write the domain without extension [closed] - dns

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I found that sometimes when I write the name of a site it gets to the right website. for example when I write google I get google.com and when I write facebook I get facebook.com.
But when I write mohamedkadri I don't get mohamedkadri.com.
I thought That the browser uses the that name to get the site when it has been previously visited and cached, but I also visited mohamedkadri.com but mohamedkadri doesn't get mohamedkadri.com
How does this work? and who is the responsible for that, the host or the browser, or even the default search engine in my browser?

Some browsers use the 'feeling lucky' google search (or other search engines) to return the first result for a given keyword.
If you search on google for 'facebook' you'll get facebook.com as the first result.
If you search for 'mohamedkadri' you don't get 'mohamedkadri.com' as the first result.

It's up to your browser to decide which site to access. In the case of Firefox, the term for the address bar is the 'Awesome Bar', which uses a combination of search, history, and favorites to get you where you want to go Here's some more information
I just did a little testing in Chrome, and it looks like I'm set to a google search if the tld is left off. I'm not sure of the reaction of IE but I think it functions similarly to Chrome.


Update of requirement links on Azure DevOps [closed]

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Closed last month.
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Is it possible somehow to update all requirement links from (Successor/Predecessor) type to (Affected by/Affects) type automatically on project.
I didn't find any possible solution for it.
There isn't a built-in solution to do that automatically. However, you can try to write a script to call the Work Items - Update REST API to remove the Successor/Predecessor type links from a specify work item (requirement in your scenario), and then add the same links as the new type (Affected by/Affects).
Reference Remove a link sample to remove the Successor/Predecessor type links.
Reference Add a link sample to add the links as the new type Affected by/Affects.
Once you done that for a specify work item, then you call another REST API (Reporting Work Item Links - Get) to get all Requirement work items from the project, then change the type in a loop.

Amazon KDP creator doesn't recognise table of contents from Google document [closed]

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Closed yesterday.
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I'm trying to follow this advice here on how to format your TOC using a bookmark:
But none of it works., My KDP pages still shows:
I do not believe the advice in that thread is accurate. If it is, I have been unable to replicate it. I have tried the following, none of which have worked:
Added Headings to the document and then auto-generating the ToC.
Additionally Bookmarking those headings
Changing the auto-generated ToC so it links to the Bookmarks rather than the headings.
Not using the auto-generated ToC and instead manually building one with links to Bookmarks
All of these will create a working table of contents which is not then recognised by KDP. I have not found any solution for getting a table of content generated in Google Docs (by any method) to show when upload to KDP. I assume this is because of the way Google Docs generates the Word doc which is required for KDP. The only workable solution appears to be to edit your document through a third party (either Word or some other package) once you've exported it from Google Docs.
I suspect there's a glitch in Amazon's programming. I have been uploading my books for years in Word with a manually created TOC that meets Smashwords' specifications (they're very picky). KDP always recognized the TOC until about a year ago. Suddenly even books that I've updated in a minor way and re-uploaded are marked as lacking a TOC. Yet when I opened their previewer, there's the TOC and I can click the links and they work fine. I appreciate that others have tried these multiple time-wasting attempts to fix the problem and that they don't work any better than my time-tasted (but no longer recognized) method.

Unable to get the contents of a webpage [closed]

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Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 7 days ago.
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Im writing a script and need the contents of for example this webpage:
Im using scrapy and usually all works out but I am currently unable to get the html of this page with Requests or scrapy or any other module. Does someone know what could be going wrong?
The website is using AngularJS to dynamically generate content upon loading. You cannot scrape the contents directly from this website, instead I'd suggest using something like Selenium with Python to scrape data.
Or conversely, depending on what you need, you can check the Network tab in Chrome Dev Tools to see the requests being made, and scrape the data from those URLs.
For instance
Request URL: https://pcb.inc.hp.com/api/catalogs/nl-nl/nodes/0/children?status[]=O&status[]=L&hierParadigm=F
Response: {"baseProdname":"ROOT_NODE","oid":0,"level":0,"status":["O","L"],"cultureCode":"nl-nl","children":[{"baseProdname":"Solutions","oid":8176594,"level":1,"status":["L","O"],"cultureCode":"nl-nl"},{"baseProdname":"Scanners/Copiers/Faxes","oid":15179,"level":1,"status":["L","O"],"cultureCode":"nl-nl"},{"baseProdname":"Software","oid":8133386,"level":1,"status":["L","O"],"cultureCode":"nl-nl"},{"baseProdname":"Ink/Toner/Paper/Printer Supplies","oid":12771,"level":1,"status":["L","O"],"cultureCode":"nl-nl"},{"baseProdname":"Laptops and Hybrids","oid":321957,"level":1,"status":["L","O"],"cultureCode":"nl-nl"},{"baseProdname":"Printers and Multifunction","oid":18972,"level":1,"status":["L","O"],"cultureCode":"nl-nl"},{"baseProdname":"Point of Sale Systems","oid":7491307,"level":1,"status":["L","O"],"cultureCode":"nl-nl"},{"baseProdname":"Desktops & Workstations","oid":12454,"level":1,"status":["L","O"],"cultureCode":"nl-nl"},{"baseProdname":"Monitors","oid":382087,"level":1,"status":["L","O"],"cultureCode":"nl-nl"},{"baseProdname":"Services","oid":8362107,"level":1,"status":["L","O"],"cultureCode":"nl-nl"},{"baseProdname":"Accessories","oid":8386448,"level":1,"status":["L","O"],"cultureCode":"nl-nl"},{"baseProdname":"3D Materials and Consumables","oid":20063457,"level":1,"status":["L","O"],"cultureCode":"nl-nl"},{"baseProdname":"Handhelds and Calculators","oid":215348,"level":1,"status":["L","O"],"cultureCode":"nl-nl"},{"baseProdname":"Industries","oid":20008722,"level":1,"status":["L"],"cultureCode":"nl-nl"},{"baseProdname":"Tablets","oid":5169094,"level":1,"status":["O"],"cultureCode":"nl-nl"},{"baseProdname":"Projectors","oid":3338965,"level":1,"status":["O"],"cultureCode":"nl-nl"},{"baseProdname":"Digital Cameras and Photo Studios","oid":382085,"level":1,"status":["O"],"cultureCode":"nl-nl"}]}

SharePoint & Access -> Hyperlink problems [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I've got a SharePoint Access application (based on one of the templates), should just be a simple Todo-Utility for the group.
I added a field "Link" to the table "Problems", people should insert the JIRA-ID, which should be automatically converted to a link pointing to "http://jira.somedomain.com/bla/blubb/[HERE_THE_ID]".
Every solution is fine with me: "AfterUpdate-Event writing the converted link into the table" is just as fine as "only the short code is saved in the table and the onclick-macro does the job", I don't care.
However, it looks like there is no FollowHyperlink macro available + even if the column is set to "hyperlink" it is only clickable on the client and not when deployed to the sharepoint site.
Any solutions?
Okay, this seems to be a problem of non-IE browsers, works fine in IE...

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a web site that contains a single page? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I would like to code a little web site that will contain several sections like "Home", "Gallery", "Contact Us", "FAQs", and so on.
I thought to do this in one HTML by putting each section in a div and show only one div per time (using Javascript / jQuery), based on the chosen menu button.
Alternatively, I could create a separate HTML page per section, and link these pages to the menu buttons.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of these two methods ?
The first method means longer loading times since you have to load everything on the site up front, and it's totally broken for people who have disabled Javascript or whose browsers don't support it. The second method means the user only has to load the content they are actually looking at, and it should work even with non-Javascript browsers.
The main disadvantages that comes to mind for the first method are:
Poor SEO: Google will only see your home page as Google bot doesn't execute javascript.
Back/Forward buttons won't work.
Takes longer time to load initially.
As site becomes bigger, it'd need more memory and might slow down the browser and even the machine
The advantage of the method would be speed, when navigating you don't need a round-trip to the server.
It also has a couple of disadvantages the main ones are;
You can only link to the front-page, not directly to for example the about page because it doesn't have a separate url.
The back button in the user's browser won't work anymore.
The Advantages of the Javascript solution are mainly that you dont need to reload the page which is very nice for the user.
On the other hand you have the visitors with javascript disabled who wont be able to load the different pages. Also you cannot navigate over Javascript pages with the browser's back and forth buttons.
The last thing I see is that your code could become messy if you're not very careful and organized.
SEO for one thing - Googlebot will likely only ever index the home page, and your other pages will be effectively invisible to search engines.
