issue when using TortoiseSVN in win7 - tortoisesvn

I am using TortoiseSVN 1.7.12. I am using win 7. I have checked out from a remote server, so I have a folder called project(there is green icon on it). Now I copy(right click->copy) project to the other folder called project2(there is also a green icon on the folder).
If I modify files in project2, then could I also update it to the remote server?
If I want project2 to be normal folder(without green icon), how could I do this?

Yes, you can work with that working copy as usual (if you've copied the whole structure).
You should remove the .svn subfolder (it's hidden, so you'd need to enable showing hidden directories in Windows Explorer). Then it won't be a working copy anymore and you won't be able to update/commit from it anymore.

You need to delete .svn folder form second project folder...
Some time it may hidden ..
So check option show hidden files...
then delete .svn file
then your project will be a normal folder.

Yes you can do that
And, There are 2 options for this, 1st is you do not check out the project but export it see the screen shot and 2nd option is the removal of .svn hidden sub folders.
Export option will not show the green sign on the folders.


How to search only in currently open files in vscode?

I usually work on larger projects with many files that would contain the search query. So I would open the files I want to modify and do a find/replace across all currently opened files. Can this be done in vs code?
The feature I'm looking for is implemented in Notepad++, but I'd prefer not to have to switch editors for this task.
For me somehow it works just by typing ./ in the files to exclude field.
The ability to search only in the open editors is in the Stable Build v1.55.
As you can see, the icon is at the end of the files to include input so you will have to have that showing (click the three dots ... just below the search options if files to include is not already showing).
"Search: target particular set of files #20530" located here:
Is tracking a search "scope" such as "all open files".
Hit Ctrl + Shift + F and enable the icon at the end of the 'file to include' text field
I don't think there's a way to do this. You can make a feature request on github. I think an extension could do it though.
There is a checkbox for this in the "files to include" field since version 1.55 (march 2021).
The answer was already mentioned (and accepted above) indeed typing ./ in the files to exclude box of the search window will allow you to only search in open files.
However the response mentioned that he was unsure why this worked. VSCode allows you to exclude all files in a directory by writing the directory in the exclude box. The directory . is the directory where VSCode is opened ie the root directory. The filter ./ excludes all files in the VSCodes root directory so all files are excluded. However opened files ignore any exclude filter. So if you exclude all files only the opened files will be searched.
The best way to find something you are searching for within a specific file in vs code would be:
Ctrl + p then pressing # on the search bar.
It will give you a list of all functions on the file, which makes it easier to track something down.
As an alternative to using Visual Studio Code itself, you can just search the file contents within the folder where unsaved files open in Visual Studio Code are located. This would be in one of these locations depending on which OS you are running:
Linux: /tmp/ (someone else running Linux can verify this)
macOS: ~/Library/Application\ Support/Code/Backups/
Windows: %APPDATA%\Code\User\
This extension is what I use for this purpose.
You may need to change the keybinding if there is a conflict.

Window 7: Files are marked for add in perforce

Accidentally I have selected one folder in perforce and click Add sign. And so many files are showing as “marked for Add” files in Perforce which were auto generated in my local drive and I don't want to add it. How can I reverse that in windows 7? I am using Perforce Visual Client/NTX64/2015.1/1233444.
I believe you can simply Revert those files, they should not be deleted, but they will be removed from the "Marked for Add" list. Right-click on a file and Revert it, see what happens - for me, that works.

Ignore folder before first commit in kdesvn?

I have an empty SVN repo on a remote server. I moved the code into kdesvn app and now I need to make a first commit. But I want to exclude some folders from commit (ignore them) so that they never upload later on.
How shall I do it in kdesvn? I went to Repository menu but could not find a command to mark folders ignored.
I did not commit anything yet. Just copied sources into kdesvn. On each file and folder I have icon with a green plus symbol and the status saying "locally added". Look at the image
You want to make a SVN revert. With kdesvn you select the files to revert, then in the menu Subversion > Working Copy > Revert current changes.
If you want to SVN ignore them, just right-click on a file that is not under version control (grey background color) and select Ignore/Unignore current item.

How to Get specific version of solution when there are multiple solution?

I have multiple solutions in a folder. For example
-[All other project files/folders belongs to above solution, etc]
Note that having these solutions in separate folders is not an option for me.
Assume if I open a one solution in VS2012 (i.e Solution1.sln). I right click on the solution
and select Source Control -> Get Specific Version...
Select Type "Latest Version", and tick two check boxes
a. Overwrite writable files that are not checked out
b. Overwrite all files even if the local version matches
And then press the "Get" button.
The problem is that this operation gets the all the latest files for the c:\Code folder - even the ones that are not belongs to my current opened solution (Solution1.sln). It replaces the files for Solution2 and Solution3.
Is there a way I can configure TFS only to get Solution1 file?
I'm using TFS2012
Update: Please see the sample structure below.
Okay. You have to move all your solution files to a solution folder will solve your problem. TFS is trying to get all the files from the solution folder and its sub folder. That's why you having this issue. Create a folder called Solution, you can create it inside the code folder or outside. Open your solution1 file in vs2012 and select the solution file and choose File -> Save Solution1.sln as and save it in the solutions directory. Repeat the same for all the solution files.
Once you are happy with the new solution files from the solutions directory, delete the old solutions files form the code directory.
Browse to your solution in Source Control Explorer, select "Get Specific Version" from the Advanced menu: it should work fine.

Out of date error message on tortoise

I am trying to commit a file that is out of date. I tried cleaning the directory and nothing is working... the most recent file on my local machine is the one i know i want to use.. what is the standard way of overriding the conflict... should i just delete and re-add or is there another way "resource is out of date try updating"
UPDATE BASED ON ADVICE TO UPDATE*** I am getting a "checksum mismatch" error
You need to update your local copy of the file. Right click and click update.
Any changes that have been made since your last update will be merged with your current copy. You can then right click on the file and select resolve conflicts.
If you want to ignore any changes that were made and just use your local copy, the easiest way is to copy your file to another location, update, then overwrite the file with your local copy. However you usually will want to let Tortoise handle merging any changes for you.
Did you try an update? You need to update your local copy to the current version in the repository. Right click, and select 'update'.
I had the exact same issue, it turns out that there are hidden folders containing data that tortoise uses to maintain some record of changes that have been made. If the data in your local folder does not match the data in the server, then you get a whole lot of errors that make very little sense.
To fix this, Right click on your folder and click "SVN Update".
IF you still get an error, open your local folder in explorer, enable viewing of system files and hidden files, and look to see if there is more than 1 hidden .svn folder inside your local directory.
In my case, I had accidentally copied another .svn folder into my local directory. This extra .svn folder was causing the update errors. There should only be 1 .svn folder in your root directory.
Delete the extra .svn folder (usually only the local root folder has the .svn folder) and try updating again.
Tortoise should update your local copy and then you can commit your changes without a problem.
