Powerline on Mac OS X not working as expected - vim

as the image shows , after installing the powerline for vim, some symbols are not working.
For searching google i thought there maybe problems with the patch fonts. But after trying i cannot solve this problem. Could someone help me?
Environment: Mac OSX 10.8.2, iTerm2.

--For all the noobs, with attention deficit, like my self.
I had the same issue, the solution was much more basic than than installing the fonts, but was not mentioned anywhere else: manually setting the fonts in your terminal (still need to make sure you have the fonts installed).
In iTerm2: iTerm > preferences > profiles > text > Regular font & non ASCII font.
In Terminal : Terminal > preferences > profiles > text > fonts

See “Custom font not working for iTerm2.” issue.

Install powerline-shell fonts and change in your iTerm2 the text's setting with Inconsolata font for exemple.

For me this vim config solved the problem:
g:Powerline_symbols = 'unicode'
In some cases it could also be needed:
set t_Co=256

iTerm2 -> Preferences... -> Text -> Font & Non-ASCII Font -> Choose Inconsolata for Powerline

Since you are on iTerm 2, make sure you go into your settings and set both the regular font and the non-ascii font to powerline compatible fonts or the prompt separators and special characters will not display correctly as it is happening in your case.


sublime text: How do I know what font (or font string) to use when configuring font_face setting?

The question applies to both windows and Macs. But I'm on an iMac at the moment so I can only test on a Mac.
I installed the mononoki Nerd Font.
In Font Book/Microsoft Word/Textedit (which is like a macOS Wordpad equivalent), the font is called “mononoki Nerd Font Mono”.
As a test, I tried setting my font_face to these and it's not working:
- "font_face": "mononoki Nerd Font Mono"
- "font_face": "mononoki Nerd Font Mono Regular"
and no change on my display. The text looks the same with and without the line above.
in Windows you can open fonts settings and search for your font, and there are two things:
Font Family
Font Face
eg. I want a font called fira code retina, which is in fira code font-family so I'll search for it in fonts settings:
Now the font-faces which comes under this family will be listed below:
Then you can select the font family name and get all the details of it.
You can use Settings in Sublime Text like so:
Then, change the user settings like so with font_face property:
Save the preferences and see if that changes your font. In the above example, I have chosen American Typewriter as the font_face and the effect is noticed upon save.
Give that a shot.

Change the font in the Android Studio editor or IntelliJ IDEA

I think the title is already clear enough.
I have been able to change the font for my editor through accessing:
Preferences > Editor > Color Scheme > Font
But happens that some of my fonts are not available there; although a lot of them they are. This happens to me in this machine with the FightingSpirit font. Not that I want to use it but it's one where the issue happens.
At work I have added ligatures to the Menlo font using an open source project and it doesn't show up. I've tried disabling Show only monospaced fonts and although more fonts show up, some of the fonts still are not available.
Is there any fix for this, is it impossible for some fonts or am I doing something wrong?
I have been able to set that ligaturized font to some of my editors and terminal, so the font is not corrupted and does work.
After some IDE updates the font showed up so the problem fixed itself

vim powerline doesnt shows fonts in gVim

I installed powerline and downloded all the fonts. Configured _vimrc to the font FiraMono and it worked but I can't change the font into nothing else
I installed RobotoMono in my windows But I cant set my gVim into RobotoMono font.
When I edit _vimrc into RobotoMono then airline status bar goes weird and font become Fixedsys My _vimrc screenshot
I am using gVim on windows searched for solution but nothing worked.
When GUI font becomes fixedsys on gvim, it means gvim cant find the font you specified (in this case, RobotoMono); so it fallbacks to its default font thats fixedsys and of course unpatched fixedsys is not contain fancy powerline symbols and as the result, airline statusbar becomes weird.
As you noted your patched FiraMono font works, the problem seems to be with font name that you are entered in your vimrc so first from gvim menu go to: Edit > Font > show more fonts and from there select the RobotoMono font that you Installed, after selecting that font a name will appear underneath dropdown list; thats the right name you should enter in your vimrc file. By the way i have got these patched fonts installed and the names are:
Roboto Mono for Powerline
Roboto Mono Light for Powerline
Roboto Mono Medium for Powerline
Roboto Mono Thin for Powerline
AND do not forget to scape spaces in them with \
P.S. You dont need let g:Powerline_symbols="fancy" in your vimrc.

OSX vim background getting overridden by terminal background

I'm using vim 7.3 in Lion OSX.
Whatever theme I have tried to apply retains the terminal's background color, which in my case I've set as Silver Aerogel theme.
Curiously, using the theme Zenburn works but breaks after awhile resulting in something that looks like the attached image. In my vimrc, I have this set set t_Co=256. My vimrc file: http://dpaste.com/699961/
Help guys?
I used to have this problem... Then I learned that color schemes designed for gvim or macvim are not necessarily compatible in a 256 terminal. If it wasn't designed for a 256 color terminal, try the csapprox plugin. (csappox description)

MacVim: Turn off anti-aliased fonts with advanced rendering enabled

With MacVim, I use the Monaco font at size 10, which under the standard MacVim config is NOT anti-aliased. When I turned on Advanced Rendering in MacVim preferences (advanced tab), Monaco 10pt is now anti-aliased, which is not what I want. Is there a way to turn off font anti-aliasing in MacVim?
I just thought to pull up vim help for "guifont". It shows that :set noantialias should do the trick. I've confirmed that this works.
I am using :set noantialias to set it for both vim and macvim.
