Azure Web Sites: Free, Shared, Reserved difference? [closed] - azure

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have ASP.NET website + database. I want to try to deploy it into ms cloud.
I look to Azure "Web Sites".
I don't understand clearly what difference between Free, Shared, Reserved.
What I need to use?

Check out this link: and click on Web Sites link on the left hand side. This should give you an idea about the differences between 3 models.
Hope this helps.

Check out this link below, it clearly explains you the differences between free, shared and reserved website modes.
Hope this helps.!


.ogg-files are not working on my website [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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". ogg" files will not play on my website. The browser displays a 404.3-error. It has probably something to do with the configuration of the server. When I asked the server administrator, he referred to But thats a guide that is intended for. NET users - and my website are made in classic ASP. How is the solution implemented in classic ASP - is it possible?
See also:
You need to use IIS manager, which means you either need a remote desktop connection to your server or you need to get your server admin to do it for you.
Either way, instructions on how to add a mime type are here

I'm not able to change my website to reserved mode in Azure [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm trying to change my websites to the reserved mode but I can't... No matter the instance size I choose.
Update: Additional Capacity has recently been added:
They are in the process of adding capacity all the time. I have run into his in the past as well. I know this is not the answer you want to hear, but try again every couple days and more instances will be available.
Keep in mind this is preview technology. Microsoft is in the process of assessing both usage and demand

Is CouchDBX still available for download? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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If it is, can someone provide me with a download link? I've been looking through google and through the couchbase website, and so far haven't found any reference to the dbx builds.
Couchbase is different from CouchDB, so if you can't use it in your shop (like me), CouchDBX is still available here:
(Please don't take it down :-)
If you follow the link from CouchDBX page, you will land on Couchbase's site, where to find the OS X binary package under its new name, Couchbase Server Community Edition (direct link to download page).
This is were I got it, at least.

Alternative to SharePoint in C# and open source [closed]

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Closed 12 years ago.
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Do you know any alternative to SharePoint in C# and open source?
DotNetNuke is a CMS, but SharePoint has a lot of features. Frankly speaking I would not be able to recommend any license free software equivalent to SharePoint, but you can try MetaDot if you just need portal software with CMS features.
Not sure exactly what you are looking for as an alternative, but DotNetNuke
is pretty awesome
You won't find any open-surce (or proprietary, for that matter) software with all the features of SharePoint. If you are looking for CMS, I've heard good things about Umbraco

How to Install Reporting Services Report Viewer WebPart? [closed]

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Closed 14 years ago.
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I'm trying to use the Reporting Services Report Viewer WebPart with a project that I'm working on and I can't seem to get a clear indication on exactly where it comes from (or maybe I just don't understand?). This page indicates that it's "installed by the Reporting Services Add-in for SharePoint Technologies". However, I can't seem to figure out exactly where/what that is.
Could somebody please point me in the right direction?
Actually, I think I just found it!
