Plotting multiple graphs with multiple points in one chart (Excel) - excel

I am looking for some suggestions on plotting multiple graphs with multiple points in one single chart. I am not a statistics person and so I am unaware of what this graph is actually called.
Basically, I have 6 data series and I want to plot line graphs for each into one common graph.
My X-axis should only be 4 categorical variables/numbers 1, 2 , 3 and 4.
Now the catch is for each data series, every categorical variable of the X-axis has multiple points. Something like this :
(X,Y) = (1,43)
(X,Y) = (1,57)
(X,Y) = (1,86)
(X,Y) = (2,42)
(X,Y) = (2,63)
(X,Y) = (3,72)
(X,Y) = (3,82)
(X,Y) = (4,81)
This is for one data series. Similarly, I have 5 other data series which have something similar. Some data series may or may not have all 4 categorical variables 1,2,3 and 4. I want to plot all of them into one graph.
How should I go about plotting this graph, preferably in Excel ?
Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

because of your multiple x-points, I would say - not as a line graph ;)
but then again, you should aks yourself, what question shall my graph answer or which correllation should it illustrate.
I assume your data reflects some information you want to visualize. The question here is what this information is. Based on that you can choose a graph to support that. And for this graph you will need to provide your data, and might need to put it in an more appropriate form.
My guess right now, would be a point-graph.


How to convert x and y coordinates into a heat map in excel?

I currently have a data set of x and y coordinates (position of an animal in an arena) over a period of time. I just used the coordinates to plot a scatter plot of what that looks like. However, instead of having every single coordinate as a separate point, i was wondering if there was a way to create a heat map of the points? So, the higher the likelihood of the animal in a specific area/ similar coordinates, the warmer the color? Hoping for the final product to be a depiction of the arena with a gradient of colors based on the likelihood the animal explores those regions?
Well with that many points, I don't know if Excel is the right choice if wanting to color-coordinate. The site has some really cool graphing capabilities. I use this when needing sankey's or something unusual that Excel cannot easily handle.
Here I used 1500 x/y points between 0 and 20. Then I selected the graph type called "Contour Plot".
Would this work?
Or here's a Hexagonal Binning chart of the same data...

How to highlight specific data points in a scatterplot (Excel) based on certain conditions?

Suppose I have a data with two sets of xy coordinates, one pair for the customer side and one pair for the vendor side (so in total, there should be four columns, two x's and two y's). We can call Xc for customer and Xv for vendor and vice versa for Y. I know how to make a plot in excel and overlay the two pairs of coordinates, but I am stuck on how to present such plot with specific data points highlighted with a different symbol/color based on conditional statements. For example, if any data points in Xc or Yv have coordinates outside of a specific range (think of them as outliers), I would like to flag such points on the scatterplot. I know one way is to filter out the points first and create it as a separate series then plot, but wonder if there is a more streamlined procedure in doing so as I need to make a template for future references. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Excel - Plot average of two plots with inconsistent time (X) axis

I have managed to plot two different data sets on the same axis however, I'm also looking to plotting another line showing their average.
The main problem is that both data sets have different X (time) values so it's not possible to add an average column at the end and plot that. (See the highlighted row 22 for example, corresponding Time values are different)
Is there any way I can plot an average of two plots on the same axis?
One idea that might work is to place the values of both series, one above the other in two new columns, sort this new data according to time, smooth it, then plot the smoothed combined data. Alternatively, you could do the smoothing by simply plotting the new sorted series, adding a moving average trendline to it, then change the formatting of the new series so that it is no longer visible (but the trendline is). Something like this:
In the above picture, series 3 is the plot of the sorted aggregate data of series 1 and 2. If you change the formatting of series 3 so that there is no line, you get something like this:
For my relatively small mock data sets, the results are admittedly poor (it was based on just 25 data points in each series), but if you have a large amount of closely spaced data, and you play around with the moving average window size, you might get something acceptable. If not, you should probably just interpolate both datasets to obtain two consistent time series.

How can I make a spectral plot in Excel?

I have two columns of data - first is fractions (goes on x-axis), second is integers (goes on y).
Is there a way to plot one against the other in a histogram type manner so it looks like a spectrum?
Use the "scatter plot" tool. It is also called a "scatter chart" tool. Once you have your chart in place, you can add a trend line to determine the formula for the relationship between x and y values. You will be able to find the formula in terms of y = mx+b. You can also determine the r squared value which will be important in the interpretation of the relationship. There are several options for scatter charts that might lead you off course, so experiment with the tool a bit to discover the correct options for your situation.

chart in excel to represent correlation of 3 parameters

Please dont eat me because of this question :)
I have some data in excel and I would like to make a graphical representation of those data. Structure of my data:
persons ID : from 1 to 485 to every person, there is one parameter like average jumping distance and another parameter (like height) and finally there is a class to which every person belongs to (1, 2 or 3).
To assign persons to classes I have used k-means algorithm.
Now I would like to make a graph of this result. How can I do it please in excel (or by using another tool)?
Thank you
I would use a scatter (XY chart with markers and no lines). Plot average jumping distance on one axis, height on the second axis. Then for the classes I would separate all the data into 3 series and use different colors for each series. I would adjust the marker size to see which one works best with the data.
Here is a fast example to give you an idea how to it would look like. Its not as easy as just clicking once to insert the chart from the data though:
