NoSQL databases that officially support MonoTouch - c#-4.0

I am having trouble finding a NoSQL databases that officially support MonoTouch via a local DB on the device. If their are, could someone provide a list of them here.

According to there's siaqodb. Note that others might support MonoTouch without being mentioned in that site.
Edit: a few more clicks shows that HSS Database (from the same list) also supports MonoTouch.
You might also want to look at which ones support iOS (e.g. with Objective C) and see if bindings are available (or write your own).

Take a look on Couchbase Lite xamarin's component

RavenDB supports an embedded mode, and can run on Mono using the "Munin" storage engine option.
Although, there has been talk in the user group lately about dropping Munin, and it's not usually recommended for production, so it may not be a viable option.
I've not heard of someone using it with MonoTouch specifically, but there are some running it on Mono. If you try it, please update comments here with your findings. Thanks.

A bit late, but still relevant:
I'm the author of MarcelloDB, and I just released version 0.3.0 on nuget.
MarcelloDB is a document DB, built specifically for mobile apps (light-weight, low memory usage) and supports Xamarin Android and iOS as well as the windows platform.
I still have some features I want to add before reaching v1, but the file format and existing api are allready quite stable.


How to develop Spotify Desktop Applications, now Libspotify is discontinued

have done my due diligence, and not found any other posts that answer this question, but as usual, if you know a similar question, point me that way!
I noticed a long time back that Libspotify has been dicontinued:
So, my question is - what should we do for developing Desktop applications?
They do state: "We hope to be able to provide you with a new library for other platforms." But, this has been going on since 2015!
I have seen many projects in GitHub still using Libspotify - so what should we do? An update was promised "in the upcoming months" but I've not seen anything yet.
What should we do for developing Desktop Applications?
We at Spotify don't currently provide playback as part of our platform offering outside of our iOS and Android SDKs, and I don't have any updates on that at the moment. As mentioned on the website, we hope to be able to provide playback SDKs for more platforms in the future. We don't support any new development on libspotify.
You can use the Spotify Web API to interact with Spotify in a variety of ways, including getting information about metadata, and accessing/modifying user libraries and playlists, which may be useful. You can also use the Applescript API to control playback on macOS, which may also help.
The Spotify Web API is pretty straight forward to use. Of course it defines the protocol rather than implements it so it is OS independent.
I put together a few classes to help unwrap some of the JSON parameters simply. These were written in Swift for macOS.

Liferay upgrade from 6.0.6CE to 6.2CE

I am planning to upgrade my company's intranet from liferay 6.0.6CE to 6.2CE. I have done some research on it but I am still confused on API part. Will my custom portlets need only recompilation or would they need a complete rewriting. I am also concerned about my Theme and Exts. I have a lot of customization in my exts and my theme. What would be the best way to move ahead?
Also I have a NFS file server and SOLR search server configured with my current deployment. Need suggestions on that too.
I've heard recently, that the Migration Tool (6.1 to 6.2) now also supports themes. It won't be pixel perfect though. Check what it can do for you.
There have been some APIs that changed. Contrary to the comments given to your question, I'd say "It depends": I don't know how much of Liferay's API you use or if you just add functionality on top. You'll have to find out for yourself. The migration tool might help you.
The things that have changed the most are: Themes (using Bootstrap, as of 6.2) and Document Library (now including ImageGallery, which was still available in 6.0). Migration of data should be smooth if you follow the documented upgrade path. Migration of your portlets and plugins will definitely require recompile (within the new plugins sdk or updated maven dependencies) and probably adaptation to some changed API calls. I've seen instances where this was simple, but I've also seen hard cases.
As there have been no more updates for 6.0 CE for quite a while, I'm recommending to upgrade though (other than #FeinesFabi in the comment). If you want to have a long-term stable platform that you don't need to maintain for yourself, EE would be the way to go (supported for ~7 years after release)
For ext changes, you'll have to be aware that there are no guarantees: Ext allows you to change the inner implementation of Liferay, and that's what nobody strives to keep stable, even in minor updates. If you're using ext, you'll always have to be aware of incompatible changes. Ext allows you to keep your changes out of the official sourcecode - so they're well isolated. It doesn't say anything about the underlying implementation to be stable. With great power (ext) comes great responsibility. Keep your ext as small as possible - whatever you can do outside of ext should be done outside and use the public API.
The basic upgrade path (for Liferay itself, not your plugins) is quite well documented in the User's Guide.

Difference between and

What is the exact difference between and
I was trying to create a custom gui based tool for perforce and I started developing it using Much later I came to know about the existence of Now I am confused with their difference and the purpose.
Also I have a doubt on which option to choose for the development.
Is there something else other than these two?
P4API.NET is the supported API for .NET applications, so I'd go with that. You can see a list of the officially released APIs for the various languages here.

OpenCMIS supported ECM

We are planning to develop an application that can work with any ECM systems. SO we planned to use CMIS.
As our application is in Java, I came across openCMIS. It seemed all useful.
But now I need to know, which all repositories are tested/supported with openCMIS?
OpenCmis will be really helpful for many ecm systems but it is not a one common answer for all of them.
For example, for IBM CM or Filenet there is IBM CMIS which comes bundled with Content Navigator. Please note this is also lacking some basic functionalities and i developed that just recently. (on the latest version)
I would recommend to build the java application using the most relevant CMIS apis you need and for the closest specific ECM product.If you want to build it in a way which works on all ECM platforms then the coding needs to be in different way.
like - identify which ecm system is being called by your java program
and then load the classes or functions for that specific system.
Hope the above helps :)
This page lists CMIS servers:
OpenCMIS is one the mostly used CMIS libraries, and I would say it is the most-tested CMIS library you can find.
I have not seen any "official supported list", but OpenCMIS at least works for Alfresco, IBM FileNet, NemakiWare, and most CMIS servers I have tried. A notable exception seems to be IBM Connections, because of a IBM Connections bug.

How to access NFC Secure Element in upcoming BB10 handsets and platform?

Since straight Java development isn't going to be supported on BB10 (Am I right?), at least not without using the Android Java Runtime (which I don't want to use), I'd like to know if there will be official support and an official API from RIM for accessing and writing on the Secure Element of the upcoming BB10 handsets. I'm a developer who's considering the BB10 platform for developing an application which will need read/write operations on the Secure Element. Would that be possible? Would I be needing special permissions and/or keys from RIM?
Apparently there's not much documentation on the subject so far.
They have removed the SE on BB10 and left only the UICC...And we feel it's a good thing, as there were loads of issues with accessing the SE of a SIM
After some posting on other forums, I learned that there is indeed an API for accessing the SE in the upcoming BB10 platform. It was included in the BlackBerry 10 Native SDK (Beta 2). So far, it seems it serves my purposes.
Your best bet would be to go to the RIM issue tracker site, you can get access if you make an account at the BlackBerry Jam Zone. Submit an issue under the BlackBerry 10 project making the business case for what you want to do. They may be able to tell you what their plans are, but there is still some mutability in the road map if you can make a strong enough case.
