Canny algorithm is enough for creating a feature descriptor image and giving for SVM? - svm

i retrieve contours from images by using canny algorithm. it's enough to have a descriptor image and put in SVM and find similarities? Or i need necessarily other features like elongation, perimeter, area ?
I talk about this, because inspired by this example: i give my image in greyscale first, in canny algorithm style second and in both cases my confusion matrix was plenty of 0 like precision, recall, f1-score, support measure

My advice is:
unless you have a low number of images in your database and/or the recognition is going to be really specific (not a random thing for example) I would highly recommend you to apply one or more features extractors such SIFT, Fourier Descriptors, Haralick's Features, Hough Transform to extract more details which could be summarised in a short vector.
Then you could apply SVM after all this in order to get more accuracy.


Gaussian Mixture Models for pixel clustering

I have a small set of aerial images where different terrains visible in the image have been have been labelled by human experts. For example, an image may contain vegetation, river, rocky mountains, farmland etc. Each image may have one or more of these labelled regions. Using this small labeled dataset, I would like to fit a gaussian mixture model for each of the known terrain types. After this is complete, I would have N number of GMMs for each N types of terrains that I might encounter in an image.
Now, given a new image, I would like to determine for each pixel, which terrain it belongs to by assigning the pixel to the most probable GMM.
Is this the correct line of thought ? And if yes, how can I go about clustering an image using GMMs
Its not clustering if you use labeled training data!
You can, however, use the labeling function of GMM clustering easily.
For this, compute the prior probabilities, mean and covariance matrixes, invert them. Then classify each pixel of the new image by the maximum probability density (weighted by prior probabilities) using the multivariate Gaussians from the training data.
Intuitively, your thought process is correct. If you already have the labels that makes this a lot easier.
For example, let's pick on a very well known and non-parametric algorithm like Known Nearest Neighbors
In this algorithm, you would take your new "pixels" which would then find the closest k-pixels like the one you are currently evaluating; where closest is determined by some distance function (usually Euclidean). From there, you would then assign this new pixel to the most frequently occurring classification label.
I am not sure if you are looking for a specific algorithm recommendation, but KNN would be a very good algorithm to begin testing this type of exercise out on. I saw you tagged sklearn, scikit learn has a very good KNN implementation I suggest you read up on.

Reducing / Enhancing known features in an image

I am microbiology student new to computer vision, so any help will be extremely appreciated.
This question involves microscope images that I am trying to analyze. The goal I am trying to accomplish is to count bacteria in an image but I need to pre-process the image first to enhance any bacteria that are not fluorescing very brightly. I have thought about using several different techniques like enhancing the contrast or sharpening the image but it isn't exactly what I need.
I want to reduce the noise(black spaces) to 0's on the RBG scale and enhance the green spaces. I originally was writing a for loop in OpenCV with threshold limits to change each pixel but I know that there is a better way.
Here is an example that I did in photo shop of the original image vs what I want.
Original Image and enhanced Image.
I need to learn to do this in a python environment so that I can automate this process. As I said I am new but I am familiar with python's OpenCV, mahotas, numpy etc. so I am not exactly attached to a particular package. I am also very new to these techniques so I am open to even if you just point me in the right direction.
You can have a look at histogram equalization. This would emphasize the green and reduce the black range. There is an OpenCV tutorial here. Afterwards you can experiment with different thresholding mechanisms that best yields the bacteria.
Use TensorFlow:
create your own dataset with images of bacteria and their positions stored in accompanying text files (the bigger the dataset the better).
Create a positive and negative set of images
update default TensorFlow example with your images
make sure you have a bunch of convolution layers.
train and test.
TensorFlow is perfect for such tasks and you don't need to worry about different intensity levels.
I initially tried histogram equalization but did not get the desired results. So I used adaptive threshold using the mean filter:
th = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(img, 255, cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV, 3, 2)
Then I applied the median filter:
median = cv2.medianBlur(th, 5)
Finally I applied morphological closing with the ellipse kernel:
k1 = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE,(5,5))
dilate = cv2.morphologyEx(median, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, k1, 3)
THIS PAGE will help you modify this result however you want.

Why a CNN learns different feature maps

I understand (and please correct me if my understanding is wrong) that the primary purpose of a CNN is to reduce the number of parameters from what you would need if you were to use a fully connected NN. And CNN achieves this by extracting "features" of images.
CNN can do this because in a natural image, there are small features such as lines and elementary curves that may occur in an "invariant" fashion, and constitute the image much like elementary building blocks.
My question is: when we create layers of feature maps, say, 5 of them, and we get these by using the sliding window of a size, say, 5x5 on an image that has pixels of, say, 100x100, Initially, these feature maps are initialized as random number weight matrices, and must progressively adjust the weights with gradient descent right? But then, if we are getting these feature maps by using the exactly same sized windows, sliding in exactly the same ways (sharing the same starting point and the same stride value), on the exactly same image, how can these maps learn different features of the image? Won't they all come out the same, say, a line or a curve?
Is it due to the different initial values of the weight matrices? (I.e. some weight matrices are more receptive to learning a certain particular feature than others?)
Thanks!! I wrote my 4 questions/opinions and indexed them, for the ease of addressing them separately!

Image Categorization Using Gist Descriptors

I created a multi-class SVM model using libSVM for categorizing images. I optimized for the C and G parameters using grid search and used the RBF kernel.
The classes are 1) animal 2) floral 3) landscape 4) portrait.
My training set is 100 images from each category, and for each image, I extracted a 920-length vector using Lear's Gist Descriptor C code:
Upon testing my model on 50 images/category, I achieved ~50% accuracy, which is twice as good as random (25% since there are four classes).
I'm relatively new to computer vision, but familiar with machine learning techniques. Any suggestions on how to improve accuracy effectively?
Thanks so much and I look forward to your responses!
This is very very very open research challenge. And there isn't necessarily a single answer that is theoretically guaranteed to be better.
Given your categories, it's not a bad start though, but keep in mind that Gist was originally designed as a global descriptor for scene classification (albeit has empirically proven useful for other image categories). On the representation side, I recommend trying color-based features like patch-based histograms as well as popular low-level gradient features like SIFT. If you're just beginning to learn about computer vision, then I would say SVM is plenty for what you're doing depending on the variability in your image set, e.g. illumination, view-angle, focus, etc.

Geometric/Shape Recognition ( Odd Shape )

I would like to do some odd geometric/odd shape recognition. But I'm not sure how to do it.
Here's what I have so far:
Convert RGB image to Monochrome.
Otsu Threshold
Hough Transform.
I'm not sure what to do next.
For geometric information, you could do a raster to vector conversion to convert your image into coordinated vectors (lines and points) and finite element analysis to look for known shapes. Not easy but libraries should be available for both.
Edit: Note that there are sometimes easier practical solutions, but they depend on the image and types of errors. For example, removing perspective, identifying a 3d object from a 2d image, significance of colour, etc... You often see registration markers added to the real world object to overcome
this and allow much easier identification. Looking up articles on feature extraction techniques might help.
