How to click on a hidden element in a coded UI test? - coded-ui-tests

I created a coded UI test of a very long form. One of the form elements is actually a javascript widget that uses jQuery and bootstrap to alter the value of a hidden form value. (Essentially I'm mimicing an optgroup that has three levels).
The test records just fine, however when I replay the test it gets to the javascript widget and throws the error
Cannot perform 'Click'on the hidden control. Additional Details:
TechnologyNmae: 'Web'
ControlType: 'HyperLink'
TagName: 'A'
ID: ''
Name: ''
Target: ''
InnerText: 'Atlanta'
How can I get the test browser to click the right thing?

Create a different method and assertion for the inner text of the control rather than for a complete control. In my case problem occurred "Cannot perform 'Click'on the hidden control." while uploading a file using a button. So i changed my assertion by focusing the assertion to the inner text rather than the control. It worked in my case.
here is the code generated after creating the assertion:
public void AssertBrowser()
#region Variable Declarations
WinEdit uIItemEdit = this.UIMozillaFirefoxWindow.UIItemCell.UIItemEdit;
// Verify that the 'Name' property of '...' text box equals '...'
Assert.AreEqual(this.AssertBrowserExpectedValues.UIItemEditName, uIItemEdit.Name);


EditBox fieldInput.getValue() and spaces

Here is the issue. I have an editBox which I am trying to retrieve the value from by server side JavaScript via the onClick event of a button named Add. It works until space is in the value, then it retrieves nothing. Code for the onClick events is as follows:
println("Button Clicked");
var =
var forkNum = forkNumberInput.getValue();
viewScope.ForkNum = forkNum;
} catch(e){
println( Error in Add button: " + e.toString());
When a space is in the text the viewScope doesn't get populated and nothing is written to the server log not even "Button Clicked". No error is written to server log.
If "Button Clicked" is not printed, the likeliest cause is that there are validation errors. Add a Display Errors control to make sure that's not the case.
I second Paul's suggestion to add the Errors control. Besides that: Try to avoid to use getComponent() when all you want to do is grabbing the value. The idea of JSF, extending to XPages, is "data binding". Controls are bound to some data source for their value and you interact with those. getComponent() is meant to be used when you need to manipulate anything else.
So you would go and bind your control that scope variable viewScope.forkNum and you are done. Your button then grabs the value from there and does what it needs to do.
So in summary: Controls want to be bound. Data lives in models (not controls)
Thanks Paul - you led me to the right direction. It turned out that there was a validateConstraint under Properties > data > validators. I removed the validateConstraint and it started working. That's what happens when you copy design elements from one custom control to another.

OrchardCMS: How to access Content Menu Item boolean field in cshtml view

In orchard, I've added a boolean field called "IsDone" to the built in Content Menu Item content part via that Admin interface. I've then picked an item in Navigation and set the option to "yes" for the corresponding field i added.
In my custom theme, I've copied over MenuItem.cshtml.
How would I get the value of my custom "IsDone" field here?
I've tried something like
dynamic item = Model.ContentItem;
var myValue = item.MenuItem.IsDone.Value;
but I'm pretty sure my syntax is incorrect (because i get null binding errors at runtime).
thanks in advance!
First i suggest you use the shape alternate MenuItemLink-ContentMenuItem.cshtml instead of MenuItem.cshtml to target the content menu item directly.
Secondly, the field is attached to the ContentPart of the menu item. The following code retrieves the boolean field from this content part:
#using Orchard.ContentManagement;
#using System.Linq;
Orchard.ContentManagement.ContentItem lContentItem = Model.Content.ContentItem;
var lBooleanField = lContentItem
.Where(p => p.PartDefinition.Name == "ContentMenuItem") // *1
.SelectMany(p => p.Fields.Where(f => f.Name == "IsDone"))
.FirstOrDefault() as Orchard.Fields.Fields.BooleanField;
if (lBooleanField != null)
bool? v = lBooleanField.Value;
if (v.HasValue)
if (v.Value)
#("not done")
#("not done")
Sadly you cannot simply write lContentItem.As<Orchard.ContentManagement.ContentPart>() here as the first part in the part list is derived from this type, thus you would receive the wrong part.
While #ViRuSTriNiTy's answer is probably correct, it doesn't take advantage of the power of the dynamic objects that Orchard provides.
This is working for me but is a much shorter version:
bool? IsDone = Model.Content.ContentMenuItem.IsDone.Value;
var IsItDoneThough = (IsDone.HasValue ? IsDone.Value : false);
<p>Is it done? #IsItDoneThough</p>
You can see that in the first line I pull in the IsDone field using the dynamic nature of the Model.
For some reason (I'm sure there is a good one somewhere) the BooleanField uses a bool? as its backing value. This means that if you create the new menu item and just leave the checkbox blank it will be null when you query it. After you have saved it as checked it will be true and then if you go back and uncheck it then it will have the value false.
The second line that I've provided IsItDoneThough checks if it has a value yet. If it does then it uses that, otherwise it assumes it to be false.
Shape Alternate
#ViRuSTriNiTy's other advice, to change it to use the MenuItemLink-ContentMenuItem.cshtml instead of MenuItem.cshtml is also important.
The field doesn't exist on other menu items so it will crash if you try to access it. Just rename the .cshtml file to fix this.
Dynamic Model
Just to wrap this up with a little bit of insight as to how I got there (I'm still learning this as well) the way I figured it out is as follows:
.Content is a way of casting the current content item to dynamic, so you can use the dynamic advantages with the rest of line;
When you add the field in the admin panel it looks like it should be right there on the ContentItem, however it actually creates an invisible ContentPart to contain them and calls it whatever the ContentItem's type is.
So if you had added this field to a Page content type you would have used Model.Content.Page.IsDone.Value. If you had made a new content type called banana it would be Model.Content.Banana.IsDone.Value, etc.
Once you are inside the "invisible" part which holds the fields you can finally get at IsDone. This won't give you the actual value yet though. Each Field has its own properties which you can look up in the source code. the IsDone is actually a BooleanField and it exposes its data via the Value property.
Try doing a solution-wide search for : ContentField to see the classes for each of the fields you have available.
Hopefully this will have explained things clearly but I have actually written about using fields in a blog post and as part of my getting started with modules course over on the official docs (its way down in part 3 if you're curious).
Using built-in features instead of IsDone
This seems like a strange approach to do it this way. If you have a Content Item like a Page then you can just use the "Show on a menu" setting on the page.
Go to admin > content > open the page > down near the bottom you will find "Show on a menu":
This will automatically put it into your navigation and then you can move it around to where you want:
After it "IsDone" you can just go back and untick the "Show on a menu" option.
Setting up the alternative .cshtml
To clarify your comments about how to use the alternative, you need to
Copy the file you have at Orchard.Core/Shapes/Views/MenuItem.cshtml over to your theme's view folder so its /Views/MenuItem.cshtml
Rename the copy in your theme to MenuItem-ContentMenuItem.cshtml
Delete probably everything in it and paste in my sample at the start of this post. You don't want most of the original MenuItem.cshtml code in there as it is doing some special tricks to change itself into a different shape which isn't what you want.
Reset your original Orchard.Core/Shapes/Views/MenuItem.cshtml back to the factory default, grab it from the official Orchard repository
Understanding the view names
From your comments you asked about creating more specific views (known as alternates). You can use something call the Shape Tracer to view these. The name of them follows a certain pattern which makes them more and more specific.
You can learn about the alternates on the official docs site:
Accessing and Rendering Shapes
To figure out what shape is being used and what alternates are available you can use the shape tracing module which is documented here:
Getting Started with Shape Tracing

Unable to check the checkbox in GEB

I am trying to check my check box in Geb.
I have tried following codes, but no luck
$('input', type:'checkbox', id: 'chkTermsConditions', tabindex: '-1').value('true')
Following is the HTML
After mouse go over the check box additional text updated (marked in the screen shot)
You are attempting to check the box which has the attribute with value='true'
From the Geb manual:
The value of input, select and textarea elements can be retrieved and set with the value method. Calling value() with no arguments will return the String value of the first element in the Navigator. Calling value(value) will set the current value of all elements in the Navigator. The argument can be of any type and will be coerced to a String if necessary. The exceptions are that when setting a checkbox value the method expects a boolean (or, an existing checkbox value) and when setting a multiple select the method expects an array or Collection of values.
Try this:
If you are using non standard HTML generated by some other platform. You may have to resort to clicking the element or using javascript.
The element that produces the desired click result could be one of the surrounding elements. If the widget is javascript controlled you may have to call a function that is embedded into the page for that widget. If its a javascript widget I cannot help you unless you can point me to a page which uses the same platform.
or any of the other surrounding elements.
I managed to check the check box with $(".CheckBoxStyle").click()
Only issue is still Submit button doesn't get enable. Following is the html code for before and after checking the check box in real situation.
I tried the to click on the submit button with following code. It doesn't give any error. But still doesn't move to next page as expected.May be because of Submit button disable issue.
Edited :
It was turned out above was application related issue. We have to click on the address after selecting via address validation service. Then only Submit button get enable.

Inline Editing of View data used in a repeat

I have a repeat control using a view as the datasource with a custom control within the repeat. The custom control is made up of a panel with two tables. One table has computed fields with an Edit button and the other has editable fields with a Save and Cancel button. The Edit and Cancel buttons work as needed, but the Save button gives a is null error. I have already narrowed the issue down to the error occurring on the line by commenting out all prior lines. I even tried to do an edoc.lock(), but got the same error.
var edoc:NotesDocument = database.getDocumentByUNID(viewScope.get('docid'));
try {;
} catch(e) {
The storage of a DocID in the viewScope and a repeat control doesn't seem right. You want to add a custom property to your custom control called DocID and then instead of
You do:
This was you can be sure that you get the document that was in that view for that row.
What you also might consider, instead of all the manual steps (the ones you commented out) have a panel with a DocumentDataSource and then simply bind your input fields to that one. Handover of id via custom property and "IgnoreRequestParameter = true
Then you simply do a (presuming you named the datasource rowDoc) and you don't need to recycle anything. Let us know how it goes.

Validation before submitting the Search form generated using filterGrid in JQGrid

I have a search form I generated using the filterGrid option in JqGrid. I want to add a JavaScript logic which is invoked before I submit the Search form. I have added a method which is invoked by the beforeSubmit property for the filterGrid. It goes into the method before submitting, but always submits the form regardless of the value returned. I would like the form to not submit if the javascript returns false.
Have any of you guys implemented anything like this before. Or is there any othe rbetter way to implement this. Any help on this will be really appreciated.
function validateDate(dateDiff) {
if(daysDiff < 0){
return [false,"Message"];
} // ??? (commented by Oleg)
return [true,""];
There are at least three different ways how searching can be used: Toolbar Searching, Custom Searching which you use and Single field searching or Advanced Searching which share the same code. So one have currently three different implementations of close things.
Only Toolbar Searching has beforeSearch event handler which can return false to stop searching. In case of Custom Searching the value returned by the event handler beforeSearch will not used. Single field searching or Advanced Searching don't call any event handler before searching. In all cases for the searching will set searching filter and the jqGrid parameter search to true and then force grid reloading with the code like
To be able to make any validations and stop reloading of the grid I see no simple way. So I suggest only following.
You can overwrite the standard reloadGrid event handler and chain it. The corresponding code con look like following:
var grid = $("#gridId");
var events ="events"); // read all events bound to
var originalReloadGrid; // here we will save the original event handle
var skipRefresh = false; // this can be changed by owe validation function
// Verify that one reloadGrid event hanler is set. It is typical sitation
if (events && events.reloadGrid && events.reloadGrid.length === 1) {
originalReloadGrid = events.reloadGrid[0].handler; // save old
var newEvents ="events");
grid.bind('reloadGrid', function(e,opts) {
if (!skipRefresh && grid[0] {
Probably I will create later a demo which demonstrate this on an example and place the link to the demo here. Moreover I will try to suggest code changes to jqGrid so, that in all different implementations of searching will be possible to stop serching by returning false by beforeSearch event handle.
UPDATED: OK! I prepared a demo for you. In the demo I use no server components, so it will not really do searching, but you can see the results if the grid will be refreshed and goes to the page 1.
To test the demo you can do following:
type in the "Client" input field a text not starting with 'test' and click "search" button. You receive an alert which simulate the validation dialog.
type in the "Client" input field a text starting with 'test' like test1 and click "search" button. Now the grig will refreshed because the validation will be OK.
