dns to directadmin ip-address:port - dns

Right now I have a VPS with DirectAdmin installed on it, on default DirectAdmin is reachted by going to (example ip).
I am trying to set up a dns server that will forward da.mysite.com to
Sitting this up at the hosting company didn't give any errors, but when I try add this line to my DirectAdmin DNS settings it gives the following error:
Cannot Add Record - The value must be an IP address
Doing this would give my customers a better quality of usage and they feel like I provide all the services.
Any ideas?

A DNS server just resolves your hostname (da.mysite.com) to an IP ( It knows nothing about your port number.
To achieve what you describe, you have to set up some sort of a proxy... Read up on mod_proxy in Apache if you are using it and use a RewriteRule to achieve a redirection from hostname.com:5222 to da.hostname.com, for instance.


Setting up domain with WAMP / XAMPP

I was wondering about security with setting up a domain for WAMP / XAMPP.
Lets say that I want to publish website hosted on my PC with WAMP or XAMPP.
So, I have to register a domain.. and set it in WAMP / XAMPP. But, what would happen, if I set some already used domain in WAMP? For example if I set stackoverflow.com, which is already registered. What would happen? I guess that people will not see my website, but this one (stackoverflow), but how does WAMP or XAMPP recongnise that it is my website?
I am begginer with this matter, so please, dont be angry if its something obious :)
I think you are forgetting about DNS Servers and what they do.
When your browser see's any domain name you enter in the address bar, it goes to a DNS Server and asks, "Please give me the IP address for this domain name". Domain names are only there for us humans as its easier to remember stackoverflow.com than it is to remember an ip address, and that gets even more difficult for us to remember if it is on the IPV6 network.
So unless you can get all the DNS Servers in the universe changed to point the domain name stackoverflow.com to your routers external IP you wont effect anything by setting WAMP or XAMPP to use any existing domain name.
But lets say you do set WAMP/XAMPP to use an existing domain name. You would amend your HOSTS file to tell the Browser where to find that domain like this localhost stackoverflow.com
::1 localhost
::1 stackoverflow.com
This has the effect of seeding the local machines DNS Cache with these addresses. Now the browser will always check the DNS Cache before committing to the expence of asking a DNS Server to get the ip address, so your browser thinks that stackoverflow.com lives on your PC i.e. for IPV4 or for IPV6 ::1
All this will do is stop you getting to the real stackoverflow.com because the browser will attempt to connect to every time you use stackoverflow.com as a domain name in the browser address bar instead of going to the real ip address for SO.
Reply to your comment
When you register a domain, you normally get access to an admin panel of some sort, where you set the ip address to use for this domain. This will set the DNS Server of who you purchased the domain from and this is then automatically propergated to all top level DNS Servers.
At that point you would set this to the External IP/WAN IP address of your router.
But be aware, if your ISP allocates IP addresses to you dynamically i.e. not a Static IP address you cannot do this, as your ISP Allocated IP Address is liable to change over time.
As a final note
WAMPServer and XAMPP are designed to be single seat developer tools and not LIVE Servers. That is not to say that the Apache in them is somehow less capable but that there is so much more to securing a web site than first meats the eye.
Also, you may not realise, but a Windows desktop OS is not a good target to run a live web server on. They are configured to be clients and as such have various limitations, mainly that a desptop OS can only manage around 20-30 external connections MAX. So if your site actually takes off, you are going to have a lot of complaints about the speed and accessibility of your site.
This destop limitation cannot be reconfigured.

My cloudflare settings are all configured but not working

So, I am using CloudFlare at the moment for my DNS records. I have my team speak server A-Record at ts.servername.net and pointing to my ip, and all my other A-Records are pointing to exactly where they should be and activated.
They were working previously but all of a sudden for the last week or so, we have had to use our IPv4 ts server ip in order to connect instead of our server name, why is it doing this even though everything is setup and was already working?
I would recommend opening a support ticket with specific details & we can help.
Please note that we can only proxy web traffic records going over certain ports like 80 and 443.

Domain transfered to OVH but DNS Host is still on 1and1

I've transfered a domain from 1and1.com to OVH, now I need to manage my DNS to point them to a new server, but running this command from here
command line> nslookup
> set querytype=soa
> mydomain.com
I found out that DNS are still managed from 1and1.
Reading the OVH guide about DNS i found out that i need to activate DNS zone from my manager. But... won't this conflict with the DNS declared on 1and1?
I'm not sure about how is this working, so does someone knows the right workflow to do this?
Thanks in advance
after a call with OVH Support the correct workflow is:
Create or configure the DNS zone
Change the DNS Server to the OVH server
in 24 hours all should work fine, I'll let you know...

Host Changed IP - What to do?

My host has changed my IP address in my VPS hosting. This was a planned change they asked me when will it be good for me.
When they've changed my IP I managed to change the 2 nameserver's IP at my domain host so they will point to the new ip now.
I'm using kloxo and I have changed the DNS records for my main domain. It is working correctly with the new IP address now.
However I'm hoiting other domains there aswell but they just can't seem to be loading those sites...
Can anyone please tell me what could be the problem? Maybe change their DNS to the new ip aswell? (But if I do that, won't all my domain point to the main domain?)
The DNS records for those other domains will also need to be updated. Provided that you've correctly set up your VirtualHosts (or equivalent), then changing the A-records of the other domains to match the new IP of your server shouldn't cause any issues.

Mapping domain name to linux server

I bought a domain name with GoDaddy.com. I have a Ubuntu linux server running with Rackspace Cloud. On this server, I have Apache up and running.
My question is this: How can I set up my domain to point to my server with Rackspace Cloud. More specifically, I want http://www.mydomainname.com to map to my Apache server.
I am assuming that I need to establish something with DNS.
Thank you for your help.
Make a new A record and point www to your ip address, eg Also make another A record and point # to the same IP.
Then make corresponding virtualhosts in Apache with ServerName domain.com
Create the record as meder said, then in the GoDaddy interface you will need to point the name server to the name servers at Rackspace.
