Ctrl-Tab behavior in Visual Studio 2012 - visual-studio-2012

Question: Is there a way to make "ctrl + tab" behavior the same in VS2012 as it used to be in VS2010?
Specifically, I noticed that when you hold control and hit tab a few times, the list on the screen now ALSO includes windows that you wouldn't normally care about (much less want to switch focus to) such as: "Find Results 1", "Error List", and "Output".
These are those standard windows you typically have positioned at the bottom of your Visual Studio environment. Before, in VS2010, these types of items would not be included in the list. It was simply and easy to Ctrl-Tab to only the documents you had open. I use this feature quite a lot in order to quickly navigate amongst open files.
But now in VS2012, when you hit Ctrl-Tab and suddenly your focus is down in the error list.... its like.... what were they thinking?? You have to hit tab again to get past these useless choices, which just slows me down. If anyone knows a way to turn off this horrible new "feature", please let me know! :)

This does not happen normally.
You probably docked those windows as documents rather than as tool windows.
To check whether that's true, try docking a regular document window to the side; if you can't, that would mean that you have a vertical document split.
To fix it, undock those windows, then re-dock them using the lowest arrow.


VS Code keyboard layout change

I am using Visual Studio Code with English keyboard layout switched in Windows when programming, but when I am using my computer for general use I use Slovak keyboard layout. Sometimes it can get ridiculous when I switch from one to another multiple times in one minute. Is there a setting (or a plugin) that could set the keyboard layout in VS Code to English while Windows layout is still set to Slovak?
I will summarize for you the solution to this, hope it is still helpful for you or any other looking for this answer:
you have to press Ctrl+Alt+P
then in the display that will appear at the top, write the language you want in case it does not appear
once this is done, VSC will ask you to restart.
once restarted is done it should be fine.
It is the way to do it without changing windows configuration as you will see in ther similar posts.
Hope it helps

Visual Studio: CTRL-TAB doesn't always work

This post originally related to "Visual Studio", but affects other similar applications.
There are a number of posts dealing with a problem where the tab navigation panel appears but requires a click etc to dismiss. These seem to be solved by fiddling with the magnifyer, narrator etc. None of these solutions apply to my problem - which is that, in VS2012, ctrl-tab brings up the two-column navigation panel, repeated presses of tab moves through the lists as normal, but, on release of both keys, the focussed tab is NOT changed. With the nav panel displayed, you can click on it with the mouse and the focussed tab is changed as expected.
The issue seems to have arisen after installing VS2012. VS2010 is also installed and oddly now also exhibits the same problem, even though I have never had the problem until now. When you re-start VS, all works fine, but after a time ctrl-tab stops working normally. It has been seen to stop working without doing anything other than pressing ctrl-tab a few times i.e. not going to any other VS panel or doing a build etc.
This is a major problem with productivity as I use this constantly to switch between tabs. I know that I can change the shortcut to switch between documents without showing the navigation panel, but I prefer to see this panel, rather than switching 'blind'.
Does anyone know why this might be happening or how to fix it? I have done a full Windows update (Svr 2008 R2).
NOTE1 - I now see the same problem with a new installation of VS2013 and also in SQL Server Management Studio 2012 - on ctrl-tab you see the two-col panel but whatever you select doesn't change the pane in view (unless you click the panel with the mouse).
When ctrl-tab is not working in the VS-based apps, it DOES continue working in, say, Notepad++, which suggests an MS-VS problem.
NOTE2 - The problem does not exist when you use the on-screen keyboard! It seems that using the OSK causes ctr-tab to work again with the real keyboard, but it breaks quickly when you start almost any other application, but it always works with the OSK. The problem is unrelated to the physical keyboard as I have tried other keyboards.

Visual Studio: Undo-redo of replace-action does not scroll editor window

I did some find-and-replace actions in my C++ code with visual studio:
only single find-and-replace actions (did not use “replace all”)
only one file affected (did not change multiple files at the same time)
thus, a very simple case!
Then I wanted to undo these changes. So I pressed ctrl-Z one time. This had the desired effect. The latest change (which was still visible in the current screen) was undone.
But I also wanted to undo the remaining changes. These changes where currently not visible on the screen. So I expected the editor to scroll there when pressing ctrl-Z.
But unfortunately the editor did not scroll to the position of the undo when I pressed ctrl-z.
The undo worked, however. I checked by scrolling to the position manually.
Then I tried it with redo. Same result: Redo worked, but the editor did not scroll to the position of the redo.
Finally I tried if this also happens when I undo-redo other types of changes (not made by the “find and replace” functionality).
Result: Undo-Redo worked correctly and also scrolled correctly!
Thus: It seems only changes by the “find and replace” functionality are affected by this problem.
Did you also have this problem and found a solution?
Please help me!
Regards Gerhard
I am having the same thing happen in Visual Studio Ultimate 2012 (Version 11.0.60610.01 Update 3).
It might sound like it's not that important, but it is really hurting the usability of this otherwise great IDE!
PS I've been using VS since the 90s, I still haven't found anything better. I wish MS would put macros back into VS, even if it's VBA (or Python)

Visual Studio 2012 changes focus to design pane

when you change documents (ctrl+tab) on WPF (maybe others too) the focus always goes to the design pane.
So imagine - you edit XAML and want to copy an existing element from another existing document.
You are in Doc1 XAML type somethinng next you switch to Doc2 where you have been in XAML pane before.
Now the Designer of Doc2 gets the focus. Since I left the focus in XAML I use shift arrow to select some XAML text - instead the focused control is moved.
The same when you switch back.
VS 2012 simply doesn't remember in which pane (XAML / design) the focus has been.
This is really hard for me since I do this often - and now I have always to grab the mouse and switch back to XAML after changing the current document.
Any idea if this can be change? Or at least if there is a keyboard shortcut to swicht from one XAML to another.
Are you looking for Shift+ESC. This closes the current window that is in focus in Visual Studio Eg. Solution Explorer, Output Window, Immediate window, etc.
Doesn't pressing Shift+F7 help you?
I was getting so frustrated by this but I finally found a work around! If you have a pane collapsed then and only then shift+F7 seems to switch between the panes. The work around drawback is that you only get to view one pane (Designer or XAML) at a time. For some reason Shift+F7 doesn't work when in split view. Small caveat, I am in Visual Studio 2015. I suspect the behavior is the same for 2012. This answer may be more relevant to whomever comes across this knowing that it works for vs2015 though.
Hit Collapse View
Another thing that is important to note is how to ensure one pane is collapsed.
Visual studio seems to remember the last view you had the XAML designer in for that particular XAML file. You can change them per file and visual studio will remember or you can change the default mode a .xaml file will open in by going to (in visual-studio-2015) the tools menu item. Then click options, which opens the options window. Then click XAML Designer, which is the last option in pane on the left of options window. Then change the selected item in the combobox labeled Default Document View from Split View to Source View.
When I first changed the default I didn't think it worked; changing the default will not overwrite the settings saved for the last document view you were in for a particular file. The only way I found to have the default applied was to just wipe out my .suo file for the solution and close visual studio. Deleting the .suo file and closing and re-opening the solution didn't work. I had to delete the file and close visual studio, open visual studio back up, and reload the solution.
The .suo file is hiding in a hidden folder called ".vs" inside the solution folder. I initially just renamed it .suo.bak just in case something happened that I didn't like, but once I reloaded the solution and everything was fine I deleted it.

Keystroke/hotkey/shortcut to expand Area/Iteration path in TFS?

I'm doing a lot of work with work items, and while I'm using Tfs 2010 aka VsAlm 2010, this has been something that's bugged me ever since the first release of Tfs. When creating new work items, I don't really want to switch back and forth between my mouse and keybaord 203948203984 times; I'd really much rather just enter it entirely sans-mouse using the keyboard. This is mostly possible, however the Area Path and Iteration Path fields present an obstacle, both from the Team Explorer client and in Excel.
This obstacle is that nothing I've tried will open up the treeview for arrow-key navigation. I would hope that this would function like other tree views, where up and down move up and down, and left/right perform expansion and collapse functions on nodes with children. However, nothing I've tried (enter, tab, space, ctrl-space, F2, etc) will open that up for me; and consequently I'm relegated to typing out the entire path or to switching to my mouse, which really slows me down at times.
Is there something I'm missing? Hard-core, veteran TFS users: is there a better way?
You can use Alt + ↓.
