grocery crud add button to copy row in another table - grocery-crud

I have 2 tables: customers and standby and I added a new button into my grocery crud in standby in that way:
$crud->add_action('Send', '', 'standby/copyrow','ui-icon-plus');
Both tables have the same fields, in standby I receive data from a form and the idea it's when I click "Send" copy that id ino customers and delete that id from standby
In other words I need to add a row from the first table (where I added a new button) into the second one, and then delete that row from the first table.
then I created a function
function copyrow($id)
// I don't know how can I add that row
Hope someone can help me, thanks in advance!

Tables that i used in this code:
First table name - customers
and Fields - a(primary key,auto increment), b
Second table name - standby
and Fields - c(primary key,auto increment), d
Make changes to your code that you want..
function copyrow($id)
foreach ($customers as $customer)
$this->db->set('d', $customer->b);
$this->db->delete('customers', array('a' => $id));
I sure that you will help this code.


NetSuite Search formula for items that have no open transactions

I am trying to create a formula to obtain a list of items that have no open transactions.
I cant just filter out by status as this filters out transactions that are open, as opposed to showing me only items with nothing open.
So basically if an item has anything open then i dont want it on the search. I do need it on the search if it has all closed or it has no transactions at all.
Hoping someone can help put me in the right direction.
I am a little bit stuck at where to start with the formulas and tried a case formula.
You can use item saved search adding under criteria as "Transaction Fields-status-anyOf-select all closed/rejected/declined statuses" not in filter reason of saved search.
To get the value of non transaction items as well, You need to check the check box use expression under criteria in standard subtab use parens() with OR expression.
And add one more condition as "Transaction Fields-Internal Id-anyOf-none with
"Transaction Fields-status-anyOf-select all closed/rejected/declined statuses".
Add both condition with OR logic.
It will work for both items condition if it has transaction status with closed or with none of transaction internal ids.
I think this is possible in a saved search, and requires a change in the way the filtering is done. Rather than filtering on the "Filters", using grouping and summary calculations to determine if an item qualifies, basically :
Create the item saved search as you would normally, but don't include a "Standard" filter for the openness of the transaction.
In the results, group by item name (or internalid), and another fields you want to include in the top-level results.
In the Criteria - Summary list, add a Formula (Number) condition :
Summary Type= Sum (Count won't work here)
Formula = case when {transaction.status} = 'Open' then 1 else 0 end
Equal to 0
Whether this is more or less elegant than bknight's answer is debatable.
I don't think this is the sort of thing you can do with a single saved search.
It would be fairly easy to do with SuiteQL though.
The script below runs in the console and finds items that are not on any Pending Billing Sales Orders. It's adapted from a script with a different purpose but illustrates the concept.
You can get a list of the status values to use by creating a saved search that finds all the transactions with open statuses you want to exclude , take note of that saved search's id and running the second script in the console
require(['N/query'], query => {
const sqlStr = `
select, itemid, count(po.tranid) as po, count(bill.tranId) as bill, max(bill.tranDate) as lastBilled, count(sale.tranId) as sales, count(tran.tranId) as trans
from item
left outer join transactionLine as line
on line.item =
left outer join transaction as tran on line.transaction =
left outer join transaction as po on line.transaction = and po.type = 'PurchOrd'
left outer join transaction as bill on line.transaction = and bill.type = 'VendBill'
left outer join transaction as sale on line.transaction = and sale.type in ('CustInvc', 'CashSale')
where not in (select otl.item from transactionLine otl, transaction ot where
otl.transaction = and ot.status in ('SalesOrd:F'))
group by, item.itemid
query: sqlStr
}).asMappedResults().map((r, idx)=>{
if(!idx) console.log(JSON.stringify(r));
return `${}\t${r.itemid}\t${r.po}\t${r.bill}\t${r.lastBilled}\t${r.sales}\t${r.trans}`;
require(['N/search'], search=>{
const filters = search.load({id:304}).filters;
console.log(JSON.stringify(filters.find(f=> == 'status'), null, ' '));
In terms of doing something with this you could run this in a saved search and email someone the results, show the results in a workbook in SuiteAnalytics or build a portlet to display the results - for this last Tim Dietrich has a nice write up on portlets and SuiteQL

Creating a Unique ID for each record on Form Submission

I am new to Google Apps Script and have just begun to understand its working. A team member wrote out a simple simple script for some work i was doing. The script, in essence, triggered when any of a permitted set of users (could vary) submits inputs to a 'Form Responses 1' spreadsheet via a Google Form.
Basically, I have a form that users complete and then submit. Upon submission, the script checks for the active row, The code adds 1 to the number of the cell W2 (which is a 'do not edit' cell, and replaces W2 with the new number, then checks if the Unique ID field on the Active Row is null and then replaces it with a concatenated ID thats alphanumeric. ie, it prefixes a set alphabetical prefix and takes the numerical input from the cell W2 on the same form to create a new Unique ID.
The script was working perfectly until the team member left and I removed her access from the Google sheets with no change to the script at all. I've been scrambling trying to figure out what happened after that, because since access was removed, when I haven't made any changes to my code. I have searched many different places and cannot seem to find what is wrong.
If i post it on a new google sheet, it's working fine .. but not on this sheet which already has around 900 critical entries.
Any guidance is welcome. the Script is as below. HELP!
// Get the active sheet
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
// Get the active row
var row = sheet.getActiveCell().getRowIndex();
// Get the next ID value. NOTE: This cell should be set to the last record counter value
var id = sheet.getRange("X2").getValue()+1;
// Check if ID column is empty
if (sheet.getRange(row, 1).getValue() == "") {
// Set new ID value
sheet.getRange(2, 24).setValue(id);
sheet.getRange(row, 1).setValue("HKG0"+id);
If your code is running off of a form submit trigger then this should work for you.
function formsubit(e) {
var sheet = e.range.getSheet();
var id = sheet.getRange("X2").getValue() + 1;
if (sheet.getRange(e.range.rowStart, 1).getValue() == "") {
sheet.getRange(2, 24).setValue(id);
sheet.getRange(e.range.rowStart, 1).setValue("HKG0" + id);
The Logger.log will help you to learn more about the event object. You can learn more about event objects here
If you're looking for a unique id for each submission try: const id = new Date(e.values[0]).valueOf(); it's the number of milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970

SQL trigger with parameter

I have a nodejs app with SQL Server. I want to be able to update a table for a "specific org" based on an insert and delete action. Let's say I have 2 tables as follows:
Project: projId, orgId, projName
Tasks: taskId, projId, taskName
Users: userId, orgId, userName
OrganizationStats: numberOfProjects, numberOfUsers, numberOfTasks orgId
So let's say I add a new project for an organization where orgId = 1. My insert statement from Nodejs would be:
insert into project (projId, orgId, projName)
values (${'projId'}, ${'orgId'}, 'New Project');
I want to write a trigger in SQL Server that adds 1 to the numberOfProjects column with orgId that's passed in.
create trigger updateProjectAfterInsert
on project
after insert
update OrganizationStats
set numprojects = numberOfProjects + 1
My problem is I don't know how to pass the ${'orgId'} to the trigger.
I'm going to expand on my comment here:
Personally, I recommend against storing values which can be calculated by an aggregate. If you need such information easily accessible, you're better off making a VIEW with the value in there, in my opinion.
What I mean by this is that NumProjects has "no right" being in the table OrganizationStats, instead it should be calculated at the time the information is needed. You can't use an aggregate function in a computed column's definition without a scalar function, and those can be quite slow. Instead I recommend creating a VIEW (or if you prefer table value function) to give you the information from the table:
CREATE VIEW dbo.vw_OrganisationStats AS
SELECT {Columns from OrganizationStats},
P.Projects AS NumProjects
FROM dbo.OrganizationStats OS
FROM dbo.Projects P
I use a CROSS APPLY with a subquery, as then you don't need a huge GROUP BY at the end.
I think what you want this something like this:
CREATE TRIGGER updateProjectAfterInsert
ON Project
UPDATE OrganizationStats
SET NumProjects = NumProjects + 1
WHERE OrgId IN (SELECT OrgId FROM inserted);
Also note, Triggers must always assume multiple rows. It's possible to insert multiple rows, update multiple rows, and delete multiple rows. The "inserted" and "deleted" collections contain the data needed ("inserted" contains the rows being inserted, "deleted" contains the rows being deleted, and on an update "inserted" contains the values after the update, and "deleted" contains the values before the update).

how to skip unique constraint?

I have tried to insert many records into a table, and this table has a unique constraint, so when if one user try to add a new record with the same unique value, I get the dbUpdateException.
But I would like to know how to skipt this error and try to add the remaining records that the first user are trying to add to the table.
How can do that?
One approach could be to catch the DbUpdateException, and use its Entries property to remove the duplicate entities from the context.
You could then retry the save - rinse and repeat - and eventually all the non-duplicate entities will be saved.
var duplicates = new List<MyEntity>();
catch(DbUpdateException ex)
ex.Entries.Each(e => DbContext.Entry(e).State = EntityState.Detached;
ReTrySave(); // do whatever you need todo to re-enter your saving code
// Report to user the duplicate entities
NOTE - treat as pseudo code as I haven't attempted to compile this snippet.

How do you determine which row was selected in a Infragistics WebHierarchicalDataGrid when you have a Master Detail table configuration

I have a master table and two child detail tables under the master. When the user selects one of the detail tables the RowSelection event fires. I need to determine which table was selected. If the users selectes the second detail table then I need to obtain the data from a specific field. What code can be put in place to make this determination. Here is the code I have so far to grab the data, I just need to build the IF statment around this code.
String UploadIndex;
if (e.CurrentSelectedRows.Count > 0)
GridRecord oRow = e.CurrentSelectedRows[0];
UploadIndex = oRow.Items[0].Value.ToString();
Tried this but got controlmain is inaccessible due to its protection level.
ContainerGrid oRowIsland = WebHierarchicalDataGrid1.GridView.Rows[e.CurrentSelectedRows[0].Index].RowIslands[0];
if (oRow.Owner.ControlMain.ID == '2')
UploadIndex = oRow.Items[0].Value.ToString();
Use ContainerGridRecord type instead of GridRecord when declaring oRow, this way you will have access to oRow.Owner.ControlMain which is the grid that holds the row. In debug determine ID of the grid you're interested in and then you can do
If (oRow.Owner.ControlMain.ID == '...ID of second grid') {
// profit
Or use some other easily identifiable property of ControlMain grid that in your case assocciate with the second details.
