Every now and then (and sufficiently often to be bothered by), I get stuck in a modal window when e.g. creating a new filter, task, appointment etc. The window is movable but I can't close it by pressing the red X in the corner, save-and-close-it nor F4 it. The window lives and the buttons react visually but the frame doesn't close.
My best solution this far is to kill the process and log in again. That makes me sad...
I suspect that the behavior might have to do with my system configuration: I'm on Win8 with IE10 (set to compatibility mode) powered by CRM Dynamics 2011 in the cloud.
Can someone confirm the behavior?
Any hits on how to deal with it (other than installing IE9)?
(Before I'd set the compatibility mode on, I experienced some funny effects such as the "Get started"-section rolling and getting wider and wider like some cool jQuery-effect. Now it's under control, though.)
Maybe not a solution, but have you changed your IE settings to force new popups to open as a new tab, instead of a new window? I've never experienced the issue you describe, but it may allow you to close it, since it is a tab, and not a window...
I'm using Godot_v3.2.1-stable_win64.exe(current Godot version) on my Windows 10. When running a project everything seems to work fine but when using the actual IDE of the Godot engine it seems like the IDE screen doesn't update fluidly on every mouse interaction but like only every 5 seconds instead (as like FPS would be low).
So mostly on hovering or clicking something it would light up or be triggered after you clicked on some other thing elsewhere (which is stupid of course).
This makes it even impossible to hit a button sometimes in the IDE.
E.g. when renaming a file a Window/Box for renaming pops up but you do not see it, because the IDE screen isn't updated. So if you don't blindly click on the box (which you don't see) the option for renaming is lost, because the box closes when clicking anywhere else. See what I mean?
Thank you for listening. Have a great day.
This is a known issue. Try updating your graphics driver to the latest version provided by Intel (not your OEM).
This post originally related to "Visual Studio", but affects other similar applications.
There are a number of posts dealing with a problem where the tab navigation panel appears but requires a click etc to dismiss. These seem to be solved by fiddling with the magnifyer, narrator etc. None of these solutions apply to my problem - which is that, in VS2012, ctrl-tab brings up the two-column navigation panel, repeated presses of tab moves through the lists as normal, but, on release of both keys, the focussed tab is NOT changed. With the nav panel displayed, you can click on it with the mouse and the focussed tab is changed as expected.
The issue seems to have arisen after installing VS2012. VS2010 is also installed and oddly now also exhibits the same problem, even though I have never had the problem until now. When you re-start VS, all works fine, but after a time ctrl-tab stops working normally. It has been seen to stop working without doing anything other than pressing ctrl-tab a few times i.e. not going to any other VS panel or doing a build etc.
This is a major problem with productivity as I use this constantly to switch between tabs. I know that I can change the shortcut to switch between documents without showing the navigation panel, but I prefer to see this panel, rather than switching 'blind'.
Does anyone know why this might be happening or how to fix it? I have done a full Windows update (Svr 2008 R2).
NOTE1 - I now see the same problem with a new installation of VS2013 and also in SQL Server Management Studio 2012 - on ctrl-tab you see the two-col panel but whatever you select doesn't change the pane in view (unless you click the panel with the mouse).
When ctrl-tab is not working in the VS-based apps, it DOES continue working in, say, Notepad++, which suggests an MS-VS problem.
NOTE2 - The problem does not exist when you use the on-screen keyboard! It seems that using the OSK causes ctr-tab to work again with the real keyboard, but it breaks quickly when you start almost any other application, but it always works with the OSK. The problem is unrelated to the physical keyboard as I have tried other keyboards.
I have an uncommon issue. I have an Excel file with macros. On all computers it was installed Office 2010 and everything worked fine, but a few days ago every computer was upgraded to Office 2013.
In code, at some point I enable or disable some buttons based on some criterias.
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Lab Orders").OLEObjects("CommandButton1").Enabled = False
On some computers this works fine , but on other computers this button is shown as enabled, and if the user clicks the button nothing happens, not even the animation where the the button is pressed, so it cannot execute the code behind. It's like an image. Any leads, or reasons why this is happening only on certain computers ?
I have this problem after the Office got upgraded. PS. All computers are in the same domain.
I changed the code line
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Lab Orders").CommandButton1.Enabled = True
and now I get this error: 438 at this row (I debbuged the file on a computer where this file does not work)
I suspect it's the issue with the latest Office updates - see if this fixes it: http://excelmatters.com/2014/12/10/office-update-breaks-activex-controls/
On all computers where you have the problem, check the box "Trust access to the VBA project object model" located in Options/Trust Center/Macro Settings
(Note that this will only apply to Excel, and if you are having the same problems on other MS Office softwares, you should do the same on them as well)
If that's still not working, read and apply all the checks on this page : https://support.office.com/en-gb/article/Enable-or-disable-macros-in-Office-files-12b036fd-d140-4e74-b45e-16fed1a7e5c6
Did not fit as a comment, so:
If I understand you correctly, some computers show the button enabled, while in fact it is disabled, right?
In this case it's normal no button press animation "visibly happens" as Windows knows the button was programmatically disabled.
The same thing happens if you hook a window (which has buttons on it) and send any button a WM to show itself as if it was enabled (while in fact it is not).
The reason it seems enabled on some computers may vary, most probably it's video card and/or driver 'issue', or some "strange alignment" (that particular OS with that particular graphics card & driver and DirectX, as well as those 'special' OLE settings, etc).In both cases, the screen area don't get "refreshed" (invalidated) after the button was disabled - so it seems enabled and gets "repainted" only when there was some user interaction around it. "Lazy redraw", so to speak :)
What one can do is, if it happens to be a serious issue, to find a way on one of these computers to get the button visibly disabled with some 'workaround' (e.g. changing button text after it was disabled -maybe even to exactly the same text-, or move it 1 pixel away and back, call InvalidateRect on it, etc), and apply that solution to your Excel macro.
UPDATE after reading asker's comment:
Oh I see. This could happen if the buttons are in a control array. The issue in this case, however should be present on all computers... Strange.
Anyway. Try to test the buttons' Index property to see if they are part of a control array, just to be sure. If yes:
a) remove them from the array and create buttons "independent" from each other
b) create a bool array and store there enabled/disabled status and write a function that updates buttons' text color property & handles button click event ignore/accept
This question is related to: Which API Microsoft Word (Office 2013) is using the paint the screen, which was left unanswered.
I have an Office plug-in (native C++) which is fairly involving with Office. Using hooks I'm modifying the client area of Office application.
Things were working great for me up to Office 2010, hooking WM_NCPAINT, and using GDI method on the Office Window.
But Office 2013 uses Direct2D, DXGI, and DirectWrite. On Windows 7, if I draw something on the screen - it gets erased the next time the cursor blink. On Windows 8 - I don't even have access to the screen.
Currently, my thinking is to hook ID2D1DeviceContext::BeginDraw, ID2D1DeviceContext::EndDraw - and on last function, just before delegating to the real function, I will add my stuff. Another idea is the hook IDXGISwapChain1::Present1. Problem with both these methods that I've hard time identifying what is going on above.
I'm even thinking even a different process (or GDI based window - if possible) on top of the client area I want to decorate, with the majority of the real eastate being 100% transparent. Problem with this solution are issues like keyboard focus and mouse click.
Any tip or suggestion will be appreciated. Any tool (the Spy++ for DirectX) will be appreciated. Does DirectX (specifically Direct2D) has documented extensible or plug-able story, I'm not aware of and could use? Is there anything in Kernel Mode I'm missing?
Hm dont know exactly how that works on Direct Draw, but i hooked once the EndScene function for Direct3D and added some stuff to the scene before the real EndScene could be executed.
I made a little video that shows that:
Here's my advice: don't do that. Any of it. If you find yourself having to hook and hack into the host that deeply, it's a clear sign that you just shouldn't be doing that. Find another way to draw what you need, or change your UI design so that it fits in with what Office already accomodates. Even if you assume it's possible to get this working, every time Office is updated (patch, service pack, new version) you will be at high risk of all your stuff breaking, with no guarantee that you'll be able to get it working again.
Question: Is there a way to make "ctrl + tab" behavior the same in VS2012 as it used to be in VS2010?
Specifically, I noticed that when you hold control and hit tab a few times, the list on the screen now ALSO includes windows that you wouldn't normally care about (much less want to switch focus to) such as: "Find Results 1", "Error List", and "Output".
These are those standard windows you typically have positioned at the bottom of your Visual Studio environment. Before, in VS2010, these types of items would not be included in the list. It was simply and easy to Ctrl-Tab to only the documents you had open. I use this feature quite a lot in order to quickly navigate amongst open files.
But now in VS2012, when you hit Ctrl-Tab and suddenly your focus is down in the error list.... its like.... what were they thinking?? You have to hit tab again to get past these useless choices, which just slows me down. If anyone knows a way to turn off this horrible new "feature", please let me know! :)
This does not happen normally.
You probably docked those windows as documents rather than as tool windows.
To check whether that's true, try docking a regular document window to the side; if you can't, that would mean that you have a vertical document split.
To fix it, undock those windows, then re-dock them using the lowest arrow.