Visual Studio: Undo-redo of replace-action does not scroll editor window - visual-studio-2012

I did some find-and-replace actions in my C++ code with visual studio:
only single find-and-replace actions (did not use “replace all”)
only one file affected (did not change multiple files at the same time)
thus, a very simple case!
Then I wanted to undo these changes. So I pressed ctrl-Z one time. This had the desired effect. The latest change (which was still visible in the current screen) was undone.
But I also wanted to undo the remaining changes. These changes where currently not visible on the screen. So I expected the editor to scroll there when pressing ctrl-Z.
But unfortunately the editor did not scroll to the position of the undo when I pressed ctrl-z.
The undo worked, however. I checked by scrolling to the position manually.
Then I tried it with redo. Same result: Redo worked, but the editor did not scroll to the position of the redo.
Finally I tried if this also happens when I undo-redo other types of changes (not made by the “find and replace” functionality).
Result: Undo-Redo worked correctly and also scrolled correctly!
Thus: It seems only changes by the “find and replace” functionality are affected by this problem.
Did you also have this problem and found a solution?
Please help me!
Regards Gerhard

I am having the same thing happen in Visual Studio Ultimate 2012 (Version 11.0.60610.01 Update 3).
It might sound like it's not that important, but it is really hurting the usability of this otherwise great IDE!
PS I've been using VS since the 90s, I still haven't found anything better. I wish MS would put macros back into VS, even if it's VBA (or Python)


Code snippet floating in mid-air as a tooltip, cannot hide it, after extracting method [IntelliJ Idea / Android Studio]

Trying to perform the Ctrl + G (Go to line) keyboard shortcut, seems I accidentally activated a feature that pins the code the cursor was previously on.
After closing and reopening the file, things are worse; the code snippets still are floating over the screen, no matter if I move the Android Studio window.
I have searched keyboard shortcuts using this guide, but no luck.
Is there a way to disable or revert this?
Noticed by comment below and confirmed by myself: This happens after extracting a method.
I have been able to get rid of those permanent tooltips by invalidating caches and restart, but this should not be the way to disable them, as I still don't know which is the keyboard shortcut to toggle this "pin snippet" function.

I've accidentally added a number label in front of a file in Android Studio and I'm not sure how to get rid of it

I was trying to refactor a filename in Android Studio when I accidentally mistyped the keyboard shortcut.
Since I have a 75% keyboard, I don't have F rows. So I tried to hit Shift+FN+6, which would result in inputting Shift+F6, which is the keyboard shortcut for refactoring. But because of my typo, I hit some other keyboard command. Probably did <some keys> + 6 by accident.
Now there's a little 6 label listed in front of the filename:
Does anyone know what shortcut I accidentally hit, so I can undo it? I found an SO user who did the same thing as me but he got no replies. I tried hitting a bunch of random shortcuts and looking in the options menu but I can't find the option that I must've hit.
Android Studio is based on Idea and inherits its features.
I'm guessing this could be the numbered bookmarks feature. Try Shift-F11 to list all bookmarks or Ctrl-F11 to toggle it.

Make Android Studio autopop up not change constrast

In Android Studio, pressing the up an down arrows will change the contrast of the autopopup bar.
This also occurs in the default themes. Is there anyway to make the contrast start in the after position, even without pressing any arrows?
The popup is dimmed to indicate that there is no default selection for completion. It depends on context and in some cases the first entry will be selected automatically, while in the other cases you need to select the completion varian with the arrow keys first.
To get the pre-selection work automatically in IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio enable the Insert selected suggestion by pressing space, dot, or other context-dependent keys option:
In some other cases it may be also necessary to add
in Help | Edit Custom VM Options and restart the IDE.
Related issue:

In Visual Studio 2012 - Keyboard suddenly stops working properly

as stated in the questions title, we have an issue with VS2012. The problem is that sometimes suddenly some keyboard-input in VS isn't executed properly, if at all.
When the problem occurs, we are only able to type in characters and numbers, but neither are we able to delete them (backspace or DEL), nor to use the arrow key to jump up down a line or to the next/previous character. Overwriting a text which has been marked with the mouse is working.
I have found a very similar Question but the hints stated there doesn't work here. Those are:
Hitting Alt+Enter
Closing and Reopening Editor Windows
Closing the ToolboxWindow
Restarting VS
Pressing ScollLock
The Problem seems to be related to the Stylecop-AddIn. After uninstalling it, the issue doesn't come up anymore. Is there some known workaround? Thanks in advance!
Apparently StyleCop can be used with out Resharper, I didn't know. Very sorry. However, if you look at the documentation for StyleCop, if you right click on your project, click Source Analysis Settings, you will be presented with a dialog to turn on or off all of StyleCops rules.
Here is a link to the actual documentation which has images which helps describe it. StyleCop Settings

Ctrl-Tab behavior in Visual Studio 2012

Question: Is there a way to make "ctrl + tab" behavior the same in VS2012 as it used to be in VS2010?
Specifically, I noticed that when you hold control and hit tab a few times, the list on the screen now ALSO includes windows that you wouldn't normally care about (much less want to switch focus to) such as: "Find Results 1", "Error List", and "Output".
These are those standard windows you typically have positioned at the bottom of your Visual Studio environment. Before, in VS2010, these types of items would not be included in the list. It was simply and easy to Ctrl-Tab to only the documents you had open. I use this feature quite a lot in order to quickly navigate amongst open files.
But now in VS2012, when you hit Ctrl-Tab and suddenly your focus is down in the error list.... its like.... what were they thinking?? You have to hit tab again to get past these useless choices, which just slows me down. If anyone knows a way to turn off this horrible new "feature", please let me know! :)
This does not happen normally.
You probably docked those windows as documents rather than as tool windows.
To check whether that's true, try docking a regular document window to the side; if you can't, that would mean that you have a vertical document split.
To fix it, undock those windows, then re-dock them using the lowest arrow.
