How do you specify range to end of list? - groovy

Consider the following statement:
It seems like it should work. Essentially, strip off the first two elements of the array. However, the range operator is confused by the ending -1, since its less than -1. You can easily solve this problem by storing the array as a variable and replacing -1 with size() but that requires an extra line and the definition of a variable. Any other ideas how to express this easily?

I believe you could do:
process.text.readLines()[ 2..-1 ]
process.text.readLines().drop( 2 )

This will also do the trick:
process.text.readLines().with { it[2..size()-1] }
It's longer than simply calling drop as suggested above, but it might read a little better depending on the larger context. with lets you get around defining a new variable.


np.std change ddof within groupby

I was running a manual (I wrote a function) std dev versus numpy's built in.
There was a slight difference in the returned values.
I looked it up and numpy uses ddof=0 by default.
I am trying to figure out how to pass that within a groupby and I am failing.
My groupby is simply this: grouped = houses.groupby('Yr Sold').agg({'SalePrice': np.std})
If I use: np.std(ddof=1) it errors out saying I am missing the required positional argument 'a'.
I looked that up and I see what it is, but it seems to me that 'a' is my 'SalePrice' column.
I have tried a few different ways but every single thing I try results in a syntax error.
Using the groupby syntax above, how do I pass the ddof=1 parameter to adjust numpy's default behavior?
I figured out how to solve my problem, just not by directly using the syntax above.
std_dev_dict = {}
for id, group in houses.groupby('Yr Sold'):
std_dev_dict[id] = np.std(group['SalePrice'], ddof=1)

How to concatenate two functions into one function?

I have a set of data that is generated:
I want to create a sum of these, but I don't want to just SUM them together; I want to write a function that put these together. I came up with this row:
=SUMPRODUCT(((ROW(E1:INDEX(E31:E63;C34)))/320)^2/(2 + (E31:E63/380)))
The problem with this line is it seems to overdo the whole thing. I need to somehow use one variable for the both E31:E63 intervals, because it will otherwise loop through the second E31:E63 n-times, instead of using the same value.
As I see it, there are two solutions.
Write the data in columns, but using the first solution
Write the function, but try to find something that makes the two E31:E63 work as one variable.
I want to implement the second option.
I believe
Will do what you want.

Is it possible to split array in Gherkin to the next line

I have step where I am have String Array, something like this:
Then Drop-dow patient_breed contains ['Breed1', 'Breed2',.... Breed20']
I need to split this text on two lines. I know that in Gherkin there is expression """. I try something like this:
Then Drop-dow patient_breed contains ['Breed1',
'Breed2',.... Breed20']
It didn't help. Is there any solution?
What do you gain by putting this string in your scenario. IMO all you are doing is making the scenario harder to read!
What do you lose by putting this string in your scenario?
Well first of all you now have to have at least two things the determine the exact contents of the string, the thing in the application that creates it and the hardcoded string in your scenario. So you are repeating yourself.
In addition you've increased the cost of change. Lets say we want our strings to change from 'Breedx' to 'Breed: x'. Now you have to change every scenario that looks at the drop down. This will take much much longer than changing the code.
So what can you do instead?
Change your scenario step so that it becomes Then I should see the patient breeds and delegate the HOW of the presentation of the breeds and even the sort of control that the breeds are presented in to something that is outside of Cucumber e.g. a helper method called by a step definition, or perhaps even something in your codebase.
Try with a datatable approach. You will have to add a DataTable argument in the stepdefinition.
Then Drop-dow patient_breed contains
For a multiline approach try the below. In this you will have to add a String argument to the stepdefinition.
Then Drop-dow patient_breed contains
['Breed1','Breed2',.... Breed20']
I would read the entire string and then split it using Java after it has been passed into the step. In order to keep my step as a one or two liner, I would use a helper method that I implemented myself.

J string manipulation using only builtins

You are given a string like ))()(())(, and you wish to remove all instances of () from the string, which in this case means these two instances:
^^ ^^
leaving only ))()(.
I know you can use the library function stringreplace, or you could load up a regex library, but I want to know is if there is a concise way of accomplishing this the the J builtin operators exclusively?
I should clarify that my own solution was:
which I consider verbose -- so any similar solutions would not qualify as "concise" in my book. I'm really asking if there is a way to use a builtin (or maybe a simple combination of 2) to solve this directly. I expect this answer is no.
I think you are right that there is no ultra-concise way of expressing the operation you want to perform using just J primitives. The version I came up was very much like the one Dan, suggested above.
However given that a built in library verb rplc (based on stringreplace) performs exactly the operation you are after, I'm not sure why it would be better to replace it with a primitive.
'))()(())(' rplc '()';''
Having said that, if you can come up with a compelling case, then there is probably no reason it couldn't be added.
Not sure how concise it is, but I think that this will work:
deparen=. (-.#:(+/)#:(_1&|. ,: ])#:E. # ])
'()' deparen '))()(())('
Essentially the work is done by -. #: (+/) #: (_1&|. ,: ] )#:E. to create a bit string that removes the '()' instances using # (Copy) on the right argument.
E. identifies the positions of '()' using a bit string. Shift and laminate to get positions of '(' and ')', add them together to have 1 1 in the string where ever there is a '()' and then negate so these positions become 0 0 and are removed using Copy

Finding a character inside a string in Excel

I want to remove all the characters from a string expect whatever character is between a certain set of characters. So for example I have the input of Grade:2/2014-2015 and I want the output of just the grade, 2.
I'm thinking that I need to use the FIND function to grab whatever is between the : and the / , this also needs to work with double characters such 10 however I believe that it would work so long as the defining values with the FIND function are correct.
Unfortunately I am totally lost on this when using the FIND function however if there is another function that would work better I could probably figure it out myself if I knew what function.
It's not particularly elegant but =MID(A1,FIND(":",A1)+1,FIND("/",A1) - FIND(":",A1) - 1) would work.
MID takes start and length,FIND returns the index of a given character.
As pointed out, "Grade:" is fixed length so the following would work just as well:
=MID(A1,7,FIND("/",A1) - 7)
You could use LEFT() to remove "Grade:"
And then use and then use LEFTB() to remove the year.
Look at this link here. This is the way I would go about it.
=SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(C4, "Grade:", ""), "/2014-2015", "")
where C4 is the name of your cell.
