How to install and get started with moai on Ubuntu? - moai

I am trying to install moai on Ubuntu.
I tried following this:
and completed all the steps. It seemed as if everything completed. But now I don't know what to do.
How to run moai ?
I somewhere saw it was mentioned to run
moai main.lua
However I tried
which moai
without any result.
I thought that moai isn't in my PATH but I don't know which location to add to my PATH variable, because there isn't any file in moai-dev/bin folder of the name moai on my PC.
Please Help.

You can just download moai binary release which is available for linux, osx and windows. After unpacking just put moaidist/linux/moai in your PATH.


How to Run Chromium From Downloaded Files

This is a very noob question since I am new to Linux.
I am using Lubuntu, so I decided to quit Firefox. Then I downloaded Chromium from here, but I do not see how to run it.
Can anyone help me out?? I have this folder groovy-stable, but I don not see any .sh file that I can run.
I am actually asking to learn how to run things, because I already ran "sudo apt install chromium-browser" and got it running, but is just does not seen right to forget I could not run the package.
Thank You

Tesseract cannot find eng.traineddata

I have python program which uses tesseract ocr engine. At first it worked fine. However I uninstall tesseract and reinstall it this time it does not work.
It gives
pytesseract.pytesseract.TesseractError: (1, 'Error opening data file C:\\Program Files\\Tesseract-OCR/eng.traineddata Please make sure the TESSDATA_PREFIX
I did not change anything, but it does not work.
I add TESSDATA_PREFIX to the path.
But when I move eng.traineddata from tesstada to tesseract-ocr file it worked. I have another computer and also it has same program and it works well. However eng.traineddata is in tessdata folder.
Why is the one program gives an error, another is not ?
1) 'C:\Program Files\Tesseract-OCR/eng.traineddata' does not exist in two computers. However one of them is working but the other is not working. Therefore As I stated in the question, I move eng.traineddata from tessdata to Tesseract-OCR folder and then it is worked. But here is the question why one of it is working and the other is not working ? Because other program does not have eng.traineddata in the Tesseract-OCR folder.
2) I downloaded the windows executable of tesseract from mannheim uni library. So file is not corrupted.
3)I am using Tesseract 3.05
4) I have created TESSDATA_PREFIX env variable.
5) I downloaded the windows executable of tesseract from mannheim uni library.
Thank you very much.
Does 'C:\Program Files\Tesseract-OCR/eng.traineddata' exists?
Did you check if file is not corrupted (e.g. you downloaded it correctly)
From which (tessdata repository) source you downloaded it?
Adding TESSDATA_PREFIX to paths is useless: you have to setup env variable TESSDATA_PREFIX.
Provide full code how you setup and run pytesseract. Showing only (part of) error message does not help.

teach me how to set up a path correctly

I installed casperjs by npm install command on my mac os x.
But, when I try using casperjs in command line, it gives me the error below.
$ casperjs cas.js
-bash: /usr/local/bin/casperjs: No such file or directory
I checked if casperjs is installed by using which command.
The result is below.
$ which casperjs
-bash: /Users/Hayato/.nodebrew/current/bin/casperjs
I think what I need to do is to setup a path in a different way so that when I run "casperjs test.js", it runs "/Users/Hayato/.nodebrew/current/bin/casperjs" instead of "/usr/local/bin/casperjs".
But, I'm not familiar with this kind of terminal task, and don't know how to do this.
Please could anyone teach me how to setup a path correctly?
If you want to use casperjs in the directory you specified, add this to your ~/.bash_profile
export PATH=/Users/Hayato/.nodebrew/current/bin/:$PATH
Save the file
That will add all scripts in the /Users/Hayato/.nodebrew/current/bin directory to your path.
After that.. close the terminal and then reopen it:
You can check the path by doing:
echo $PATH
You should see the path you just added.
Then when you do the following:
which casperjs
it should use the new location.
Let me know if this works for you!
But, the issue may be something deeper, did you get errors when you installed casperjs via brew?
You may want to try linking it again using
brew link casperjs
If that doesn't work you may have some permission issues.
Check out these previously answered questions:
brew link didn't complete
Fixing homebrew permissions

Xampp on linux mint

im trying to install xampp on "new" linux mint machine.
However im quite a noob to linux since i havnt used it for that long.
When i try to run the file that ive download from the following page:
Xampp download
i get the following error two errors:
Could not display "/home/marc/Downloads/".
and if i click yes
Installing mime type handlers isn't supported
To search and install software which can open certain file types you have to install app-install-data.
can anyone tell me what the problem is and how i might fix it?
you need to execute the file (e.g. open a terminal, navigate to your Downloads folder and run bash (possibly it might need to be run otherwise, but thats my best guess)).
alternatively you might be presented to run/execute the file (instead of displaying it). if so, choose this option.
on the other hand, you might consider installing apache/php/mysql via your package manager.
what you can do is that you can use the chmod +x /your folder location/.run file that you want to install
after that you can run following command
./and your .run file name
in my case :- User#user~$su root
it will ask for password so give it
User#user~chmod +x /Downloads/

installing lpsolve for MATLAB on Ubuntu 12.04 64bit?

I am trying to install this toolkit for 3 hours.... first, for Python.. I gave up. Then for MATLAB...
It says something about installation(and I read everything at all other websites), but I have no idea of what it says...
Why is it so complicated? It is not like windows, in which for everything I want to install, double-clicking 'setup' or 'install' file on the .zip file installed everything I need.
I am so confused and distressed.. Please help me...
I do not know a bit about Ubuntu, so please explain to me which files I should download(there are a lot of files but I do not know what to download...), and how I could install it with what commands.
Thank you.
