MediaElement.js going white in IE6 - internet-explorer-6

I am testing MediaElement.js playing in IE6. It starts off working fine, the video is there, playing, within the Flash player. However, when I mouse over the video, it disappears (goes completely white). If I refresh the browser with the mouse where the video lands, and click into it, I can then interact with the controls a bit, but the full screen button causes it to go white again.
A couple other observations:
The audio continues to play even though the video is white
If I select the video area, I can get a hilight the shape of the video
Right clicking the white video region does not indicate a Flash component is present.
Any idea what is happening?

After playing with the CSS as Paul suggested, it turns out a "position: relative" style on a wrapping the video area was the cause.


Linux flash player mozilla firefox plugin appears blue

So I've added the flash player plug-in to my mozilla firefox on linux. It worked, but caused a problem, now the player is visible from other windows (partially), and the player it self appears a little blue.
When the screen goes to sleep (black screen) you can see the flash player on top of the black screen..?, when minimizing the browser then any black outlines on any window are replaced with the flash player content (for example the borders of the console).
It seems that the flash player position on the browser page does change it's position every where else, but scrolling the page down it not helping to get rid of the flash player completely, half of it will still get stacked and be visible.
It that a known problem? Can this be fixed?
p.s. a screenshot doesn't capture this happening.
Right click on the flash (youtube) -> Settings -> uncheck 'Enable hardware acceleration'
-> no more blue people, or flash over screen saver!

some browser problems on my code

my website, has some issues acting different for different browsers.
the red panel appearing under the grey buttons on bottom,seems only ff,not other browsers.
when user clicks one of grey buttons on the bottom,red panel should start under the white panel.but it starts a little bit of its left side.
the white panel on the left side on islerimiz.html(which user clicks middle button on bottom) page should be blurred.i added script for this but it is not doing blurring thing.the same script is on the iletisim.html(which user clicks rightest button on bottom) page and it is working truly.
ie6 errors:
the red point seems as a rectangle.
red panel script is not working.
the background of page and the logo's background should be the same but they seems different
the blurred panel on islerimiz.html page is not appearing at all.the bottom buttons seems true but the active button's color should be black but it seems grey too.besides little pictures should appear when mouse hover on the grey buttons,appears on open position.
the blurred panel on iletisim.html is not appearing.the pictures on the blured panel appears with shadows and shape is rectangle.also the links on that pictures is not clickable.
how can i solve this problems with css.if i couldn't solve with css,i can try jquery but my first choice is css.i have more than one javascript library on index page.but if i remove one of them,some scripts is not working.
almost all of those issues are because you are using pngs. switch them to gifs. apply them in a style sheet wrapped in conditional comments, at least for ie6, and a percentage of that list will go away. your selectivizrCSSForIEselectivizr.js is also targeting greater than ie6. i'm not sure what the red panel script exactly is, but i see you are adding webm file for ie...idk 100%, but i'll say it doesn't support that format either. convert it to media type that ie6 likes, and again, only serve this up in the ie6 conditional comments

Bootstrap modal with youtube bug after hide on hover elements

I use modal on my website to display youtube videos and all is working good.
But, when I start a video (then I stop it) and I close the modal, I have strange effects on my main menu that has a hover changing effects.
This is a sample video:
And then after closing and go with the mouse hover the menu this appears (on the 2 links that are "under" the modal):
Any ideas how to fix this bug?
Additional info
I am on Chrome and I have used a code very similar to the default example (
Fixed, putting
at the end of the youtube url.

flash sound malfunction

Problem summary:
A sound (stream) placed inside a movie clip that is within another movie clip will start playing continuously when I use the play control to jump around on the main timeline.
I am using Flash CS3 but the same issue occurs with CS6. I've spent quite a bit time to search/research for the issue but didn't find a solution. To demonstrate the problem, I've reduced the flash movie to a very simple structure.
One the main timeline:
The first frame has a movie clip (Game MC) and a stop action.
Following the first frame, there are several frames, mostly empty except some text.
The last frame has a stop action.
On the Game MC timeline:
There is only one frame. On that frame, there is a movie clip (Card MC), and the stop action.
On the Card MC timeline:
It starts with 3 blank frames and a stop action.
Starting at frame 4, a sound (.wav format) is placed and is set to be "stream."
At the end of this timeline, there is a stop action.
From Flash CS3, I press Ctrl+Enter to test the movie. The movie stops on frame 1 of the main timeline with the card showing, no sound, as expected. Now I use "." to move the play head forward one frame at a time. No problem. I see the frames after the first frame. Still no sound, as expected. So far so good.
The problem starts when I use "," to move the play head backward, the sound in the Card MC starts to play, regardless where the play head is, even when the Game MC (thence the Card MC) is not on the stage. Worse, each press of "," will trigger another start of the same sound overlapping with the previous one. And the sound would continue in loops until I close the swf.
However, the problem will not occur if I place the Card MC directly on the main timeline. It only occurs when it is inside another movie clip (Game MC).
I need to solve this problem because the full version of the flash card game is to be placed in an HTML page with a javascript based play control, which allows the viewer to jump around in the swf timeline.
The fla file is at:
Any insight will be greatly appreciated.
This turns out to be a bug in Flash indeed and was told that it would not be in the next version of Flash. The workaround is to use the Sound class to load and play the sound.

Menu Bar Height in the LWUIT Form

Application develop in the J2ME using LWUIT. When I port this application on the Samsung Device it create the following problem.
int h = Display.getInstance().getDisplayWidth();
It returns 388 for the Samsung GT S5250. So when I draw an image using this dimension it displays a white strip at the bottom of the screen. When I call the it displays correctly and height is 400 so how to resolve this issue.
I want to know how the Form size is calculated in LWUIT and how it takes MenuBar Height and white strip display at bottom of the screen.
I think you typed getDisplayWidth() where you meant to type getDisplayHeight().
Regardless, the problem you are seeing is due to a bug in the samsung device. LWUIT invokes the full screen mode in MIDP which hides the native title area, however that doesn't always happen immediately in some devices and thus LWUIT gets incorrect information from the devices. A refresh usually solves this and by the time LWUIT draws on the screen the size is corrected.
Generally the solution is rather simple, create generic code to create your image and if the image dimensions are inappropriate when you are about to draw to the screen then just recreate the image on the fly. This will also solve the issue of device rotation which might pose a problem too.
