Creating IIS Express Virtual Directories with VS2012 / Web Site (not WAP) - iis

I'm inheriting a web site project that was built with a virtual directory for user controls (still wondering why someone did that). Of course, the src tags bombs when I load it into visual studio 2012 because those files are not actually there.
So, with vs2012 and iis express (build in browser) how can I easily create a virtual directory and have it resolve in my visual studio development experience.
Thanks! -Peter

turns out there is under the website menu an option that says "Create Virtual Directory". I'm hoping that is exactly what I want.


Does Jetbrains Rider support configuring Local IIS Debugging?

I'm trying Jetbrains Rider 2017. One of the features I have used in Visual Studio for many years is the ability to configure easily building and debugging a website in IIS (instead of Cassini/IIS Express), without needing to go through the whole "Attach to Process" flow. This is done in the project web configuration, setting the host to Local IIS and providing the URL, and the configuration stored in the csproj.user file.
Can this be achieved in Rider, and if so how?

How do I use IIS (not express) with Visual Studio 2015?

I have an ASP .NET web site project that was developed in Visual Studio 2012. We just migrated the project to Visual Studio 2015.
I've googled around and I keep reading about a "Create Virtual Directory" button and a "Use Local IIS" option but neither are present. In the project properties page all I see are the options "Use default Web server" and "Use custom server" along with a "Base URL" text field.
I'm running Visual Studio 2015 on Windows 10 Pro.
What am I missing?
Have you enabled IIS in Windows Features?
Press the Windows Key and type Windows Features.
Select the first entry Turn Windows Features On or Off.
Make sure the box next to IIS is checked. If it is not checked, check it and it will install everything you need. Be patient as this could take a few minutes.
IIS should now be accessible from Control Panel > Administrative Tools
You should now be able to go to the properties page of you application and change your website setting from IIS Express to Local IIS

How to debug with IIS (not Express) in Visual Studio 2013

This might be a stupid question, but I have a problem with Visual Studio 2013 and IIS (not Express), that the Visual Studio debugger by default uses IIS Express (iisexpress.exe) to debug code. But I do not want that, but I want to use IIS installed on my computer (w3wp.exe).
I succeeded in debugging with IIS by using Attach to Process... and then selecting All Users and then picking w3wp.exe as a process. But I need to do this every time I start debugging. Is there a way to use IIS by default? In Visual Studio 2012, everything worked well, but in VS 2013 I cannot find an option to use IIS (w3wp.exe) by default.
I am debugging a Web Site ASP.NET 4.0.
Thanks for any help!
If your website project was opened via IIS, it should debug the IIS process automatically. If your site exists in IIS currently, you should be able to find it via File -> Open -> Web Site.
If you opened an IIS Express based website project (or via the file system, which uses IIS Express by default), then run the site through IIS, VS doesn't know that the site is running in IIS.
In order to get this working on my setup (VS2013, IIS7, Win7) I needed to go into IIS Management Console and manually enable Windows Authentication.

how to solve this issue "Visual studio .Net cannot create or open the application VS2003"?

I tried to open my old projects developed by VS2003 but I am not able to open in Visual studio 2003.
Whenever I tried to create a new project or open my existing project in VS 2003 it will populate a error dialogue box .
Its Showing error like "Visual studio .Net cannot create or open the application. The likeliest problem is that required components are not installed on the local web server. Run visual studio .net setup and add the web development component"
I noticed one thing that when I tried to create a new project It will automatically point to the location
I dont know why it is?
For opening existing project in my application Do I need to configure my application into IIS or in inetpub->wwwwroot folder? If so How can I configure my application into IIS? Please tell me the steps.
Anybody Please help me on this I have to solve this by today! Thanks !
open inetmgr (start - on search program and files type "inetmgr"
expand your server - sites - default web site - right click - add application
Enter Alias at your case : newproject
Application pool select ASP.NET 1.1 (must install first)
Physical path, choose your web folder.
turn off skype or Change skype port.
another suggestions, look CZFox's answer here

Prevent VS2012 to convert my projects into Web Applications

We have a big solution that we just recently migrated to Visual Studio 2012. In this solution, one project is the main Web Application in IIS and the other projects are folders inside this Web Application. Every time we open the solution, VS2012 turns these folders into Web Applications and it breaks the site. Is there any way to avoid this conversion?
We found the solution. We changed the projects properties to not use IIS but a Custom Server with our local url.
