SHKTwitter's followMe function in iphone - ios4

I don't know how to implement the twitter followMe feature.
I found the SHKTwitter's followMe function, but I haven't any reference informations about it.
Please tell me or send a bit of samples.

If you look at the source code, you'll see that it's basically making a Twitter API request to add the account defined in "SHKTwitterUsername" (SHKConfig.h) to the user's friends list (follows).
So, if you have a Twitter account for tweeting to your app users, you can add a follow button in your app that calls [SHKTwitter followme], and configure SHKTwitterUsername to your twitter handle.
Hope this helps!


Instagram API - get own posts for website

I read through all the dev docs stuff at, but I found no simple solution to solve that one simple question. I want to display my own posts detail at my website. Is that even possible?
This is possible using IG Basic Display API and the GET /{user-id}/media endpoint
You will need to build a Login flow which is described in the Get Started guide

Rest base URL for dialog flow API V2

I have created an agent in the dialog flow and I want to use that agent in the Appian BPM. For integration, I have used google service account JSON file
but I do not find the base URL what URL I have to keep
I want through this link but I didn't find anything in it.And I also tried{session=projects//agent/sessions/}:detectIntent this i didn't understand how to use.
Can some please explain clearly with a proper example
For reference please check this link:
As per, it's
Btw, the Google Photo link you shared doesn't work for me.

Is it possible to access a friends Instagram pictures without his access_token?

I heard that Instagram recently changed their APIs and I have a related question to that.
Let's assume I would like to build an "Instagram feed app of people I follow". So this app would just show me the pictures of all people I follow. From what I understand this would be possible, but I would always have same manual effort:
From the Instagram developer website I understand that I need the access_token from all my friends.
Do I understand that correctly?
This would mean every time I follow someone new, I would have to get his/her access_token manually and add it into my app.
Do I understand this correctly or is there a programmatic/automated way to get the needed access_token from the new followed person?
Yes, you are correct. This is not possible at the moment. I'm not sure how you would get the access token of friends. You would have to have them login as well. BTW: This seems to be the way facebook is going (since they now control Instagram). They require that both friends have authorized your app and then they will list their followers.

How do I fetch my own Instagram media feed

I have a use case that Instagram does not seem to acknowledge. I am hoping that someone else has an idea for what I can do.
The website that I am maintaining has been using the API endpoint:
And I am aware that Instagram has recently stopped supporting this endpoint. So I am looking for a replacement.
My use case is that I do not want to allow the users of my website to authenticate and browse their own photos. Instead I want to show only the latest 20 images that "I" (aka my employer) have posted, one at a time in a loop.
Instagram's API documentation seems to be entirely focused on the use case of allowing users to authenticate and share their photos.
Is there an API call that will return the last 20 images that I have posted?
From its specs, the Sandbox will work fine for me, I cannot find a way to register with Instagram that does not require me to build a user authentication work flow that will NEVER be used.
You would want to use self feed endpoint.

How to grab user track info through spotify api

I recently just got through the beginning tutorial for creating a web app with the spotify api. The tutorial was great for showing how to authenticate a user with oauth and log in a user.
The problem I am having is with the endpoint. I can't seem to figure out how to change the endpoint so that instead of displaying a users profile, I can see a list of a users track, better yet starred or top 10 tracks.
for a 10,000 view perspective of what I want to build is a app that would allow users to easily log in through their spotify account, take their stared or top tracks and push them to a radio that I am building with an raspberry pi.
I am new to working with the spotify api and working with api's in general so whatever advice would be awesome.
At the moment, there is no way to get the "starred"-playlist. (At least it's not documented)
I don't know what you mean with "Top 10 User tracks", since this doesn't exist as far as I know
To get a list of the account's current playlists, change the URL to:{user_id}/playlists
With this URL, you will get a list of simple-playlist-objects wrapped inside a paging-object. Now you can select one of the playlists (or loop through them) and fetch its track this way
If you also want to fetch private playlists, make sure you use the scope playlist_read_private
