Import Xcode storyboard into MonoTouch project - xamarin.ios

I've found this: Import GUI design from xCode to Monotouch
The above answer doesn't get into segue's or any other details.
Here's my issue:
I have an Xcode storyboard project which compiles and runs to show how to go from one view to the next via the iOS Simulator. There are 9 views and I would really like to not have to duplicate the storyboard. Someone else created the storyboard in Xcode.
I need to write the logic in MonoTouch for my company. I figured I would create an iPhone Storyboard project to start. This project gives me a MainStoryboard.storyboard file that I can double-click to launch Xcode. After this, I'm lost. I want to use the Xcode Storyboard and don't know how to merge/import/replace, etc. the MonoTouch storyboard with the Xcode storyboard.
Could someone be so kind to go into some detail describing what would be necessary for me to use the Xcode storyboard for my MonoTouch project? I would like to be able to compile and run the storyboard in MonoTouch so I can start coding?
Thank you in advance.
UPDATE: I'm using the trial version of MonoTouch so the --xcode command line option will not work for me.

This may not be the best way, but here goes:
just add the storyboards to the project
open the storyboard
locate each ViewController and cut the Class value under the Identity section.
save the storyboard
paste the Class value back in and save again
Xamarin Studio should generate the view controllers with all the designers for that ViewController
repeat for each ViewController
I hope this helps, and if there is a better way...


Does Android Studio have the equivalent of view debug like xcode?

I am trying to quickly learn a new code-base (android-based) and a great way of doing that in iOS is using xcode's view debugger.
I do not know where to place break-points right now as there are way too many classes. Thanks!
Not 100% identical but you can use Layout inspector

quick recap by option clicking a method/class for libgdx framework

Just created a first libgdx project and imported it into android studio. I am used to hovering over a method or a class and by option/alt clicking it, a little box shows up that tells me what this method/ class is good for. Is there a libgdx support for that kind of thing in android studio? It is a huuuge timesaver if you are a newbie like me.
AS is based on IDEA, Ctrl+Q should work for Quick Documentation when cursor is inside method or class name. You can also Ctrl+LeftClick to go to source of the class or method.

can't find layout and classes in Android Studio

I'm a noob in Android studio and Java, I do have a solid c# background, but I can't seem to fix this problem:
Some of my partners asked to add a button to a previous android build created by someone else, so I downloaded Android studio and imported the project, but I can't seem to find anything in there. We can't contact the creater of the project to ask in what he developed the app.
As you can see, there's no layout in the project.
And this is what the project folder looks like:
Where Can I edit layouts? Am I in the wrong IDE?
If you want to change the Layout, you can do Two things:
1. Simply click into your Xml file and select the "Text" option at the bottom on your screen
2.Change to layout
1.Just drag another layout in Design and put your items in it, delete your old layout PS. you can have layouts in other layouts
Now, Thats just for the Layouts, to see classes just do...
after double clicking that, itl bring up a new tab.
PS This is somewhat a Duplicate, try to search up your question first instead of making a new question
link to duplicate: Android Studio - How to change layout

Using Xamarin Storyboard Editor to edit XIBs

Just wanted to know if it is possible to open regular XIB files from new Xamarin's storyboard editor? Switching back and forth between Xamarin and Xcode is a bit inconvenient, and the new editor looks really nice; however, Storyboards have a few drawbacks and it is a pain to use them for our projects.
Any ideas re availability of this?
The plan is to add support for editing .sib files in future versions of Xamarin Studio.This will likely not happen in time for the first release with the iOS Designer (i.e. version 4.2), but I think it would be reasonable to expect that version 4.4 will have support for editing .xib files.
As of right now, no. I think it might be because of the complexity of the underlying XML but I'm not 100% sure. You can always create or upvote it on uservoice:
Using stand-along Xib files is now available, you can learn how to do it here -
Using Xamarin Storyboard Editor to edit XIBs

Add project to an existing Monodevelop (Mono Touch) solution

Where is the command/button/dialog to add a project to an existing mono touch solution?
e.g. I have a MonoTouch App and I want to add a class library to the solution.
It seems as if my IMac was not responding in the normal fashion for CTRL Click. Got around this with double click to get to context menu
