winapi apc function parameter passing - what is the best practice - multithreading

Hi i using winapi's QueueUserAPC to invoke an apc function call in another thread.
my question is, what is the best practice for passing a parameter to it.
i refer to the object lifetime and allocation/deallocation responsibility.
i am using the dwData to pass the parameter to pass a pointer to some data and i was wondering how i should handle it.
i need to make sure that it lives until the receiving thread finished using it.
should i use a smart pointer to make sure that data is deallocated when no longer used?
i guess that allocation in the calling thread and dealloc. in the receiving is possible but probably not such a good thing.
anything else that can be done?
i think i would like to avoid synchronization between the two only to notify that the receiving thread is done with the data...

Alloc'ing in the sending thread and dealloc'ing in the receiving one is easy, but it has the main drawback that it may leak, even if you handle the sending failure, the receiving thread may finish before having a chance to execute the APC.
Probably your easiest way to avoid the leak is to create a queue for sent data -maybe a queue per thread- and when thread finishes, you traverse the thread queue and free all the pending data.
But as usual, the devil is in the details...


Are there any downsides to choosing not to join threads in Rust?

I have a program that uses multiple threads to brute force the decryption of some encrypted string. The main thread has a channel, and the sender is cloned and sent to each thread. When a thread finds an answer, it sends it to the receiver which is in the main thread.
In this program I am not joining the threads, instead I use the blocking call sender.recv() to suspend the main thread until a single other thread finishes.
My hope is, once this call finishes, the main thread will return and all the other worker threads will be terminated.
Is this a poor design choice? Are there drawbacks of not having some condition in the other threads which would cause them to return when the solution has been discovered? Is it okay/safe to rely on the compiler to clean up my threads before they've technically finished?
Assuming there's no cleanup to be done, what you've done is mostly harmless. I'm assuming your worker thread looks something like this right now.
fn my_thread() {
// ... lots of hard work ...
and if that's the case, then "I received the result" and "the other thread is terminated" are very similar events, and the difference of "this function returned" is probably irrelevant. But suppose someone comes along and changes the code to look like this.
fn my_thread() {
// ... lots of hard work ...
Now do_cleanup_stuff() might not get a chance to run, if your main thread terminates before my_thread does. If that cleanup function is important, that could cause problems. And it could be more subtle than that. If any local variable in my_thread holds a file handle or an open TCP stream or any other object with a nontrivial Drop implementation, that value may not get a chance to Drop properly if you don't join the thread.
So it's probably best practice to join everything, even if it's just a final step at the end of your main.

NIO Server : use a worker thread or not?

I'm building a server with NIO, I have two questions.
Do I have to use a worker thread or a thread pool to process the messages received, or let the main thread do all this stuff ( I have performance needs).
I have two kind of sending, sendNow method which ends with selector.selectNow() and simple send method which ends with selector.wakeup().. can I have loss of data those methods?
If possible try to do it all in one thread. It gets very complicated very quickly otherwise.
I don't know why you think a sendNow() method needs to end with either selectNow() or wakeup(), but neither of them is intrinsically going to cause a data loss.

Multithreading (pthreads)

I'm working on a project where I need to make a program run on multiple threads. However, I'm running into a bit of an issue.
In my program, I have an accessory function called 'func_call'.
If I use this in my code:
func_call((void*) &my_pixels);
The program runs fine.
However, if I try to create a thread, and then run the function on that, the program runs into a segmentation fault.
pthread_t thread;
pthread_create (&thread, NULL, (void*)&func_call, (void*) &my_pixels);
I've included pthread.h in my program. Any ideas what might be wrong?
You are not handling data in a thread safe manner:
the thread copies data from the thread argument, which is a pointer to the main thread's my_pixels variable; the main thread may exit, making my_pixles invalid.
the thread uses scene, main thread calls free_scene() on it, which I imagine makes it invalid
the thread calls printf(), the main thread closes stdout (kind of unusual itself)
the thread updates the picture array, the main thread accesses picture to output data from it
It looks like you should just wait for the thread to finish its work after creating it - call pthread_join() to do that.
For a single thread, that would seem to be pointless (you've just turned a multi-threaded program into a single threaded program). But on the basis of code that's commented out, it looks like you're planning to start up several threads that work on chunks of the data. So, when you get to the point of trying that again, make sure you join all the threads you start. As long as the threads don't modify the same data, it'll work. Note that you'll need to use separate my_pixels instances for each thread (make an array of them, just like you did with pthreads), or some threads will likely get parameters that are intended for a different thread.
Without knowing what func_call does, it is difficult to give you an answer. Nevertheless, here are few possibilities
Does func_call use some sort of a global state - check if that is initialized properly from within the thread. The order of execution of threads is not always the same for every execution
Not knowing your operating system (AIX /Linux/Solaris etc) it is difficult to answer this, but please check your compilation options
Please provide the signal trapped and atleast a few lines of the stack-trace - for all the threads. One thing you can check for yourself is to print the threads' stack-track (using threads/thread or pthread and thread current <x> based on the debugger) and and if there is a common data that is being accessed. It is most likely that the segfault occurred when two threads were trying to read off the other's (uncommitted) change
Hope that helps.
After checking your code, I think the problem is the global picture array. You seem to be modifying that in the thread function without any guards. You loop using px and py and all the threads will have the same px and py and will try to write into the picture array at the same time. Please try to modify your code to prevent multiple threads from stepping on each other's data modifications.
Is func_call a function, or a function pointer? If it's a function pointer, there is your problem: you took the address of a function pointer and then cast it.
People are guessing because you've provided only a fraction of the program, which mentions names like func_call with no declaration in scope.
Your compiler must be giving you diagnostics about this program, because you're passing a (void *) expression to a function pointer parameter.
Define your thread function in a way that is compatible with pthread_create, and then just call it without any casts.

Inject a thread with LD_PRELOAD and thread-safety

I'm working on a project to inject a shared library in a program with LD_PRELOAD.
My injected library creates a new thread when it is injected into the program. All logic happens in this thread (like analyzing network traffic and so on).
First you need to know this about the program that is being preloaded. It is a client application that encrypts every packet, written to a static buffer, that it sends to the server. I found the function that encrypts and sends the packets in the client and I was able to detour it. So now I can just modify the static buffer and let the 'send' function encrypt the buffer and send the buffer to the server.
But now I have a problem: what if I change contents of the static buffer in my library's thread (so that I can send a fake packet) and at the same time the program's thread changes the static buffer too? That would cause a crash.
I need some kind of synchronization.
So I've been thinking of some solutions:
Find every function in the program that changes the buffer, detour them and add a mutex to that call or something like that. Would take like ages though...
Find a way to execute my piece of code, that changes the buffer, in one block. So my piece of code actually gets executed at once, without POSIX threads switching to other threads. Is this even possible?
Make my application synchronous and cry.
Can anyone come up with a better solution? Or do you know how to make solution 2 possible?
Thanks in advance,
If you detoured the 'send' function and you have the code of your 'detoured send' in your preloaded library it means that when the main thread calls 'send', your 'detoured send' code will be executed in the main thread's context, your thread is doing nothing at that moment. If you have more than one 'main thread' that could potentially call 'send', then you need synchronization in your 'detoured send'.
Alternatively, it you really want to process something in your new 'injected' thread you can:
1) in your 'detoured send' (invoked from main thread's context): pass the data to your thread
and wait untill it finishes processing the data (notice: the main thread is waiting).

Worker thread doesn't have message loop (MFC, windows). Can we make it to receive messages?

Mfc provides both worker and UI thread. UI thread is enabled with message receiving capabilities (send, post). Could it be possible to let worker thread too receive messages.
Call CWinThread::PumpMessage() repeatedly until it returns a WM_QUIT message.
It seems you need a thread, that can handle multiple messages from another threads. Another threads would add-a-message to the message-queue of this thread. Well, in that case you may use PeekMessage to startup a loop, which would eventually create a hidden window, and then use GetMessage to get the messages. The other threads would use PostThreadMessage with the thread ID (the one having Peek/GetMessage), and the message-code, LPARAM, WPARAM.
It would be like (not syntactically correct):
MSG msg;
{ /* switch case here */ }
The threads would call PostThreadMessage - See MSDN for more info.
When you need to send more data than LPARAM/WPARAM can hold, you eventually need to allocate them on heap, and then delete AFTER processing the message in your custom message-loop. This would be cumbersome and buggy.
But... I would suggest you to have your own class, on top of std::queue/deque or other DS, where you can add AddMessage/PushMessage, and PopMessage (or whatever names you like). You need to use SetEvent, WaitForSingleObject to trigger the new message in loop (See one of the implementation here. You may make it generic for one data-type, or make it template class - that would support any data-type (your underlying DS (queue) would utilize the same data-type). You also need not to worry about heaps and deletions. This is less error prone. You may however, have to handle MT issues.
Using Windows events involves kernel mode transition (since events are named/kernel objects), and you may like to use Conditional Variables which are user objects.Or you may straightaway use unbounded_buffer class from Concurrency Runtime Library available in VC10. See this article (jump to unbounded_buffer).
Yes you can create a message queue on a worker thread. You will need to run a message pump on that thread.
