Gmail and Salesforce- long delay in forwarding email - gmail

We use Salesforce and Google Apps.
We have a Google Apps Email account that accepts an email and forwards this on to Salesforce, where Salesforce creates a case.
The last 2 fridays, we have had problems where it can take over 3 overs for an email to make its way into Salesforce.
How do I find out if the problem is with Google Mail not forwarding the email on in a timely manner, or the problem is Salesforce not processing it in a timely manner?
Anyone else ever had this problem?

A few ideas, which you may have already tried:
1) You could check the timestamps in Gmail to see when the emails were received and then forwarded to Salesforce to see if there was a delay.
2) You could check the dates against the Salesforce system status page to see if there were any reported issues:
3) Same for the Google Apps status page:
4) Check to see if there were any other delays in Salesforce or concurrent batch jobs that might have caused the delay.
5) Submit a support request to Salesforce to inquire.

Hmmm. Are you using Salesforce Email to Case? Here's someone posting a similar question: It seems that at the time that both problems were a temporary outage on the part of Salesforce. Also, are you using any apps to integrate Gmail and Salesforce? Because apps like The Scoop Composer allow you to forward emails and create cases right away. Hope this helps!


Is there any way to check if the emails sent by my app are open?

Hello I have developed an application that works with React.js and Node.js.
I use AWS and SES (Simple Email Service) to send some emails.
My question is whether there is any way I can keep track of emails sent and opened by my users to prevent them from qualifying me as spam or that my SES account health will decrease too much.
I have seen that there are some browser extensions with which it marks the emails sent with a double tick if the user have read it, but I do not have a record such as in gmail.
Has anyone encountered any similar problems?
Is it possible via AWS or via Node to achieve this?
Greetings and thanks in advance.
I agree with #Ravi's answer above - SES does provide notifications - however in my experience the open notification is a lot less reliable than the delivered and bounce notifications.
Tracking opens is difficult as browsers, popup blockers/security software and email clients themselves can disable/break features like read-receipts and tracking pixels in the name or privacy. The most reliable way of tracking opens is to have a clickable link in the email body (and a compelling reason for your user to click on it) and include a unique id in the URL that you can capture server-side.
With the help of some simple configurations with SES and SNS. By creating a topic and doing the subscription like where you want to get the notifications. Through this, you can track the status of your emails whether they are opened or not. SNS will send you email notifications.

How to check Gmail API usage status in Google Console?

I'm sending automated emails from my account to my account, I'm using Integromat (now Make) and I've done all the necessary stuff in the Google Cloud Platform (or Console) to authorize Integromat. The scenario works and I send automated emails.
However when I go to check the usage status to see how many emails I have sent and how many I have left in the Google console, it shows no results.
For reference, I go here to check the status, but all the graphs show no data whatsoever, despite the automated mails getting sent normally. I have the correct project selected when doing this.
There is no way to see stats on any of your google usage quotas. The Stats page on Google cloud console. Is at best an estimate and not real time in any sense of the word.
Either create your own counter, or just wait until you get the quota error. I normally go with the latter.

DocuSign REST API - pause workflow + webhooks (node.js)

Good afternoon,
I am integrating DocuSign into our business applications (node.js) and have an issue:
Is there a way to use the DocuSign connect webhook to let me know when a workflow is paused? On the admin connect page, I have all possible boxes checked on the connect options - which do not include anything about workflow status (mostly signed/delivered/completed/declined stuff).
My current workaround is to add a customField on the Signer 'pauseAfterSigned' which I check for in the webhook xml. If the signer with that field has Status "Completed" then I know the workflow has been paused. This seems like a lousy workaround :(
We currently don't have an event fired when a workflow is paused as far as I know. So your workaround would have to do for now. Can you please provide more information around your scenario? Perhaps it's something we should consider adding depending on the scenario here. Thank you.

Scheduling an email with the Gmail API

I found a similar question from 2016, however at that time Gmail itself did not support scheduled sending of emails.
Now that you can schedule messages to send later directly from Gmail, I was wondering if there was a way to do it with their API.
Interestingly, scheduled emails appear as message objects when calling messages.list, but they do not contain any labels.
Any help would be appreciated! And if it's not possible at the moment, it would be awesome to get a reply from someone at Google about when this will become possible (I believe they officially endorse the gmail-api tag to StackOverflow)
I don't think a time-based trigger will work--even if you write the code to store email send data and then build something that regularly checks whether it's time for an email to be sent. See Google's documentation on triggers, and you'll notice that time-based triggers aren't available for Gmail scripts.
Unfortunately, there is no Gmail API endpoint for scheduling the sending of emails directly.
One workaround would be to write a script in Google Apps Script ( which handles the composing of the email you wish to send, as well as a function to send the mail via the API. You can then use the built-in 'Apps Script Project Triggers' feature to trigger the function to run on a schedule; for example on action/event or at a specific/repeated time.
Button for adding trigger to Apps Script

How can I send notification emails from prase to my users

I want to send notification email from parse to my users but I have spent too much time in it. Alas! I can't find path. Please anybody guide me how can I do it.
Sending notification emails is not a service that is offered by Parse. And given that in about 7 months, no services will be offered by Parse at all, this is a good time to start shifting to a different backend solution.
