the call to InitializeComponent in your code-behind. Just a tip: create a base class with the Catel behaviors, then use that as a base view. It will keep your actual window code-behind much cleaner.
