Razorpad examples and tutorials - layout

Can some one point me to some good tutorials on using Razorpad(http://docs.razorpad.net/index.html)? How to specify a _layout.cshtml, #model, helpers such as #Url.Content, #RenderBody(), #ViewBag, #Layout etc all are throwing errors.
The documentation is very poor.
Thanks in advance.


Reading dot files with graphviz package in haskell

For a program i have to reformat a dot file in Haskell to adjust the layout of its tree/content. I decided to use https://hackage.haskell.org/package/graphviz-2999.20.1.0/docs/Data-GraphViz.html , but i cant find simple tutorials and the documentation confuses me, namely:
1 . It contains a function: dotToGraph, which reads: "A pseudo-inverse to graphToDot; "pseudo" in the sense that the original node and edge labels aren't able to be reconstructed."
I do need to retain the names of the nodes and edges, which i suppose are the labels mentioned here? but it seems weird that it cannot do this. It also does not take in a file name or string for the dot text, so i assume this is the wrong function.
2 . There also seems to be a parseDot function/class that comes with the package, but i cant find clear documentation for its use. (see: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/graphviz-2999.20.1.0/docs/Data-GraphViz-Parsing.html#t:ParseDot)
Can you recommend me a simple overview/summary/online example for doing this? Should i be using a different function? I have only recently started using Haskell, so the package documentation is sometimes difficult to decipher for me.
It would help a great deal, thanks!

Type definition file for #lokijs/loki (v2)?

I realize this is still in beta, but are there typings available? I've got the beta code working, but would love to have a definition file to help me learn. Is there guidance on getting it to work?

CountreExample generation in KodKod

I have just switched to working with KodKod I am still trying to understand it. I have wrote a program to help me understand I succeeded to see if the solution is SATISFIABLE or UNSATISFIABLE .
I want to be able to see the CountreExample like we normally do in Alloy, I found the Method proof() of the type solution but it always returns null .
I want to know if there is a way to return the CountreExample or not.
Thank you in advance.
Try to look at this examples of Alloy API usages: https://github.com/kaptoxic/alloy/tree/master/src/edu/mit/csail/sdg/alloy4whole

Tutorial for NodeJS's htmlparser?

I don't really understand the readme of htmlparser.. and I searched over the internet but cannot find a proper tutorial for it (or other NodeJS parsers).
I believe for most of the time if there's no tutorial for a pretty complete and old library it's mostly because that it's easy to do thus people don't really feel the need to write tutorial for it... But I found NodeJS html parser is pretty hard to understand...
You should check out htmlparser2. It's the newer htmlparser and it's got a decent readme. The way I tend to use it isn't streamish, and thus looks something like this:
handler = new htmlparser.DomHandler(function(err, dom) {
new htmlparser.Parser(handler).parseComplete(html_string)
For the code inside the handler function, I use soupselect because it's documented and I'm lazy, but htmlparser2 guys suggest domutils, but it has no documentation.

What should we install to include "D3dukmdt.h" in my VC++ code?

I want to use D3DDDIFormat enumeration in my code. So I included "D3dukmdt.h" as given in the link "D3DDDIFORMAT
But when I do # include "D3dukmdt.h" in my C++ file, I see that the header file D3dukmdt.h is not recognized at all.
Can anyone kindly help me in this. Should I install anything in order to include this header file.
Thanks in advance.
It looks like you need the Windows Driver Kit (WDK) to get access to such things. It seems unlikely to me that you are trying to write a driver and don't appreciate you need the driver kit so you may be better off explaining what you are trying to do to get a workable alternative explanation
