can I create Collections in Flickr using Flickr API - flickr

Can I create Collections using Flickr API (I am using C# FlickerNet, but I can use REST calls, if its supported). I am not getting any method for that.

You can use flickr.photosets.create to make a new photoset. Photosets are similar to collections, and perhaps their differences won't be important to your requirements.


how to convert azure app insights api response to C# models

so i am able to call app insight's api "" from my C# code.
i can get the json response.
i have this response in json and i want to serialize it into C# objects. do i have to create matching C# classes my self or is there any built in c# models i can use and serialize them?
Not really a direct answer to your question, but instead of consuming REST API directly and doing the conversion/serialization yourself you can simply use Application Insights .Net SDK.
The SDK will do all the necessary conversions for you and give you nice C# objects. The source code for this is also open source and is available here:
You can take a look here for all the models available to you for direct use here:
In my opinion, if you choose to use app insights api, that means you didn't add any other sdk into your project, that means there's no any built in models for you.
And if you choose to use sdk instead, here's a sample for it, and per my testing, it only provides QueryResults as the response, here's my testing result, and this is the introduction for preparation. Pls note, you need wait for a while to make the newly added role to take effect. If you can't find the api permission mentioned in the document, you can search for it like what I did.

Exporting tags from Custom Vision

I am using the Azure Custom Vision service ( for data labelling. It works well for automatically labelling data.
I want to use this data for a custom neural network, so I want to download the tags. Is there a way to download the tags, either from the GUI or API?
The closest thing I have found is the GetTaggedImages API request (
If you want to get all tags for a given project and iteration., I would recommend you use API directly. There is a GetTags API can help with this, pleae check the following API reference:

Any libraries that can make accessing Google APIs as a service account simpler for NodeJS?

Background: My idea is to create a primarily content-heavy website (think news articles or blog posts) written entirely in nodejs. Since creating content on Google Drive (Google Docs) in particular is very simple, what I would like to do is have Nodejs retrieve the website's content from Google Docs.
Challenge: As far as I can tell, the correct way to do this according to Google is to create a Service Account so that the application can access the files stored on Google Drive without requiring user-intervention in the form of a confirmation. Google provides three libraries--java, python, and php--for server-to-server requests. Does anyone know of anything similar already written by the Node community? I am aware of node-oauth but I've searched through it's source and haven't found anything referencing private keys, which are required for server-to-server interaction, which I'm taking to mean it's not supported. Writing one is also an option, but I'd like to avoid that if at all possible. Looking at the Google-written Java Oauth2 client library makes it pretty clear that it's not an easy task.
Thanks in advance!
This is one library I've found that looks pretty thorough and complete for creating JSON Web Tokens: JWCrypto
I know this thread is old, but in the event others arrive here looking for an answer:
Google is working on an official module to access all of their API's. Its alpha so be careful but it looks very nice- github repository

How I do use pagination in Spotify Apps

How I do create the elements like pagination, crossovers and pagination easily as mentioned in the design page
Is there any external js/css that can be used and how can I download/use them? There is no written documentation about them.
Read this question, this is how to use the Spotify pagniation/slider plugin.
How to create a "carousel"-like widget in spotify apps API?

How do I access Google AdWords API with Node.js?

Is there a way to use node.js to access and manage a google adwords account?
I'm the author of an unofficial node.js client library for AdWords: It is getting closer to a feature complete client library every day. Pull requests welcome.
Yes, the library uses standard Javascript (it is built using Google's Closure library). What you might need to do is to write an HttpWebTransport adapter that works for Node.js. has a few examples for specific technlogies like Google Gadgets, Chrome extensions, etc. , but there isn't one for Node.js. Also see for details on how to configure the library to use a particular HttpWebTransport class.
I don't know much about node.js but if it's using standard JavaScript then you should be able to get somewhere with the new AdWords API JavaScript library:
