Tumblr audio posts don't work with infinite scroll - audio

First of all, I have no idea about html codes, I tried to find an easy fix for my problem, but I can't understand any of them in here. I recently uploaded a new theme for my blog, but when I choose the infinite scroll option, the audio posts don't work. It just says Flash 9 is required. Please help me to fix it with some easy explanation.
Thank you !

You need to 'repair' audio posts in the Infinite Scroll callback. You'll need to go into the HTML or JS and manually fix this yourself.
Tumblr Audio & Video + Infinite Scroll


styling TextInputLayout / TextInputEditText

I wanted to use the TextInputLayout/TextInputEditText in my app and was looking for ways to style this. Now there are lost of paged when you start googling on it but it also seems some thinks have changed in the current android version.
Do not misunderstand the pages where very usefull but did not supply a complete answer.
For that reason i am posting my end result here so others may benefit.
Before i explain in the answer below i want to thank Dmytro on his blog here as it was the most usefull.
The answer.
I made my example very colorfull to make it easier to understand.
To get to this result i used the following in my layout. sorry that it is not code but a picture but i did this so you can see the actual color and not just my name for it
Not a color thing, but as you can see i set the app:errorEnabled to true. this is done so the space needed for the error is already reserved which means your layout wil not rescale when there is an error.
the last thing you need it the border_color.xml:
Play around with the option to see what they do.
The only thing i did not manage to do in the layout is to change the color of the selectionHandles. I did find a code solution for it but...i'll keep looking.

Open webpage in full screen in running sketch at Processing

I wonder how I open webpage in full screen mode in running sketch at Processing.
I am making a simple question/answer game but before solving question. I want users to register or login website first. And then when pressed a certain button on webpage it brings back to start to question.
I appreciate any suggestions.
The answer to this is going to depend on exactly what you're trying to do.
Are you trying to do this from Java mode? If so, google something like "java launch webpage".
Are you trying to do this from JavaScript mode, or with Processing.js or p5.js? If so, google something like "JavaScript fullscreen" and you'll find examples like this and this.
That will allow you to open a webapge in fullscreen mode. Then going back to your Processing sketch again depends on whether you're using Java or JavaScript.
If you're using Java, this is going to be pretty difficult, as you aren't going to be able to get events from the webpage to your Java code. You could try using an applet, but I wouldn't really recommend that since applets are pretty much dead anyway.
If you're using JavaScript, then it's a little easier. You can simply detect the button click in the webpage (by adding an onclick callback) and then call whatever functions you want to close the webpage and reactivate your Processing sketch.
It's hard to answer general "how do I do this" type questions. Stack Overflow is more designed for specific "I tried X, expected Y, but got Z instead" type questions. I really recommend that you just try something out and post an MCVE showing exactly where you're stuck. Good luck.

Safari won't play audio for Soundcloud widget, but for only 1 of the 3 files

Link in question: https://www.presskit.to/pirramusic
If you play the featured song, 'Paradise' on the top of the main section in Safari, it will start playing, but no audio. Everything else seems to work fine, just no sound is heard (did all the troubleshooting to confirm that this is the case, so mute, volume, etc was checked)
Now, here's the strange part. Click on Media you'll see the same file embedded with the other songs. If you click play on THAT song, it WILL play the audio normally.
So I googled around, found this stackoverflow question that's semi related: Safari 6.1 won't play audio from embedded Soundcloud widget
(and this: http://help.soundcloud.com/customer/portal/articles/1464535-why-can-t-i-hear-tracks-using-safari-)
So I uncheck that box and it works, but that doesn't really fix the two issues i have:
I can't do that automatically for my users. Nor is okay to give them
instructions on how to do this, since they shouldn't ever ever have
to mess with browser settings to make my site work.
Why is the issue only with the top embed/iframe? If it's 'saving power' or whatever,
it makes sense that 2 out of the 3 work.
Some other notes:
I'm running Safari Version 7.0.2 (9537.74.9)
On a 2013 MBA 13" running mavericks
Works fine in other browsers
The embed code for the two players (the one that works and the one
that doesnt) is identical. See page source.
Other question:
Would having the same objected embedded twice cause an issue? If it
did, i figure it would be with SoundCloud's side and would be
affecting all browsers.
Please help, im pretty stumped on this. If it's a bug, i'll report it to apple, but i'm not sure if it is yet. Thanks in advance for any insight!
This is a known bug, Soundcloud provided a page with an explanation on how to make it work. It is however bad UX, as - as you stated - there doesn't seem to be a way to make it work automatically for users.
here is the link to soundclods answer: http://help.soundcloud.com/customer/portal/articles/1464535-why-can-t-i-hear-tracks-using-safari-
HOWEVER, we do need to have the player working :) so if somebody knows a way, please share.

How to save a whole website as a jpg or png in order to post it on Behance?

I am finally done with my website and now I am looking for the best and easiest way to save it as .jpg or .png in order to be able to present it on Behance. What is the best way to do this?
I used HTML, CSS and JQuery to build my single page website.
I kindly ask you to help me with this as I am still new to coding and am still discovering the world of web design!
Thank you all in advance!
There are several addons that you can use to screen capture an entire webpage. Webpage Screenshot is one that works in Firefox and Chrome.
If i understand it correctly, you want to save your webpage as an image to display it as a presentation.
There are many options you have.
One of them is to take a screenshot of the webpage and use a GFX editing program to crop it to your liking and save it.
Another of them is to use a browser add-ons to take a screenshot of the web page and save it.

Weird text highlighting problem on website

I have this strange problem on my web page where if you click below the left side-panel, all the links get highlighted. It happens in firefox, not IE. I don't know why its only the side-panel that it happens to. Its not really a big deal but its extremely annoying to me, is there any way to stop it? If you want to check it out, the site is http://www.bhslaughter.com/
Not to sound harsh, but that's a serious case of div-itis. You might want to check the number of links that you have, the open and closing of the div's, empty anchor links and the wrapping of your multiple tables.
Good luck with your project.
Well I found out what it was. I had the left side menu floated inside the table. It was a left over from before I used the table to layout the page
