Haddock numbered list continuation - haskell

How to continue a numbered list with haddock documentation tool? The following lines in haddock
-- 1. First line.
-- 2. Second line with instructions to do something
-- >>> command-linecmd param
-- 3. Third line..
generate the next html:
</p><ol><li> First line.
</li><li> Second line with instructions to do something
</li></ol><pre class="screen"><code class="prompt">>>> </code><strong class="userinput"><code>command-linecmd param
</code></strong></pre><ol><li> Third line..
This breaks the numbering. Is there a way to make haddock continue with third-number also in HTML or should I try something other (>>> gives a nice formatting, why I'd like to use it)?

You can't. You're using >>>. In order to have this rendered as an example, it needs to be at the beginning of the paragraph.
What's considered a beginning of the paragraph?
Anything at the start of a Haddock comment, skipping any white space preceding it.
Anything following an empty line.
In your scenario you have 4 paragraphs: list element, list element, example, list element. Internally, Haddock completely ignores the list numbers you're putting down: you could start from 999 if you wanted to. When Haddock sees consecutive paragraphs with the same type of list, it joins them and numbers them. As you're breaking the pattern, the lists are not treated as a continuation. Indenting >>> with spaces there is actually pointless in this scenario as they will be stripped away as we're in a new paragraph. Note that the spaces are important if you have consecutive examples: you can put them in the same paragraph as long as your indentation is identical.
Other things that have to be on their own paragraph (and will therefore break the list order) is lists, birdtracks, codeblocks (paragraph containing only text between #s) and properties (prop>).
While this could be solved by allowing paragraph nesting, this isn't planned. Ticket #27 is solely about nesting lists (which do happen to be paragraph-level entities) but would not solve this problem.
I recommend that you use unordered lists if the numbers aren't vital or cheat a bit and use named lists ([name] content)
EDIT: As of 12 January 2014, Haddock ticket #27 has been resolved and this is now possible by indenting the example 4 spaces after the second list element. This:
1. First element
2. Second element
>>> your example
your example result
3. Third element
Now results in:
(source: fuuzetsu.co.uk)


Why are paragraphs interpreted differently using "{" and "}" motions vs. "ap" and "ip"?

When using { or } to navigate between paragraphs, Vim appears to treat lines with white space characters as if they were part of the paragraph and skips past them. This behaviour has been discussed in a number of threads and the explanation given (based on :h paragraph) is that "a paragraph begins after each empty line", which is fine.
However, this does not appear to be consistent with the way Vim treats the ap and ip commands, which actually do treat lines with whitespace characters as paragraph breaks. For example, given the following text where the first two paragraphs are separated by a non-empty line (containing whitespace) and the second and third paragraphs are separated by an empty line (and assuming the cursor starts at the top of the buffer) the following occurs:
1 abc # next line contains spaces
3 def # next line is blank
5 jkl
}: moves the cursor to line 4 (i.e., treats lines 1-4 as a paragraph)
dap: deletes lines 1 and 2 (i.e., treats only lines 1-2 as a paragraph)
These two behaviours appear to be inconsistent with one another. Why do these two commands that operate on a paragraph object behave differently?
As mentioned in :help ap and :help ip:
Exception: a blank line (only containing white space) is also a paragraph boundary.
So the behaviour of ap was made voluntarily different from that of } and the difference is clearly documented. The exact reasoning behind that difference is explained nowhere, though, and may be lost in time. You might want to ask on Vim's official mailing list.
Anyway, we can extrapolate a little…
Vim's } is consistent with vi's }. This is expected since Vim's whole purpose is, after all, to be a convincing stand-in for vi.
ap (and the whole concept of text objects) is a Vim thing. It wasn't in vi so there is no existing behaviour to replicate and the person who added that feature decided to make it treat "paragraphs" in a slightly more intuitive fashion than }.

example from ch.16 "learn vimscript the hard way"

I'm trying to complete an exercise from https://learnvimscriptthehardway.stevelosh.com/chapters/16.html
The sample text to be worked on is:
Topic One
This is some text about topic one.
It has multiple paragraphs.
Topic Two
This is some text about topic two. It has only one paragraph.
The mapping to delete the heading of Topic One or Topic Two (depending on which body the cursor is placed in) and enter insert mode is:
:onoremap ih :<c-u>execute "normal! ?^==\\+$\r:nohlsearch\rkvg_"<cr>
Enter 'cih' in the body of either text below the headings and respective heading will be erased and the cursor will be placed there ready to go, in insert mode. Great mapping--but, I'm trying to understand what's happening with \+$.
When I omit \+$ and use this mapping:
:onoremap ih :<c-u>execute "normal! ?^==\r:nohlsearch\rkvg_"<cr>
it works fine, seemingly identically to the other mapping. So what is the use of the \+$?
Here is how Mr. Losh explains it:
The first piece,
performs a search backwards for any line that consists of two
or more equal signs and nothing else. This will leave our cursor on
the first character of the line of equal signs."
But what does \+$ accomplish? I've tried to enter it manually in command but I just get an error sound. It works as intended as part of the full function, though. but like I said, when I remove it and run the full command without, it works fine.
There's something I'm missing about the necessity of that '+$'... Maybe it has to do with the "two or more equal signs and nothing else"?
The author's command:
searches backward for a line consisting exclusively of 2 or more equal signs:
^ anchors the pattern to the beginning of the line,
= matches a literal equal sign,
^= thus matches a literal equal sign at the beginning of the line,
= matches a second equal sign,
\+ matches one or more of the preceding atom, as many as possible,
=\+ thus matches one or more equal sign, as many as possible,
$ anchors the pattern to the end of the line,
so the pattern above is going to match any of the following lines:
but not lines like:
== <- six spaces
which is exactly the goal of that exercice.
Your command, on the other hand:
searches backward for a sequence of two equal signs at the beginning of a line:
^ anchors the pattern to the beginning of the line,
== matches two literal equal signs,
so your pattern is going to match the same lines as above:
but also lines like:
== <- six spaces
because it is not strict enough.
Your pattern would definitely be good enough if used manually to jump to one of those underlines because it gets the job done with minimal typing. But the goal, here, is to make a mapping. Those things have to be generalised to be reliable, which pretty much requires a level of explicitness and precision your pattern lacks.
In short, Steve's pattern checks all the boxes while yours doesn't: it is explicit and precise while yours is implicit and imprecise.
The \+$ is part of the regular expression matching a line of only equals signs. Without it, your mapping would recognize, for example,
This is not a heading
=This is not an underline
as a heading.
The \+ means "At least two of the previous character (=)". The $ means End of line, so there cannot be anything after the equals signs.

Delete text with GREP in Textwrangler

I have the following source code from the Wikipedia page of a list of Games. I need to grab the name of the game from the source, which is located within the title attribute, as follows:
<td><i>007: Quantum of Solace</i><sup id="cite_ref-4" class="reference"><span>[</span>4<span>]</span></sup></td>
As you can see above, in the title attribute there's a string. I need to use GREP to search through every single line for when that occurs, and remove everything excluding:
title="Game name"
I have the following (in TextWrangler) which returns every single occurrence:
How can I now set it to remove everything surrounding that, but to ensure it keeps either the string alone, or title="string".
I use a multi-step method to process these kind of files.
First you want to have only one HTML tag per line, GREP works on each line so you want to minimise the need for complicated patterns. I usually replace all: > with >\n
Then you want to develop a pattern for each occurrence of the item you want. In this case 'title=".?"'. Put that in between parentheses (). Then you want add some filling to that statement to find and replace all occurrences of this pattern: .?(title=".?").
Replace everything that matches .?(title=".?").* with \1
Finally, make smart use of the Textwrangler function process lines containing, to filter any remaining rubbish.
the \1 refers to the first occurrence of a match between () you can also reorder stuff using multiple parentheses and use something like (.?), (.) with \2, \1 to shuffle columns.
Learn how to do lazy regular expressions. The use of ? in these patterns is very powerfull. Basically ? will have the pattern looking for the next occurrence of the next part of the pattern not the latest part that the next part of your pattern occurs.
I've figured this problem out, it was quite simple. Instead of retrieving the content in the title attribute, I'd retrieve the page name.
To ensure I only struck the correct line where the content was, I'd use the following string for searching the code.
Returning \2
After that, I simply remove any cases where there is HTML code:
Returning ''
Finally, I'll remove the remaining content after the page name:
Returning ''
A bit of cleaning up the spacing and I have a list for all game names.

Haskell Parsec strange issue with multiple expression occurrences

here is the code which to my mind shouldn't cause any issue but for some reason does?
program = expr8
<|> seqOfStmt
seqOfStmt =
do list <- (sepBy1 expr8 whiteSpace)
return $ if length list == 1 then head list else Seq list
I get 3 errors all in respect to 'list' not being in scope?
It's probably blatantly obvious what is going wrong but I can't figure out why
If there are any alternatives to this I would greatly like to hear them !
Thanks in advance,
Your final line uses a tab character for indentation, while the other lines use spaces only.
You have tabs set to four spaces in your editor, but ghc uses eight character tab stops (just as terminals do).
Therefore your return line is parsed as a continuation of the previous line, and list is not yet in scope.
One easy way to fix this is to refrain from using tabs: use spaces only.
Once you've fixed that, your next error will probably be a type error: head list and Seq list have different types (unless perhaps you have redefined head for some reason). It's not clear why you want to treat the list differently if it contains only a single element.

Using Vim, how do you use a variable to store count of patterns found?

This question was helpful for getting a count of a certain pattern in Vim, but it would be useful to me to store the count and sum the results so I can echo a concise summary.
I'm teaching a class on basic HTML to some high schoolers, and I'm using this script to be quickly check numbers of required elements throughout all their pages without leaving Vim. It works fine, but when students have more than 10 .html files it gets cumbersome to add up the various sections by hand.
Something like:
img_sum = :bufdo %s/<img>//gen
would be nice. I think I'll write a ruby script to check the pages more thoroughly and check for structure, but for now I'm curious about how to do this in Vim.
The problem can be solved by a counter separate from the one built-in into the
:substitute command: Use Vim-script variable to hold the number of pattern
matches. A convenient way to register every match and modify a particular
variable accordingly, is to take advantage of the substitute with an
expression feature of the :substitute command (see :help sub-replace-\=).
The idea is to use a substitution that evaluates an expression increasing
a counter on every occurrence, and does not change the text it is operating
The first part of the technique cannot be implemented straightforwardly
because it is forbidden to use Ex commands in expressions (including \=
substitute expressions), and therefore it is not possible to use the :let
command to modify a variable. Answering the question "gVim find/replace
with counter", I have proposed a simple trick to overcome that limitation,
which is based on using a single-item list (or dictionary containing a single
key-value pair). Since the map() function transforms a list or a dictionary
in place, that only item could be changed in a constrained expression context.
To do that, one should call the map() function passing an expression
evaluating to the new value along with the list containing the current value.
The second half of the technique is how to avoid changing text when using
a substitution command. In order to achieve that, one can make the pattern
have zero-width by prepending \ze or by appending \zs atoms to it (see
:help /\zs, :help /\ze). In such a way, the modified pattern captures
a string of zero width just before or after the occurrence of the initial
pattern. So, if the replacement text is also empty, substitution does not
cause any change in the contents of a buffer. To make the substitute
expression evaluate to an empty string, one can just extract an empty
substring or sublist from the resulting value of that expression.
The two ideas are put into action in the following command.
:let n=[0] | bufdo %s/pattern\zs/\=map(n,'v:val+1')[1:]/ge
I think that answer above is hard to understand and more pretty way to use external command grep like this:
:let found=0
:bufdo let found=found+(system('grep "<p>" '.expand('%:p') . '| wc -l'))
:echo found
