Cannot connect to FoxPro Database from IIS 7.5 - iis-7.5

I am currently having serious issues connecting to a FoxPro database using an ODBC connection from IIS7.5
The database is on another machine than the IIS server and is accessed via a fileshare.
When I call the webpage from IE on the IIS server everything works fine. When I call the webpage from another machine I get a '[Microsoft][ODBC Visual FoxPro Driver]Cannot open file' error.
The application pool runs as a domain user.
When I run ProcMon on the IIS Server and call the page, when it is called from the IIS Server it accesses the offending file and then a whole bunch of other FoxPro files for that database.
When I run the page from another machine, I get an ACCESS DENIED error when it tries to access the first file.
It is a CreateFile call for a file called Comp_W.DBC that fails.
I checked and it is the same user that is invoking these calls to the fileshare so it is not differing credentials that is causing the problem. I even went as far as making the app pool account a domain admin to see if that might sort out the issue but still the same problem.
I cannot move the database onto the same server as IIS. I have tried to run the web application on the same server as the FoxPro database but I hit different issues to do with the fact that OWA runs on that server, and the 32bit ODBC driver causes conflict with an OWA dll that is loaded as a global module. I really need it to run IIS on a separate server from the FoxPro database.
The server(s) do not seem to be running kerberos as the delegation tab is not present when you administer users.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
James :-)

I'd use the Visual FoxPro OLE DB driver instead of ODBC, because it's newer, faster and won't conflict with OWA. That would let you move it onto the IIS server.

Past experience suggests that you haven't given the IIS user permission to access the folder where the DBFs live. When you run IE on the local machine, you're passing the credentials right through -- when you run it on another machine, I believe the anonymous user rules come into play. (Been a while since I had to debug this one, take it with a grain of salt.)


IIS is serving but not executing classic asp script

I wrote a classic ASP script (.asp) for a customer a while back. it was running on IIS v6.1 Windows 2003. The customer contacted me and said they had a catastrophic server failure and restored from backup but my script isn't running now. I logged onto their server to check it out and IIS is serving the file (I am prompted to save when I browse to the script) but not executing the script.
Several people's hands were in the server before they called me, I think this is probably a simple config setting someone tried before they figured out how to enable the "ASP" web server roll feature. But for the life of me I can't figure out how they did it. this is obviously not the default behavior. If I was trying to get this behavior I would add the .asp extension to the MIME types, but I checked and it isn't there.
What could cause IIS to serve the source of the ASP script without executing it?
Based on your question I am assuming your restored server is also windows server 2003 ... in that case you will go to the file\folder and the permissions and select execute permission to enable a server side script processor to handle that request. Been almost a decade that I have touched a 2003 server so I can’t give you the exact steps ... but, you want to enable script permissions on that folder(I think, don’t remember if it’s granular enough to drill down to a file). Also, why on earth are they still running server 2003? Is that version even supported yet?
If it’s IIS 7, you want to make sure your app pool is in Classic ASP mode first off. Then go to site and then the handler mapping section, click edit and configure it that way.

ASP Error 0223 - TypeLib Not Found, intermittent, resolved after IIS restart

I'm currently in the process of migrating an ASP platform from Windows 2003 R2 IIS 6 web servers to Windows 2012 R2 IIS 8.5 web servers. I'm at the stage where I've migrated a number of sites across to two separate 2012 web servers, all looked great, clients and developers are happy... However the following error has presented itself after a few days hosting on one of the new servers.
Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0223'
TypeLib Not Found
/jobboard/conf/, line 1
METADATA tag contains a Type Library specification that does not match any Registry entry.
The METADATA tag is below:
<!--METADATA TYPE="typelib" NAME="Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.8 Library" UUID="{2A75196C-D9EB-4129-B803-931327F72D5C}" VERSION="2.8"-->
Restarting IIS on this server resolved the issue (albeit temporarily).
Subsequently the other 2012 web server in production presented the same error a couple of days later, again, restarted IIS and works for now.
I've checked the registry and the relevant tag exists with the right UUID and correct permissions.
It doesn't affect all sites on the server, only all sites in a particular application pool.
The application pools use a domain user identity and sites are split up into a number of shared pools.
I've now determined what was causing the above problem...
Our sites on IIS run in a number of shared application pools running as a domain user. We also have a Windows scheduler job which runs a number of scripts over night which also run as the same domain user.
It seems there are cases when this scheduler job runs it interferes with the IIS worker processes. When it completes and ends its user session it unloads the registry file in memory, which the w3wp.exe processes could also using.
This error is presented in the Event log...
Windows detected your registry file is still in use by other
applications or services. The file will be unloaded now. The
applications or services that hold your registry file may not function
properly afterwards. No user action is required.
Along with references to the w3wp.exe processes currently running.
It was replicated when I terminal serviced in as the domain user and logged out again after a period of time. The event log presented the error and the sites all bombed shortly afterwards.
Running the scheduled job as a different user has fixed this issue for us.
I remember having an include file for with all the ADO constants inside and including it as a standard ASP include inside my global include file which is included on every page on the site.
This was before I used the META way of including the file.
So maybe a last resort is to revert to that method of loading in the ADO constants.
It seems like some sort of threshold is being hit, CPU/Memory?, which then prevents IIS caching/loading the file in from the registry. This then causes the error and a recycle of the pool. As no redirect is being done to the 500.100.asp error handler page which hides the error details from the user. It would suggest the error is in IIS and related to the server.

Unable to access IIS Metabase

I have Visual Studio 2013 and a pretty basic MVC web application.
When I am connected to my work network (hard wire or VPN) I can open up VS without issue. However when not connected to my work network I get the following error:
Microsoft Visual Studio
Creation of the virtual directory http://localhost:54156/ failed with the error: Unable to access the IIS metabase. You do not have sufficient privilege to access IIS web sites on your machine.
I've tried granting my user rights to IIS via the aspnet_regiis -ga mydomain\myuser and that did not help.
I am certainly running VS as an administrator. It works just fine when connected to the network. Our security and server teams do not seem to understand why this would behave this way.
Is this IIS Express? I (and those I work with) often get a similar error due to the domain login script encrypting My Documents. It's fixed by simply decrypting
Not sure if that's the issue here though;
Ultimately I believe this to be an issue between our network policies and the IIS and .NET installs.
When I was off network it could not access the cached user folders. Switching from having the home drives on network to having them local did not fix the issue (assuming some files were still referencing the network location).
I had my system refreshed and started with my user folders as local and have not had the issue since.
I know it's an old question, but at my location the user profile is stored on the network. When I checked to see if the IISExpress application was encrypted as Chad Schouggins suggested, I didn't even have a documents folder. Ultimately, the answer was really simple:
turn the machine off and back on again.

Creating a file in wwwroot

I have a website hosted in IIS at location
and there is a folder in sample
I can neither read nor write a file in this work folder. I am using C# to read and write. I have set the NTFS permissions to full access, yet the problem.
Please Help
It probably is related to a problem with ACLs, when you run it inside Visual Studio WebDev Server it runs using your identity, and if using Visual Studio in an elevated way (Vista+) then you actually might be running as administrator. When you run it in IIS it runs as a service identity, usually Network Service for IIS 6 and 7, or AppPool Identity for IIS 7 SP2 and IIS 7.5.
One thing that I would recommend is to add some tracing information to the code that is trying to write the file, for example do a try/catch where the exception is sent to trace so that you can enable tracing and determine if an exception is happening or not.
Also make sure that you are using the right physical path since you could also be having issues with relative paths, since IIS will probably resolve them to system32 if you are not using Server.MapPath or something similar.

IIS7 Authentication problem

I have deployed a web site to a Win 2008 Web server with IIS7. The site works fine on a Win 2003 Standard server with IIS6. On the 2008 box, whenever I request a page (htm or aspx) from a folder named Reports, I get challenged with the Windows Authentication dialog box.
I have Anonymous Authentication and Forms Authentication enabled on the site. I applied Full Control permissions to the root of the site for both NETWORK SERVICE and IIS_IUSRS, but that hasn't make a difference.
Like a previous post already mentioned, here are the detailed steps to fix this:)
If there is a folder in the application named "Reports" and SQL Server Reporting Services are installedon the server, then Reporting Services Virtual Directory folder that is also named "Reports" will be in conflict with the application "Reports" folder.
To fix this open Reporting Services Configuration Manager (Start->All Programs->MS SQL Server->Configuraton Tools) and change the Virtual Directory under the "Report Manager URL" in the menu on the left.
Did you install MSSQL Reporting Services on your new machine? It'll use the Reports folder for the reporting toolkit (default setting) and under MSSQL 2008 you can't enable anonymous Access out of the box.
whats is the authentication mode in your web.config, verify that is not in Windows
<authentication mode="Windows" />
also be sure to disable integrated windows authentication in iis
You could try running FileMon from SysInternals to see if it is the file system that is sending back the "access denied".
Quote from another forum that solved this issue for me:
"SQL Server Reporting Services creates a folder called Reports by default if you install it on IIS. If you install SQL 2008 then Reporting Services doesn't need to use IIS and instead will try to reserve the URL with the HTTP.Sys service.
I believe this is the cause of the conflict you are seeing. What you could try is changing the URL that Reporting Services uses via the SQL Server Reporting Services Configuration Manager."
Well speaking on the same subject here, yesterday I was deploying my application on Windows Server 2008 running IIS7 w/MSSQL 2008 on there too. In my website's tree structure I had a folder named Reports that had a subfolder in it, and then the actual pages. It looked like this "Reports/SalaryReports/SalaryReport.aspx" The interesting thing was that when I clicked on a hyperlink to go to "Reports/SalaryReports/SalaryReport.aspx" I got a username/password prompt from my server. This did not happen on the VS development server when I ran the application on the development machine. So I was like hmm? I looked at the code-behind in SalaryReport.aspx and did not find anything unusual. So then I put a Default.aspx directly in the Reports folder (thinking maybe it was something wrong with the authentication going two nodes down from the root to get to SalaryReport.aspx) but the server still requested username/password even though there was no security settings applied to this new Default.aspx. So I figured it must be that the folder is named "Reports", so I renamed it to "Reports1" and bigno! Everything worked!....I will still look further in this issue today, but it seems that either an IIS 7 HttpModule (not one of mine) is trying to "reserve" the folder that is named "Reports" for itself or something else...I'll look into the SQL Server Reporting services as the above post mentioned...
Anyways, just wanted to share:)
I'm supposing you don't have a SQL Reporting Services running on the same server:
1 - Give rights to user "IUSR" and the user that's running your application pool.
2 - Overwrite child folder permissions and ownership.
2 - Check if there's a web.config file on that folder setting different access rules.
