Re-enabling a cancelled account - azure

I cancelled my "Pay-as-you-go" account that used to host my windows azure website. today I looked on google however, and it decided to index the azure site ( I want to re-enable my account and put a permanent redirect on the site until google removes it, but it's not letting me. When I try to re-enable it, it just makes me create a new account, but does not let me have access to my old site. Any suggestions?

I don't think there is any current provision to re-enable cancelled account. You might have to open Billing Support ticket with Windows Azure Team and which is free.
Support for billing and subscription management issues are covered
with your Windows Azure subscription at no additional charge, and you
don’t need to have a Windows Azure Support plan to raise these issues.
To submit an incident, go to the Windows Azure Support site and click
on Get Support


Cannot add a Microsoft account in Azure AD with the new portal

Some customers of ours are using external Microsoft accounts to access AAD services.
Since we're not linked with their domain, and some of them use Gmail account, adding their entire domain to our AAD is hardly possible.
The old portal ( had the following screen:
The new portal has a guest system which hardly works (adding an external guest results in a generic B2BError: Unable to invite user with no other details -- even if the old portal still works), and "New user" can only create users with registered domains.
Is there a way, in the new portal (, to add Microsoft accounts?
I'm asking this now, since this is technically a duplicate of How do I add a Microsoft account to Azure Active Directory?, because the old portal is sunsetting on November 30, 2017, at which point working like this will no longer be possible.
Running New-AzureADMSInvitation helped me to get it working, with some more steps for our own setup:
Executed New-AzureADMSInvitation -InvitedUserEmailAddress -SendInvitationMessage $True -InviteRedirectUrl ""
New-AzureADMSInvitation failed with an error, but one I could understand this time: The object either is sourced from an on prem directory or is undergoing migration
Went to check our on-prem AD if it had a user with the affected e-mail. It did not. Huh.
Ran a complete AD Sync cycle, just in case, on our on-prem AD with Start-ADSyncSyncCycle -PolicyType Initial
Waited until (Get-ADSyncScheduler).SyncCycleInProgress went back to False
Reexecuted New-AzureADMSInvitation, which worked this time.

Issue with Azure domain purchasing process

I am trying to learn how to use Azure's web app services to set up a custom domain, but I am getting a consistent issue with it think I don't have a paid subscription. I am on the "Shared" service level and have a Pay-As-You-Go subscription, yet when I try to click the "Buy Domains" button in the Web App dashboard for my application it automatically shows me a screen "To buy a custom domain, you must have a paid Azure subscription." I have been try to refresh and reconfigure all the options related to my subscription, but it won't seem to let me buy a domain. Are the subscriptions I have not sufficient to do this?
I experienced the same problem. I had just signed up for a new azure account and then converted my subscription from free-trial to pay-as-you-go. Somehow this doesn't propagate correctly because the subscription still showed the free trial credit. I filed a ticket with MS Support, and received an actual phone call back from a support person. They resolved it behind the scenes. Credit disappeared, but my subscription was successfully now showing pay-as-you-go in the portal.
Successfully buying a domain through the portal is another challenge though.
Are you the Service-Admin or Co-Admin?
It might be an operation only Service-Admin can execute.

Can I give someone limited access to an Azure account?

I want to outsource the development of a WordPress website that will be hosted in Azure. Is there a way to create a Cloud Service that I can give someone access to, but at the same time not giving them my Azure subscription credentials?
From an Azure subscription perspective, you can only grant co-admin privilege; a co-admin gets full access to a subscription. This leaves you with a few options (I'm sure you can think of others):
Set up a separate subscription solely for the outsourced WordPress work. At completion of project, you can choose to remove the co-admin rights of the subscription
Grant admin access to the WordPress site, along with specific Azure resource keys (e.g. storage account namespace+key; service bus, MySQL credentials, etc.) for your developer to do the work. You can always change access keys once the project is completed
Have your developer set up WordPress in their own subscription, and then transfer the contents to your subscription when the project is complete.
EDIT - I slightly misunderstood the question, and was thinking the outsourced dev needed certain subscription-level resources. As Mike pointed out, source control is a good solution for Web Sites. You'd still need to set up resources such as Storage accounts if you don't want to set them up as co-admin.
If you are using Cloud Services then you could set up continuous integration between TFS and your cloud service. This would allow you to give the other person their own accounts to your TFS source code. Thus they check in and trigger the build, and it deploys. They don't have access.
If you don't have to have Cloud Service then you also have the same option with Windows Azure Web Sites (it's under development so this should be fine to run in even under the free, and bump up if you want to load test, etc.). With that you can give ftp access only, or also set up TFS or GIT source control integration.

What happen Windows Azure Portal after MSDN subscription expire.

I have MSDN subscription "Visual Studio Professional with MSDN" and I am using Windows Azure using my subscription. I just wonder what happen if my subscription will expire, Can I still use free quota on Windows Azure portal forever? Or I won't able to access portal after my msdn subscription expire.
You should be able to continue to access the Windows Azure Portal after your subscription expires. When you signed up for the Windows Azure subscription benefits for MSDN it required you to enter a credit card. Depending on when you signed up the spending cap feature may have been in place, which would mean that you would not have been charged for overages unless you requested the spending cap removed.
Check out information about the MSDN benefits and the spending cap information. Here is another good article as well.
When the subscription completely expires then if you keep your data in there without removing it eventually you will either need to remove the spending cap to pay for that or remove it (all running deployments would have been stopped for you). I believe they store the data like 90 days after a subscription runs out before completely destroying on their own.
If you are using the Windows Azure Web Sites feature for the Free sites, you should be able to continue to access those sites (based on the quotas) at any time.
You can also request that an Azure Subscription be transitioned from a Trial or MSDN account to a pay as you go account at any time (see the last article above). Basically you are just removing your spending limit.
I have contacted Microsoft about moving a website to a different subscription, but that is not possible it seems.
Moving a web site from one subscription to another is not the same thing as retaining an MSDN subscription as PAYG after it has expired.

How to use other subscriptions to create new web site on Azure

In the new Azure Portal, people who with 3-Month Free Trial subscription can create up to 10 websites.
I create a website using 3-Month Free Trial subscription already. Otherwise I have other subscriptions like Windows Azure MSDN and Pay-As-You-Go, but how can I create new website using these other subscriptions.
I mean, when I try to create new website, there's no way to select subscriptions, and the new website is always under 3-Month Free Trial subscription.
Based on your above description, I am not sure if you have a Paid Windows Azure Subscription.
So what you really need is to get a paid subscription first and that you can get directly from Windows Azure Account section at Portal. Paid subscription means you will have to pay for any other services (i.e. storage, bandwidth etc as applicable) you will use. You will have 10 free websites and will not pay anything if you just use Windows Azure Websites (ONLY) but still pay for Azure storage or anything else.
If you have multiple subscription associated with one single live account and accounts have Preview features enabled then I can see that new Management Portal does not have a way to select specific subscription to create a service. You would need to login to older portal and setup different Live ID for different subscription in "User Management" section and then use that specific Live ID to access specific subscription to create your website. (Note: The preview Portal is still in preview that's why such functionality in not available yet).
The new subscription needs to have the Preview features enabled:
"All you have to do is activate the Web Sites preview on the new subscription by going to Account (View my bill) -> Preview Features: "
