In Sublime Text, how do I find and replace the file name - linux

Is there a way in sublime text where I can find a pattern and replace it with file names.
For example,
I have a bunch of file names that contain people.
I want to replace that with person.

in SideBarEnhancements there is an option to Mass Rename Selection... under Find Advanced to batch rename multiple files.

Menu: Find -> Find in Files...
Sublime is gonna open a new panel at the bottom, you just need to fill the fields. Inside the field Where, you can, for example, look up only for .txt files:
Find: People
Where: C:\Temp, *.txt
Replace: Person

No you cannot do a find and replace on a filename. Although there is a great package called SideBarEnhancements which would benefit from this feature. I will definitely submit a feature request.

Install the SideBarEnhancements plugin
Select the folder from side bar
Right click and open the context menu
From Find Advanced -> Mass Rename Selection... you can do this.


How do I add items to a menu in Sublime 3?

I want to add a couple of items to the Edit menu in Sublime 3. In fact, I just want to copy the Find and the Replace menu items from the Find menu. Call me lazy, but I just want to use the same Alt-E menu shortcuts I've grown accustomed to across so many other programs. I don't like making the mental switch from Alt-E to Alt-I when I switch from Sublime to anything else.
Anyway, from the sublime documentation I read that I can create a file Main.sublime-menu in the Packages/Default (or Packages/User) directory. The JSON format is easy enough to follow. But the problem is that there is no such file by default. If I add one (and I did) then sumblime replaces the entire main menu, which is not the result I want.
I don't want to replace the entire menu, I just want to add two entries to the Edit menu. Ideally, I would like to copy & paste the Find and Replace entries from the Find menu. That would save me the time of figuring out the command names.
Resource files that ship with Sublime are stored in sublime-package files that exist in a special folder stored in the installation folder of Sublime (where the executable is), which keeps them safe from modification because Sublime will replace them wholesale when it updates.
You can view the content of any resource file currently known to Sublime by using the View Package File command from the command palette. It will show you a list of every resource, and you can filter the list the same as the command palette entries to drill down to find what you need:
Choosing an item from this list will open the file for you to look at. If it's coming from a sublime-package file, it will be a read-only buffer that you can't modify to remind you that you can't edit the file. Resources that come from your Packages folder directly will be editable, however (such as your User package).
The Default package is where things like the default settings, key bindings and menus are defined. So although what you see in the list depends on the packages you have installed, the item you want here is Default/Main.sublime-menu.
Note that if your intention is to just add some items, you want to put your modifications into your User package. Any items you add here will augment the existing menu; that is, you can only add items, you can't modify or remove them.
If you put the file into the Default package folder (which you may or may not have to create), the file you create will override the one that's provided inside of the sublime-package file. You would do this if you want to remove entries, change what command they execute, etc.
If you go that route, note that Sublime will use this file forever even if a future update modifies the file. In that case I would recommend the OverrideAudit package (disclaimer: I am the author of said package) as it will warn you when that happens.
If this is your intention, OverrideAudit's Create Override command will allow you to seamlessly open the file and save it to create the override, saving you the trouble of finding the right place to put the file.

Sublime: Quickly check where file is used?

I often find myself needing to check where a file is used in my node project (which other file imports it). What I'm doing now is right clicking on the editor showing my file, copying the file path, then doing a grep on my whole project using the filename. In this manner I'm able to 'walk up' the dependency tree.
However, I'm wondering if it'd be possible to make a shortcut for this sort of thing. Does anybody know if that's viable?
Include your node project root directory to a sublime project with Project / Add Folder To Project...
Right-click on the project directory in the sidebar, then select "Find in Folder..." from the context menu.
Enable Regular expression
Find: import.*filename
click on Find
filename must be replaced with the actual name. The search pattern can be further refined to match module names from 'filenames', for example. You will end up with a search buffer that lets you jump to each file for that a match has been found.
Maybe Find In Files , Activate with ctrl + shift + F

Sublime exclude file extension in "File Search"

I want to exclude a particular extension while doing a Search in Files... search:
Ctrl + Shift + f in Windows/Linux
Cmd + Shift + f in MacOS
I know it would be convenient to include extension rather excluding but have so many extensions lets say 10 but it is tough to include 9 extensions like .py,.xml,*.html...
I only want to ignore file 1 extension.
anybody have any solutions??!
The option to exclude a file extension in a 'Find in Files...' search is built into the tool.
Click on the ellipsis (...) to the right of the 'Where" box and one of the options is Add Exclude Filter.
This seems to do exactly what I think you are asking for.
Well , you can use regular expression for this in sublime
For different types of regular expressions and case sensitive methods you can refer below url :
Hope this will help.
To add excluded file extensions in the Find in Files Where dialogue by typing rather than clicking, prefix the extension to exclude with a dash/minus character: -
e.g., this helps you search in .js files but exclude the minimised versions:

How to search only in currently open files in vscode?

I usually work on larger projects with many files that would contain the search query. So I would open the files I want to modify and do a find/replace across all currently opened files. Can this be done in vs code?
The feature I'm looking for is implemented in Notepad++, but I'd prefer not to have to switch editors for this task.
For me somehow it works just by typing ./ in the files to exclude field.
The ability to search only in the open editors is in the Stable Build v1.55.
As you can see, the icon is at the end of the files to include input so you will have to have that showing (click the three dots ... just below the search options if files to include is not already showing).
"Search: target particular set of files #20530" located here:
Is tracking a search "scope" such as "all open files".
Hit Ctrl + Shift + F and enable the icon at the end of the 'file to include' text field
I don't think there's a way to do this. You can make a feature request on github. I think an extension could do it though.
There is a checkbox for this in the "files to include" field since version 1.55 (march 2021).
The answer was already mentioned (and accepted above) indeed typing ./ in the files to exclude box of the search window will allow you to only search in open files.
However the response mentioned that he was unsure why this worked. VSCode allows you to exclude all files in a directory by writing the directory in the exclude box. The directory . is the directory where VSCode is opened ie the root directory. The filter ./ excludes all files in the VSCodes root directory so all files are excluded. However opened files ignore any exclude filter. So if you exclude all files only the opened files will be searched.
The best way to find something you are searching for within a specific file in vs code would be:
Ctrl + p then pressing # on the search bar.
It will give you a list of all functions on the file, which makes it easier to track something down.
As an alternative to using Visual Studio Code itself, you can just search the file contents within the folder where unsaved files open in Visual Studio Code are located. This would be in one of these locations depending on which OS you are running:
Linux: /tmp/ (someone else running Linux can verify this)
macOS: ~/Library/Application\ Support/Code/Backups/
Windows: %APPDATA%\Code\User\
This extension is what I use for this purpose.
You may need to change the keybinding if there is a conflict.

PowerGrep Search and Replace: "cannot make replacements using read-only converters"

I get an error on PowerGrep software when I try to Replace the content of some files: "cannot make replacements using read-only converters"
What can I do? Can anyone help me a little bit?
I find the solution:
In the left menu, on File formats to convert to plain text, you have to choose from that combo "Writable proprietary formats".
Then, press the section [...] and add NEW (format). In my case, I add .txt. Click ok. And then run "REPLACE"
