Liferay With Multiple Server Instances - liferay

I'm working with multiple Liferay Projects (different Portal, plugins, user and usergroups etc ) in the same time, and often have to switch between them. This switch requires lots of steps like
Editing the (to change the Liferay Database, and edit some custom project-specific properties), and edit ''
Add/remove portlets themes and hooks from the Eclipse Server instance, sometimes clean the Tomcat's 'data' 'Webapps' and 'work' folder
Go to Liferay's Control-Panel/Server/Plugins Installation and re-index portlets like 'Users and Organizations' or 'Documents and Media'
So, I thought that creating a new Server Instance for each project, with a new tomcat and JRE, would be a nice idea. When I had to switch project, I could just stop the old server and start another. At first, I thought (was adviced actually) that using the same Liferay Plugins SDK (6.1.0), should be ok, as long as the Server instances are the same version.
Practically this doesn't work 100% perfectly. While most of the work is getting done, there are some problems here and there, like a theme not getting deployed propertly, hooks not beeing applied etc. As I understand, there is some [Liferay SDK] - [Liferay Server] binding, and that means that only 1 Server (the first one I created) will fully work.
For example, By investigating the [Liferay SDK folder]/bild.[user name].properties, I can see some properties that are referring to a specific Server/JRE location :
So, my question is, what should I do to work with multiple Liferay Projects ?
Is the multi-Server practice, a good approach to work with multiple-projects ?
If yes, should I create a different SDK for each Server? Maybe a different Eclipse workspace too ? Or is there some way to use the same SDK
What about working with Servers of different Liferay Version ?

Personally, I set up every project with its own source, tomcat, database, etc. even if it means duplication. These days storage is cheap and makes this possible. Of course your milage may very but I thought I'd share my setup with you.
I have a project directory with all my projects which looks like so:
Inside a project I have
... my portal source ...
... my plugin source ...
I then setup tomcat to use different ports (8080, 8081, 8082, etc...) so that I can just leave them all running if I have to or want to.
I setup Liferay to use different database for each Liferay instance.
I place the as a sibling to the tomcat directory and Liferay will read this file (assuming the default behavior). This offers quick and easy edits as well as figuring out how you've set each project up.
The advantages should be clear. You can just "walk away" from a project and into another without tearing down and setting up. And when you return everything will still be as you left it. Context switching is also quicker and helpful if you want to answer a question about a project you're not yet working on.
Depending on the complexity of each of your projects, multi-instance might not work for you. Hooks and EXTs may conflict with each other and it appears as if this is already the case with your projects.
If you can afford the space (which is not much) this has been the fastest way I have found as a Liferay developer.

If we start working on a new Liferay project in our company, we setup:
a new database schema,
a new, clean Liferay server connected with that schema and
a fresh Eclipse workspace, with
a clean SDK project
Only this way you're sure to have cleanly separate projects. To switch to another project, just shutdown the current Liferay server, startup the new one and switch to the right workspace in Eclipse. This all takes no more than 2 minutes, a lot less than to do all the cleanup actions you have to do if you share workspace and server.
In my opinion, this is the approach of most development teams.

Why mess with all these complications in a single computer? I use Oracle VirtualBox and set up a separate VM for each project. Even though I work on a laptop, it has 8 cores, and I've bumped my memory up to 16GB and set each machine up with 4GB of RAM.
I can have multiple VMs running at once and have set all active projects as home pages in Chrome. Using bridged networking each VM has its own IP address, and they all listen on 8080.
Another benefit is that, although my primary project is being developed using Eclipse Indigo and LR 6.1 CE GA1, I have another using Eclipse Juno, its specific IDE plugin and LR 6.1.1 CE GA2. So it also works as a new version tester.
VirtualBox is free. Memory is cheap. And remember that you can put a VM to sleep without shutting it down. That takes about 10-20 seconds and waking it up again takes 30-60 seconds.

The simplest solution would be :
Create 3 different users, the Liferay SDK's file is separate for each user. So, lets say, if you want to run 3 servers with the same sdk. Create 3 files like
Now, when you want to deploy something for server 1, log in the server using user1 and try to deploy the portlet, this will read and it will deploy the portlet/hook to the specified location.
Hope this will resolve your deployment issue.
Also, when you have 3 users, you can run 3 different servers together in a different user accounts, in this way, they would be secure and apart from admin, nobody can shutdown the same.
Hope this helps!


How to keep web deployment package parameter values set through IIS UI across package updates?

My question is similar to this one, which remained unanswered, unfortunately.
We are rolling out a web application as a web deployment package (Web Deploy/MSdeploy) to different environments. The package is created from within Visual Studio 2012/Team Build. Several parameters are to be set at install time (connection strings, WCF endpoints, logging settings, etc.). We have these in a parameters.xml at the root of the project.
Most of our customers import the package through IIS UI. Each time we roll out an update, customer IIS administrators have to provide the parameter values again through the UI. Most of the time, parameters do not change across updates.
What is the best way to handle this? Advise customer IIS administrators to use the command-line instead, injecting a SetParameters.xml that they keep separately (the level of some of our customer administrators isn't particularly high, so having something UI-based which we can document with a couple of screenshots is an advantage)? Keep the settings file (web.config or appconfig) out of the package altogether? What is the neatest way to do this?
I had the same problem, but decided to go with the batch-script installer file that comes with the web deploy package. In my mind it is more secure, doing this installation by script, instead of having to install through GUI. It can be documented, and maybe they need to learn a little bit of command-line?
As you say, they can use the same SetParameters-file for all following releases, if nothing in it changed - which in my mind is a huge benifit - not having to manage web.configs manually.
Automated deploys minimizes manual errors.

How to backup and restore IIS configuration from script

I'm writting a script that sets up a lot of different applications in Windows (mainly svn and open source servers for http, dns, mail, ftp and db). This script is intended to be executed in new/clean Windows workstations for new developers, it automatically sets everything up to create an environment very similar to the one in production. After it's executed, everything runs locally and the developer can start working right away.
This not only helps new developers, but all existing developers whenever there are changes in the whole system, everything is replicated locally.
The one thing I'm still not able to do is making some kind of backup of an IIS server that is running a web app (it's in the Prod server) and restoring it automatically to the new developer's machine so he doesn't have to install/configure IIS locally.
I've read about using appcmd.exe to create and restore backups, but that works only for the same machine (it uses encryption keys and those keys change between computers).
Is there a way, a scriptable way, to take everything IIS related from one server and restore it on another server, without user intervention and having the restored IIS run exactly as the original?
Thanks in advance!
Just putting this here so anyone who comes across this will have an understanding as to why this wasn't answered. A website has a massive amount of variables associated with it that prevents any easy methods to copy all of its configuration through one or even just a few cmdlets.
To get started though you would want to become very familiar with the applicationHost.config file and how you access the properties within it using the Get-WebConfigurationProperty. One way to get familiar with how to script against webconfiguration properties is to use the Configuration Editor in IIS. Whenever you make a change in the Configuration Editor, before commiting the changes there is a nifty little link titled Generate Script, which will have a Powershell tab you can use to help you gather the proper Get/Set commands for the configuration elements within the applicationHost.config file.
I've created something almost exactly like what the OP is looking for and it spans 4 modules (over 20,000 lines of code) and has a SQL backend that holds all of the configuration elements.
When a website has everything from underlying DLLs that may need registered, IsapiCGI Restrictions and IsapiFilters, accounts that are tied to the AppPool that may need added to certain local groups on the server, to secure bindings that require a certificate to be loaded on the server. You can see that this isn't a simple undertaking. (and these are just a small portion of the variables that a website may contain)
There is however a large chunk of cmdlets that Microsoft provides you out of the box that you can leverage to aid you in developing something like this inside the WebAdministration module. I know this is four years old but hope anyone who stumbled on this will find the above useful.

Is it ok to copy a domain in weblogic in situations where we need to have the same configuration for dev/testing purposes?

I am aware of weblogic templates, but out of curiosity I wanted to know, Is it ok to copy a domain in weblogic in situations where we need to have the same configuration? I have already done the same and have been successful in testing my application.
You can get away with doing this, but there are a couple of more reliable (and scriptable) ways to migrate the same configuration through the development team, or to create new deployment environments.
The domain template builder lets you build your own custom domain template from an existing domain:
There's a couple of ways to get it done with WLST, as well:
You can use configToScript to spit out an entire WLST script (and properties file) to recreate the exact configuration you've got, or...
You can use readDomain and writeDomain in offline mode to recreate an existing configuration in a new domain:
It's okay to copy the domains over and it worked exceptionally well prior to WebLogic 9.2. However, there are some weird bugs that pop up for versions that are using the portal for the console.
Also, after copying the file you would want to make sure that all listen addresses and ports have been modified accordingly so that your local managed server doesn't attempt to connect to the production administration server on startup.

Advice Needed: Deploying application to IIS - Can this be fully automated?

I am seeking advice: Ideally, I would like to give an Administrator (of the web server) one file (.exe, .msi, .bat, whatever you suggest), so that when they execute the package, it will setup my application (contains .aspx, .xap silverlight, web service .svc, etc.) on IIS. This will include and certainly not be limited to such things in the IIS Manager, like creating a virtual directory, path, default document, security, and all of the IIS settings one finds via inetmgr and properties. I would also maybe like to run a .bat file (not sure if this correct), but to check for certain settings and pinging other servers for status.
Many years ago, I used to automate everything and used concepts like .bat files - got the job done and it was amazing what I could do. Fast forward a couple of years now and am approaching the automation process again. I wanted to know if there is anything new out there.
Any and all advice will be greatly appreciated!
It's quite a bit of a learning curve but yes, WiX / InstallShield / MSI can do this. I've done installers for n-Tier / SOA systems including single tenant SaaS where you could run the application layer installer dozens of times creating new instances running on different host headers or ports pointed to different data layers and different configuration settings. You could then do the same for the WebUI pointing to which ever application layer you want.
Basically whether it's instaling .NET, setting up vDir / AppPools / WebSites / Extensions, reading and writing XML config files, executing SQL scripts, creating services and so on it can all be done... if you take the time to learn it all. Deployment Engineering is a bigger domain then it first appears to be.
As for .BAT, that's bad form. First you work to leverage native capabilities before writing custom actions. Then when you do have to write one, you design it to be declarative and transactional ( install, uninstall, rollback, commit ). WiX has a really nice framework called DTF that allows you to encapsulate C# classes as if they were C++ from MSI's perspective and provides a nice interop library needed to talk to MSI during the install.
Visual Studio has a Web Setup Package project you can use for this.

Test deployment for Sharepoint by multiple developers on a single server

We are starting with Sharepoint development with a team of three and are currently setting up our development environments. We would like to avoid installing a Server 2008 for each developer, thus a single terminal server has been setup, using Remote Windows to start a VS2008 instance on each developer's machine. Now we would like to separate developers' testing environments (i.e. a different site colletion per developer), but have realized that the assemblies would need to be installed into GAC to show properly on the site. But since there is AFAIK only one GAC, developers wouldn't be able to test their stuff independently.
Is there any way we could create separate testing environments without installing a bunch of 2008 Servers?
So you're all going to remote in an fire up Visual Studio and be compiling stuff and restarting IIS, etc?
You're going to be stamping on each other's toes.
A wiser choice nowadays is to use Hyper-V (or some other virtualisation).
We use Windows Server 2008 on our laptops, and use Hyper-V to run our dev environments. We then have a dev environment (sandbox) each, and these have VS2008, SVN, Nunit, etc.
Our code is tested against each other thanks to CruiseControl on the only shared Hyper-V.
This has been great for us... we distribute the load, we can work on the move, we don't step on each others toes and if we need to do a demo we can switch Hyper-Vs and demo from the demo Hyper-V (branched from the dev one early on so that the environments are known).
Go virtual and don't look back.
PS: I've just seen your comment about one server... just put Hyper-V on that and run 3 instances. That's also what we do ;)
I don't know about installing the server on everything, but this sounds like an ideal task for Virtual Machines rather than physical ones- where I work we using VMWare a whole lot for this kind of work and it does very well.
It's also useful to be able to roll back to a snapshot when it comes to testing installation processes and so on.
No. In addition to the GAC there are all the SharePoint files in the 12 hive, such as features and site templates. It's not worth what you save on server costs.
(Of course if you don't use the GAC, but deploy to the bin folder, and you don't touch anything in the 12 hive, you can give each developer their own web application on the same server. But this approach puts a lot of restrictions on what they can do. It's still not worth it.)
Virtual machines will work, but they can be slow to develop on. For instance, you'll need to restart the application pool for every GAC deploy - which means a pause of maybe 15-60 seconds to reload the application, (depending on the hardware). This will become annoying.
Virtual machines work better for test and production, where you don't restart the application so often.
I recommend a physical server for each developer. This will minimize the code-deploy-test cycle time, and make sure they don't have to worry about stepping on each others toes.
You are on the wrong track with Terminal Services - its just not going to give you any separation.
A lot of people do recommend developing on W003/2008 server directly, and it does simplify some things like remote debugging.
I prefer the more traditional method of using VMWare to run virtual machines. These can be running on a local or remote host. Remote debugging is a little more complex to setup but still possible.
Finally - if possible then deploy to the bin dir rather than the GAC. This will make it much easier to deploy automatically after compilation.
The contributors are right that there are lots of stumbling blocks to multi-developer single server environments.
Number one developers will be trying to attach to the same Web Application process w2ps.exe so creating separate Web Applications on different ports is a must unless you are prepared to share time debugging. How to setup a development environment for sharepoint 2013
The second problem is when you try to collaborate and use shared components/features. Having a desire to work separately is debatable, I believe that the team developers should be collaborating and sharing so combing work is desirable to ensure seamless integration into a single final solution and that no work is duplicated. The multi-developer single server environment works perfectly until you try to collaborate 'One common mistake is to have one “development server” used by all team developers. Unless team members are working on totally unrelated components and never need to do common things such as restart IIS or attach a debugger to an IIS process, this type of environment generally doesn’t work well.' We made this mistake through lack of experience and knowledge, but once you make it it's possible to work round it.
My first attempt to share features was to copy developer 1's project into developer 2's solution and add a reference to it in developer’s 2's project and add all the features to developer 2's package. Deploying this works fine for developer 2, until as I discovered if developer 1 detaches their solution from the debugger it retracts the solution based on the duplicated solution id from the farm and therefore from each developer's web application. Therefore developer 2 has the rug pulled out from underneath them. Although this is a part solution and seemed to work for a while, it took me a while to work out what was happening and what combinations of dev 1 and 2 deployments make each other’s work and not work.
So I found a better solution. Under the project properties in Visual Studio under SharePoint tab there is a combo box called 'Auto-retract after debugging'. This by default retracts the solution when the developer stops the attached debugger and pulls the features out from underneath the other developers. Unticking this box prevents the retract and leaves each developers individual solutions deployed at farm level and on reattaching to the debugger just replaces the solution with minimal fuss.
In my experience recycling the IIS application pool is so fast other developers don't even notice, but with a larger team than 2 this might become more prevalent, so perhaps someone else could add their experiences. I also guess unless the other develops try to attach at exactly the same time that the recycle is happening it'll be fine, so is a really small chance of having a cross over time, and simply detaching and reattaching will fix this if it is ever experienced.
