Xcode4 - Check if translated value is used in project - search

is it possible to check if a translated value is used in my project.
For example, I want to check automatically if e.g.
is used somewhere in my project (in the following macro: NSLocalizedString(#"THOUSAND",#"");)?
I can do this by search value after value, but let's say there are 1000 values? So automatically do that would save much time :-D


Netsuite - Transfer Inventory error

I have been using NetSuite for only a short time, and already hate it. I am sorry if this is a stupid question, but I haven't been able to find an answer so far, either in the Netsuite docs, StackOverflow or other websites. In fact, the answers I found have resulted in an error.
My company requires a script to transfer inventory based on an EDI input file. Reading the file is no problem, even parsing it is working. However, actually inserting the data is proving problematic.
I have been able to insert normal records, but Inventory Transfer records are giving me problems.
From Stack Overflow I found and adapted some code into the following:
var xfer = nlapiCreateRecord("inventorytransfer");
xfer.setFieldValue("trandate", FormatDate("20160101"));
xfer.setFieldValue("location", 9);
xfer.setFieldValue("transferlocation", 9);
nlapiSetLineItemValue("invt","invtid",1, 189);
nlapiSetLineItemValue("invt","adjustqtyby", 1, "5");
var id = nlapiSubmitRecord(xfer);
The FormatDate function just exchanges the date from the text file into a system date NetSuite can understand.
However, when I run this code I get the following error:
USER_ERROR: You must enter at least one line item for this transaction.
I thought inserting the line item was the reason to use nlapiSelectNewLineItem, but I guess not. Also nlapiCreateNewLineItem doesn't seem to exist.
The values I am inserting are all just test data, as I'm testing this in the debugger. Location 9 exists, as does item 189.
My full script finds these id's based on string values from the text files. But since this is the section that doesn't work I have set it apart to test.
Can anyone help with this?
You did not specify the type of script you are using, but, looks like you are not setting the fields on the record object, but, setting the value on current record. Below, is the suggested code.
Also, there is no sublist named invt, it should be inventory. Also, there is no field as such invtid, I think most probably you want to setup item, the field Id should be item. You might want to refer SuiteScript Record Browser as well for a help on correct Ids
var xfer = nlapiCreateRecord("inventorytransfer");
xfer.setFieldValue("trandate", FormatDate("20160101"));
xfer.setFieldValue("location", 9);
xfer.setFieldValue("transferlocation", 9);
xfer.setCurrentLineItemValue("inventory", "item", 189);
xfer.setCurrentLineItemValue("inventory","adjustqtyby", "5");
var id = nlapiSubmitRecord(xfer);
If you are using Bin/Lot Numbered Items, please see help topic "Sample Scripts for Advanced Bin / Numbered Inventory Management"

Search formula not working on Linux machine

I have a strange behavior: an agent called via an AJAX request should search documents to display in a calendar. For that reason I compute a search formula and then run the search method of my database in Lotusscript. This is the formula:
form="mholiday" | form="mserviceevent" | (form="mereignis" & co_status!="9") & #texttotime(#text(startdatetime)) >= [29.09.2014] & #texttotime(#text(enddatetime)) =< [10.11.2014]
Everything's fine on Domino on Windows but fails with "formula error" on a Linux machine. Am I missing something?
If I omit the term with the dates everything is fine, so this is the part that causes the error.
Try it with #ToTime() and #Date() instead. That might help to get away from local settings' influence on server:
... & #ToTime(startdatetime) >= #Date(2014; 9; 29) & ...
#ToTime() doesn't convert the field if it's a date time value already.
#Date doesn't depend on local settings whereas [29.09.2014] probably does.
I don't think it's a Linux problem, I think it's a data problem. It sounds like either a date format problem or a problem with the UNK table, used by full text search.
If the first document created on that server that had a field called "startdatetime" had a text value, then any search expects "startdatetime" to be a text value, even if there is another field in the database called startdatetime that is a date or the startdatetime field is subsequently changed to be a date. To confirm this, you can use the search bar and select the field. The operators it offers will confirm if it's expecting a date or a text value. See this answer for details on how to resolve "Query is not understandable" - Full text searching where field types have changed.
Alternatively, it may be a problem with the date format, as Knut says. In which case a test for 9/9/2014 would work but 29/9/2014 wouldn't.

Can I import SAP tables that were exported by SE16?

I have exported the contents of a table with transaction SE16, by selecting all the entries and going selecting Download, unconverted.
I'd like to import these entries into another system (where the same table exists and is active).
Furthermore, when I import, there's a possibility that the specific key already exists for a number of entries (old entries).
Other entries won't have a field with the same key present in the table where they're to be imported (new entries).
Is there a way to easily update my table in the second system with the file provided from the first system? If needed, I can export the data in the 3 other format types (Spreadsheet, Rich text format and HTML format). It seems to me though like the spreadsheet and rich text formats sometimes corrupt the data, and the html is far too verbose.
As per popular demand, the table i'm trying to export / import is a Z table whose fields are all numeric, character, date or time fields (flat data types).
I'm trying to do it like this because the clients don't have any basis resource to help them transport, and would like to "kinna" automate the process of updating one of the tables in one system.
At the moment it's a business request to do it like this, but I'm open to suggestions (and the clients are open too)
Ok I doubt that what you describe in your comment exists out of the box, but you can easily write something like that:
Create a method (or function module if that floats your boat) that accepts the following:
iv_table name TYPE string and
iv_filename TYPE string
This would be the method:
method upload_table.
data: lt_table type ref to data,
lx_root type ref to cx_root.
field-symbols: <table> type standard table.
create data lt_table type table of (iv_table_name).
assign lt_table->* to <table>.
call method cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_upload
filename = iv_filename
has_field_separator = abap_true
data_tab = <table>
others = 4.
if sy-subrc <> 0.
"Some appropriate error handling
"message id sy-msgid type 'I'
" number sy-msgno
" with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2
" sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
modify (p_name) from table <table>.
"write: / sy-tabix, ' entries updated'.
catch cx_root into lx_root.
"lv_text = lx_root->get_text( ).
"some appropriate error handling
This would still require that you make sure that the exported file matches the table that you want to import. However cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_upload should return sy-subrc > 0 in that case, so you can bail out before you corrupt any data.
Original Answer:
I'll assume that you want to update a z-table and not a SAP standard table.
You will probably have to format your datafile a little bit to make it tab or comma delimited.
You can then upload the data file using cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_upload
Then if you want to overwrite the existing data in the table you can use
modify zmydbtab from table it_importeddata.
If you do not want to overwrite existing entries you can use.
insert zmydbtab from table it_importeddata.
You will get a return code of sy-subrc = 4 if any of the keys already exists, but any new entries will be inserted.
There are many reasons why you would NOT do this for a SAP-standard table. Most prominent is that there is almost always more to the data-model than what we are aware of. Also when creating transactional data, there are often follow-on events or workflow that kicks off, that will not be the case if you're updating the database directly. As a rule of thumb, it is usually a bad idea to update SAP standard tables directly.
In that case try to find a BADI, or if that's not available, record a BDC and do the updates that way.
If the system landscape was setup correctly, your client would not need any kind of basis operations support whatsoever to perform the transports. So instead of re-inventing the wheel, I'd strongly suggest to catch up on what the CTS and TMS can do once they're setup with sensible settings.

Protecting an applescript script

I'd like to use Applescript to connect to my remote website. However, I don't like the idea of having my password/username in my script in plain text. Is there anyway to encode a password in a local script on my computer?
Thank you,
Well you're not the first one that asks this question but you have to ask yourself some questions. Like who is gonna use it and from who do I need to protect it.
Step 1:
To make sure that your code is protected you should save two different kind of AppleScripts. The first one is for you, and you only. This version is compiled but be able to open with Script editor again so you can see the source code. The second is a run only script which is much like the first version but your not able to open it in Script editor again as a document to view it's source code.
step 2:
The second thing you don't want is that there is static text about user credentials because, even if it's compiled, you can see static text. Normally you won't see them but when the user credential is an mail address it's an easy find. But before we solve this issue, do you think someone is clever enough to find the user credentials from compiled AppleScript code? If so then the easiest way of encoding is adding a certain value to Unicode values:
property eusn : "¨®¦ÅÞÞÍÉ»ÅÞÞÍÉ"
property epwd : "ÔÅ××ÛÓÖÈ"
set usn to simpleDecryption(eusn)
set pwd to simpleDecryption(epwd)
on simpleEncryption(_str)
set x to id of _str
repeat with c in x
set contents of c to c + 100
end repeat
return string id x
end simpleEncryption
on simpleDecryption(_str)
set x to id of _str
repeat with c in x
set contents of c to c - 100
end repeat
return string id x
end simpleDecryption
Store statics as encrypted strings and when its needed, decrypt them. Remember that properties are persistent, unlike local variables, so don't store plain data in properties in your case.

Custom field in file version in C++ project

is there a way to create a custom field in the file version for a C++ project. So that we can see these fields along with file version, company name, etc. I would like to create fields like
revision = 1000
Customization = OEM1
You can add extra fields to the version information in your .rc file. You can't add numeric fields, but you can add localized string fields. I have never tried to do this with the GUI, but I know you can do it by changing the file directly.
In Visual C++, right click on your .rc file and click "View Code." Somewhere in there, you will find a section that starts with:
BLOCK "StringFileInfo"
That block probably only has one sub-block:
BLOCK "0409904b0"
That number is the numeric version of the locale descriptor for en_us. This block contains several VALUE entries such as:
VALUE "FileVersion", "1, 0, 0, 0"
VALUE "OriginalFilename", "MyProjectName"
You can add any field you want to this section and it will show up on the version tab of the properties dialog for the executable.
If you need to be able to read these values at runtime, you can use GetFileVersionInfo like this:
wchar_t myModululeName[MAX_PATH];
DWORD dummy;
DWORD versionSize=GetFileVersionInfoSize(myModuleName,&dummy);
//I don't remember why I added extra space to these
void * versionInfo=malloc(versionSize+10);
//This part is optional
//The VS_FIXEDFILEINFO contains information from the non-localized parts of
//the "StringFileInfo" block in the .rc file
UINT fixedFileSize;
VerQueryValue(versionInfo,L"\\",(void **)(&fixedFileInfo),&fixedFileSize);
//This will retrieve the local codes that are defined in the StringFileInfo block
WORD * translationTable;
UINT translationSize;
VerQueryValue(verionInfo,L"\\VarFileInfo\\Translation",(void **)(&translationTable),&translationTableSize);
//This always uses the first locale, you could examine translationTable
//if you need to for other codes
wchar_t mySpecialQuery[128];
wchar_t * mySpecialValue;
UINT mySpecialValueSize;
VerQueryValue(versionInfo,mySpecialQuery,(void **)(&mySpecialValue),&mySpecialValueSize);
//you can now do whatever you need to do with mySpecialValue, including using _wtoi()
//and query for more values
