Change Navigation View Color Sencha Architect - sencha-architect

I'm starting with Senchar Architect 2 and I want to change the Navigation View Top bar color,
I want a red color on navigation bar, i saw another 2 questions but I don't undertood, have a simple way to change de color ? Using CSS or the Config Panel of sencha architect

Yes, you CAN change the color of your navigation bar in the config panel (like you did for the back button color yesterday) --> Style --> Background: red.
Also, I would suggest you to take a look at the SASS theming which is recommended by Sencha folks.
Here is the link:


Use correct background color for Chrome extension devtools panel

In my Chrome extension, I'm adding a panel to the Developer tools window. By default, the background of my html panel page is white, but I want it to show the correct background color when user switches to dark theme.
I can query the current theme via the chrome.devtools.panels.themeName property, but from there I don't know what the right color code to use for the background if the current theme is the dark theme. The background of the developer tools window is some shade of black. I know it's not 'black'.

How Do I Increase the Search Text in my Navigation

I am using Bigcommerce and their them Corner Stone.
How do I increase the size of the "SEARCH" text font?
I attached a screen shot image with a blue circle showing where the "search" text is.
Screen Shot
Thank you
Depending on your theme, you may be able to make this change by navigating to Storefront > My Theme in your back office.
However, it's likely that the font size for that one component is the same for the rest of them; in that case, you may have to make manual changes to the CSS stylesheets by editing your theme files.

How do I change the color of the navigation bar icons? (Android studio)

To avoid confusion as to what the navigationbaractually is, here's a
As you can see, I've added a new color instead of the standard black color using:
<item name="android:navigationBarColor">#color/colorBackground</item>
But the icons are barely visible now, so I would like to change them into being black, or at least darker. I have searched SO and the webb but came up empty handed. Any ideas?
You cannot change the color of the buttons yourself.
However you can try to set the navigationbarlight to true. It should be noted that this is only available from API level 27.
added in API level 27
int windowLightNavigationBar
If set, the navigation bar will be drawn such that it is compatible
with a light navigation bar background.
For this to take effect, the window must be drawing the system bar
backgrounds with windowDrawsSystemBarBackgrounds and the navigation
bar must not have been requested to be translucent with
windowTranslucentNavigation. Corresponds to setting
May be a boolean value, such as "true" or "false".

Changing Admin Panel Navigation bar Position

By Default in Orchard CMS, navigation bar is aligned to left as shown in picture on the below link. Is this possible to aligned to top or change its navigation theme to something else?
Yes it is possible to change the layout of the admin menu. To do this you will need to modify Layout.cshtml and Menu.cshtml to your liking.
From your screenshot it looks like you are using the default TheAdmin theme so that is where you could locate these views.

Status bar color on ios7

My question would be that how can you set the status bar to a default color in ios7. (Like in the latest update of Facebook and Twitter app)
Thanks a lot!
The status bar doesn't have a color - it's transparent. The color you are seeing in the new Facebook app is the navigation bar that has been extended under the status bar. In iOS 7 your status bar can be transparent with white text, transparent with black text, or opaque (black). It can't be tinted, but you can give the illusion of a tint by extending your navigation bar.
iOS 7 introduces the concept of extendable view edges to allow for this sort of thing. You might want to review the UI transition guide or UIViewController documentation for more information.
It looks like you can assign a background image to the navigation bar and whatever alpha/ opacity that image has, will be picked up by the status bar.
Create your image 640x128 and whatever colour/pattern you want.
[self.navigationController.navigationBar setBackgroundImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"image.png"] forBarMetrics:UIBarMetricsDefault];
This will make the picture the background of the navigation bar and the status bar.
