What's the correct way to check sql found condition in ILE RPG? - rpgle

When working with embedded SQL in RPG, you often end up with a cursor and a dow-loop for processing all rows in your result. The condition in the loop is somehow dependent on SQLCOD and/or SQLSTT, some globally available variables in an SQLRPGLE-program?
But what is the correct way of checking these values? Some suggest SQLCOD = 0 others not (SQLCOD = +100 or SQLSTT = '02000'). One fails on all warnings, the other does not fail on some errors, so I'm not content.
To illustrate what I do with some code:
Pmain B
Dmy_ds E DS extname(SOME_TABLE)
D qualified
exec sql
FROM some_table;
exec sql
OPEN cur;
exec sql
INTO :my_ds;
dow sql_found();
exec sql
INTO :my_ds;
exec sql
CLOSE cur;
Pmain E
Psql_found B
// insert return statement here...
Psql_found E
I'm looking for the correct return statement here, that will make me go through all rows if no error occurs and lets me leave when an error occurs. Bonus points for some decent way to check for errors.

SQLSTATE is better, and recommended by IBM.
From IBM's InfoCenter SQL Messages and Codes Reference: SQLCODE and SQLSTATE concepts
SQLSTATE is the preferred standard return code.
SQLSTATE is 5 characters, with the first two bytes identifying a class of conditions.
'00' = Unqualified Successful Completion
'01' = Warning
'02' = No Data
Anything else is an error. I generally only check for '00'.
Simple. Easy. More portable.
Using SQLCODE often involves lists of codes which are, IMHO, less than developer friendly.
Personally, I generally include definitions and code like this:
D xSQLState# s * inz( %addr(SQLState) )
D xSQLState ds 5 based(xSQLState#)
D xSQLState2 2a
D Success_On_SQL C const('00')
D Warning_On_SQL C const('01')
D NoData_On_SQL C const('02')
Then after any SQL operation, I generally check
if xSQLState2 <> Success_On_Sql;
someflag = true;

The best practice is to process the SQLCODEs you expect (as part of the expected processing) and to add exception code to handle the ones you don't. One implementation:
dow 1=1; // forever
exec sql
INTO :my_ds;
// normal exit
if sqlstt = SQL_NODATA;
SFLEND = *on;
// can't CAST a value
if sqlstt = SQL_CAST; // CAST error
... tell user there's an error and read another
// decimal data error
if sqlstt = SQL_DDE;
tell user to call IT and stop reading
// whoops! not expected at all. Dump for post-mortem
if sqlstt <> SQL_NORMAL;
... tell user to call IT and stop reading
// test for end of loop
// filled subfile page?
enddo; // forever
With this type of implementation you have to intentionally leave the loop; whether you've filled a subfile page, loaded the highest element in an array or hit an error. I'm not sure there is a single, generic implementation that will handle all circumstances. Sometimes you might want to leave the read loop if you have a record lock and sometimes you want to issue a message and try again (for example).

I did some more searching on the topic and found something on IBM's site (quote):
The SQLCODE is also set by the database manager after each SQL
statement is executed as follows:
- If SQLCODE = 0 and SQLWARN0 is blank, execution was successful.
- If SQLCODE = 100, no data was found. For example, a FETCH
statement returned no data, because the cursor was positioned
after the last row of the result table.
- If SQLCODE > 0 and not = 100, execution was successful with a
- If SQLCODE = 0 and SQLWARN0 = 'W', execution was successful
with a warning.
- If SQLCODE < 0, execution was not successful.
Which would lead me to an sql_found() like this:
Pfound_sql B
return (SQLCOD >= 0) and (SQLCOD<>100);
Pfound_sql E
That should take care of the End of Data condition and fail on all errors. I'm not sure if there are some warnings that I should take care of (don't want to get trapped in an endless loop, if there is a warning that leads to not reading).


Your code send nothing back test error python?

I actually pass a test and I have here to calculate the lowest total carbon footprint of all possible routes.
I know there is multiple way to do this but I tried something like this:
compositionAller = []
compositionRetour = []
for element in range(int(lines[0])):
date = lines[element + 1].split(" ")[0]
heure, minutes, secondes = map(int, date.split(":"))
ville = lines[element + 1].split(" ")[1]
emmission = int(lines[element + 1].split(" ")[2])
if ville == "Paris-Lyon":
compositionAller.append([heure, minutes, secondes, ville, emmission])
compositionRetour.append([heure, minutes, secondes, ville, emmission])
MeilleurTrajet = None
for aller in compositionAller:
for retour in compositionRetour:
if aller[0] == retour[0] and aller[1] < retour[1]or aller[0] < retour[0] or aller[0] == retour[0] and aller[1] == retour[1] and aller[2] <= retour[2] :
if not MeilleurTrajet or MeilleurTrajet > aller[-1] + retour[-1]:
MeilleurTrajet = aller[-1] + retour[-1]
But arrived at test case 7 they always said there is an error your code send nothing back and I don't have access to the list to try it by my side.
So if someone can help me to know where is the error.
Here is an example of the table that we can get:
"22:24:09 Paris-Lyon 487",
"09:39:29 Paris-Lyon 2",
"10:20:32 Lyon-Paris 3",
I tried to change the condition to check hours minutes and secondes but nothing works.
You wrote
for aller in compositionAller:
for retour in compositionRetour:
if aller[0] == retour[0] and aller[1] < retour[1] or aller[0] < retour[0] or aller[0] == retour[0] and aller[1] == retour[1] and aller[2] <= retour[2] :
if not MeilleurTrajet or MeilleurTrajet > aller[-1] + retour[-1]:
This seems very inconvenient.
Humans will read / debug this code; humans are good at story telling.
Much better to use words ("seconde") than numbers ([0]).
Also, I would prefer an identifier of meilleurEmmission
for consistency with code above, to clarify it
has CO2 units, but that's a minor point.
(And PEP-8 asks for meilleur_emmission, whatever.)
The inconvenience starts here:
compositionAller.append([heure, minutes, secondes, ville, emmission])
Tack on an import.
import datetime as dt
We know we're going to have to compare H,M,S against H,M,S.
Why make it painful, why do it piecemeal?
Here's a pair of better ways to represent same thing:
Keep H,M,S, but as a tuple: .append([(heure, minutes, secondes), ville, emmission])
Abandon H,M, preferring SI units: .append([dt.timeinterval(hours=heure, minutes=minutes, seconds=secondes), ville, emmission])
If you prefer integers, then dt.timeinterval(...).total_seconds() would
give you e.g. 300 seconds for a five-minute journey.
Ok, suddenly that giant if expression has
become more manageable, it is very easy to
ask which journey has shorter duration.
You say your code doesn't generalize over all test cases.
Here is one more expression in the original code
that worries me:
if ville == "Paris-Lyon":
That seems very hard-coded, very brittle.
I don't know what the original problem statement is,
and what valid city names might be.
But I worry that you need
start, end = ville.split("-")
and that you may need some fancier logic,
perhaps with a dict lookup,
to keep track of outbound and inbound routes
for multiple cities which aren't necessarily
Paris or Lyon.
Also, if we must handle a Paris -> Auxerre
followed by Auxerre -> Lyon compound route,
then a much more complex approach to graph
traversal will be needed.
Bonne chance!

Angr can't solve the googlectf beginner problem

I am a student studying angr, first time.
I'm watching the code in this url.
import angr
import claripy
base_addr = 0x100000 # To match addresses to Ghidra
proj = angr.Project("./a.out", main_opts={'base_addr': base_addr})
flag_chars = [claripy.BVS('flag_%d' % i, 8) for i in range(FLAG_LEN)]
flag = claripy.Concat( *flag_chars + [claripy.BVV(b'\n')]) # Add \n for scanf() to accept the input
state = proj.factory.full_init_state(
# Add constraints that all characters are printable
for k in flag_chars:
state.solver.add(k >= ord('!'))
state.solver.add(k <= ord('~'))
simgr = proj.factory.simulation_manager(state)
find_addr = 0x101124 # SUCCESS
avoid_addr = 0x10110d # FAILURE
simgr.explore(find=find_addr, avoid=avoid_addr)
if (len(simgr.found) > 0):
for found in simgr.found:
Which is the answer of googlectf beginner.
But, the above code does not work. It doesn't give me the answer.
I want to know why the code is not working.
When I execute this code, the output was empty.
I run the code with python3 in Ubuntu 20.04 in wsl2
Thank you.
I believe this script isn't printing anything because angr fails to find a solution and then exits. You can prove this by appending the following to your script:
raise Exception('Could not find the solution')
If the exception raises, a valid solution was not found.
In terms of why it doesn't work, this code looks like copy & paste from a few different sources, and so it's fairly convoluted.
For example, the way the flag symbol is passed to stdin is not ideal. By default, stdin is a SimPackets, so it's best to keep it that way.
The following script solves the challenge, I have commented it to help you understand. You will notice that changing stdin=angr.SimPackets(name='stdin', content=[(flag, 15)]) to stdin=flag will cause the script to fail, due to the reason mentioned above.
import angr
import claripy
base = 0x400000 # Default angr base
project = angr.Project("./a.out")
flag = claripy.BVS("flag", 15 * 8) # length is expected in bits here
initial_state = project.factory.full_init_state(
stdin=angr.SimPackets(name='stdin', content=[(flag, 15)]), # provide symbol and length (in bytes)
add_options ={
# constrain flag to common alphanumeric / punctuation characters
[initial_state.solver.add(byte >= 0x20, byte <= 0x7f) for byte in flag.chop(8)]
sim = project.factory.simgr(initial_state)
find=lambda s: b"SUCCESS" in s.posix.dumps(1), # search for a state with this result
avoid=lambda s: b"FAILURE" in s.posix.dumps(1) # states that meet this constraint will be added to the avoid stash
if sim.found:
solution_state = sim.found[0]
print(f"[+] Success! Solution is: {solution_state.posix.dumps(0)}") # dump whatever was sent to stdin to reach this state
raise Exception('Could not find the solution') # Tell us if angr failed to find a solution state
A bit of Trivia - there are actually multiple 'solutions' that the program would accept, I guess the CTF flag server only accepts one though.
❯ echo -ne 'CTF{\x00\xe0MD\x17\xd1\x93\x1b\x00n)' | ./a.out

Issues creating a virtual HANA table

I am trying to create a virtual table in HANA based on a remote system table view.
If I run it at the command line using hdbsql
hdbsql H00=> create virtual table HanaIndexTable at "SYSRDL#CG_SOURCE"."<NULL>"."dbo"."sysiqvindex"
0 rows affected (overall time 305.661 msec; server time 215.870 msec)
I am able to select from HanaIndexTable and get results and see my index.
When I code it in python, I use the following command:
cursor.execute("""create virtual table HanaIndexTable1 at SYSRDL#CG_source.\<NULL\>.dbo.sysiqvindex""")
I think there is a problem with the NULL. But I see in the output that the escape key is doubled.
self = <hdbcli.dbapi.Cursor object at 0x7f02d61f43d0>
operation = 'create virtual table HanaIndexTable1 at SYSRDL#CG_source.\\<NULL\\>.dbo.sysiqvindex'
parameters = None
def __execute(self, operation, parameters = None):
# parameters is already checked as None or Tuple type.
> ret = self.__cursor.execute(operation, parameters=parameters, scrollable=self._scrollable)
E hdbcli.dbapi.ProgrammingError: (257, 'sql syntax error: incorrect syntax near "\\": line 1 col 58 (at pos 58)')
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/hdbcli/dbapi.py:69: ProgrammingError
I have tried to run the command without the <> but get the following error.
hdbcli.dbapi.ProgrammingError: (257, 'sql syntax error: incorrect syntax near "NULL": line 1 col 58 (at pos 58)')
I have tried upper case, lower case and escaping. Is what I am trying to do impossible?
There was an issue with capitalization between HANA and my remote source. I also needed more escaping rather than less.

GML room_goto() Error, Expecting Number

I'm trying to make a game that chooses a room from a pool of rooms using GML, but I get the following error:
FATAL ERROR in action number 3 of Create Event for object obj_control:
room_goto argument 1 incorrect type (5) expecting a Number (YYGI32)
at gml_Object_obj_control_CreateEvent_3 (line 20) - room_goto(returnRoom)
pool = ds_list_create()
ds_list_insert(pool, 0, rm_roomOne)
ds_list_insert(pool, 1, rm_roomTwo)
ds_list_insert(pool, 2, rm_roomThree)
ds_list_insert(pool, 3, rm_roomFour)
var returnIndex;
var returnRoom;
returnIndex = irandom(ds_list_size(pool))
returnRoom = ds_list_find_value(pool, returnIndex)
if (ds_list_size(pool) == 0){
I don't get the error message saying it's expecting a number.
This is weird indeed... I think this should actually work.. But I have no GM around to test :(
For now you can also solve this using "choose". This saves a list (and saves memory, because you're not cleaning up the list by deleting it - thus it resides in memory)
room_goto(choose(rm_roomOne, rm_roomTwo, rm_roomThree, rm_roomFour));
choose basically does exactly what you're looking for. Might not be the best way to go if you're re-using the group of items though.

How to find data between two values

I am trying to find the data between two values. I am using this code in a GUI programme, the starting_value and ending_value which you can see in the code below are selected from 2 listboxes in a previous part of the code.
% --- Executes on button press in CalculateIntensity.
function CalculateIntensity_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to CalculateIntensity (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
% Trapz function
starting_value = getappdata(0,'StartValue');
ending_value = getappdata(0,'EndValue');
StartingValue = str2mat(starting_value)
EndingValue = str2mat(ending_value)
A = getappdata(0,'XYarray')
data_found = A(A(:,[1,2]) > StartingValue & A(:,[1,2]) < EndingValue)
I found help on:
However the
data_found = A(A(:,[1,2]) > StartingValue & A(:,[1,2]) < EndingValue)
part of the code wont work for me, I think starting_value and ending_value are strings so I tried converting it to a matrix but I get the error:
Error using <
Matrix dimensions must agree.
Error in MichelleLaycockGUImainwindow>CalculateIntensity_Callback (line 119)
data_found = A(A(:,[1,2]) > StartingValue & A(:,[1,2]) < EndingValue)
an example of data used is:
A =
1.0e+03 *
0.1660 1.1570
0.1664 0.4650
0.1668 0
0.1672 1.0200
0.1676 1.0110
0.1680 1.0200
0.1684 1.0640
0.1688 1.1100
0.1692 1.0370
0.1696 1.0050
0.1700 1.0750
0.1704 1.0850
0.1708 1.1310
0.1712 1.0630
0.1716 1.0370
0.1719 1.1070
0.1724 1.1450
I'm not really sure where I'm going wrong, any help would be greatly appreciated as it's all I need to complete my work. Thanks in advance!
As some of the values in my data vary rather than just decreasing or increasing the greater than or equal to method I was originally trying to use did not work. So rather than using the loop to get the data between the two points selected I went with a different method.
I use[~,indx1]=ismember(StartingValue,A,'rows') this finds the row number of the selected data and then I use this information to extract the data between and including the selected data.
Here is the full code I used to do this:
starting_value = getappdata(0,'StartValue');
ending_value = getappdata(0,'EndValue');
StartingValue = str2num(starting_value);
EndingValue = str2num(ending_value);
A = getappdata(0,'XYarray');
arrayfortrapz = A(indx1:indx2,1:2); %array of data including and between selected data
I hope this of some help to anybody that may run into a similar issue.
