JavaCV java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError Error on Windows 7 64bit - 64-bit

I have JDK 7(64bit) Netbeans 7.2 and OpenCV 2.4. I already set the
path variable by adding the relavant OpenCV paths. But the program
stile give the that error when executing.
I already run my program on 32bit environment with JDK7(32bit) Netbeans 7.2 and OpenCV 2.4; In that case the programe execute perfectly.
Can any one help me to figure out the problem when i use 64bit environment

Install JDK7 (64 bit).
Copy the OpenCV directory to your windows (C) drive.
Install microsoft c++ 2010 redistributable x64.
Make "C:\opencv\build\common\tbb" as yor path in environment variables.
Download javacv-0.1.jar and make this as your library file in your project.
If the problem exist download cv100.dll, cvcam100.dll,cxcore100.dll,opencv_highgui220.dll from internet and copy this to system32.


Can we build install shield - Install script / Install script MSI project to generate 64-bit setup.exe?

I want to know whether it is possible to create setup.exe (64-bit) from install shield.
I have read following things to do this, but nothing worked :
Actually I'm not able to load the 64-bit dll into 32-bit installer(using UseDLL() ), following is the reason for that, so I want to build 64-bit setup.exe, which might load my 64-bit dll.
Thanks in advance.
UseDLL is part of InstallScript. InstallShield Installscript engine supports only 32 bit dlls as of now. So, UseDLL does not load x64 DLLs.
Install Script Project is still 32-bit(in Install Shield 2020), They are supporting MSI project as 64-bit (from Install Shield 2020). So we can not build installer as 64-bit from Installer script Project.

Has official 32bit support for cmake on Linux been dropped?

I don't mean the version(s) provided by the various distributions but the binary from the official website.
I have an old VM running 32bit OpenSUSE 12.1 that is configured for a project I'm working on at work. I need to install WebKitGTK. The problem is that the cmake in the repositories is ancient 2.x, while WebKitGTK at least 3.6 (or similar). So I went to the official website and (my fault) without looking too much into it downloaded the 3.10 installation for Linux.
Upon executing the binary that was installed I got the error that the file could not be run. I checked the execution rights and it was fine. Then it struck me...I ran file cmake and got 64 instead of the required 32bit.
I went back to the website and all I could find were 32bit versions for Windows but none for Linux.
I can build it from source but just out of curiousity would like to know if support has been dropped. I was unable to find any information so far.
32-bit support for CMake hasn't been dropped. They just don't provide binaries for it on their website as of CMake 3.7.0

Aptana Studio 3.3.0 crashes on start - Arch Linux

here's my system specs;
Arch Linux x86_64,
Kernel: 3.6.10-1-ARCH,
Gnome 3.6.2,
xf86-video-nouveau 1.0.4-1,
jdk7-openjdk 7.u9_2.3.3-1,
jre7-openjdk 7.u9_2.3.3-1,
jre7-openjdk-headless 7.u9_2.3.3-1,
lib32-libjpeg-turbo 1.2.1-1, libjpeg-turbo 1.2.1-1, libjpeg6-turbo 1.2.1-1
libpng12 1.2.50-2,
net-tools 1.60.20120804git-2,
unzip 6.0-6.
Ok, so there's the list of requirements that are installed, version numbers as well. Upon launch, the loading/splash screen won't even show, and then nothing... it just dies out. I attempted to launch it "aptana -v" and no output in the shell. I have looked for any error logs in ~/ , but nothing is there.
Other steps I've done is to delete any configuration folders/files for eclipse and aptana-secure in ~/. Also did a clean uninstall of just Aptana (not the dependencies), reinstall. Same result.
Any suggestions?
It appears that there is a mix up in the downloads. 32-bit and 64-bit got switched. If you are on 32-bit download 64-bit and vice versa. Hopefully it will be fixed soon.
See issues below:
Aptana 64 bit version crashes on startup on 64bit Linux OS with 64bit Oracle 7 java
Linux Installer contains x64 bit version of the project

How do I uninstall Java ME SDK from Windows 7 x64?

I try to uninstall Java ME SDK from Windows 7 x64, but it doesn't work for me.
If I choose Uninstall I get a progress bar, then it goes away, but the Software is still there.
On the first few times I did this, I got the same error message as in I need help UNINSTALLING Java ME SDK:
... show message dialog
title: Critical Error
message: Cannot load native library from path: native/jmesdk/windows/windows-x86.dll
C:\Users\Jonas\AppData\Local\Temp\nbi-8367277139934329064.tmp: Can't load IA 32-bit .dll on a AMD 64-bit platform
In ref to getting the uninstaller to use the 32-bit JRE, the config I attempted that failed to work:
a) Set the PATH environmental variable to point to the 32-bit JRE
b) Windows registry edits in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment\1.6 to point to the 32-bit JRE.
In a last ditch effort I renamed \Program Files\Java to Java2, and the uninstaller must have searched to find \Program Files (x86)\Java, the 32-bit JRE, and the uninstall worked.
Seriously, Sun/Oracle. Test your products.
I had the exact same problem and I figured it out. :)
It's because you have the 64-bit JRE installed. Either uninstall it or somehow redirect the J2ME uninstaller to use the 32-bit JRE on your system, so that the 32-bit uninstaller can run instead of the 64-bit uninstaller.
I had the same problem and figured the solution out. As mentioned above you need to make sure J2ME unnistaller only recognizes Java x86. The simplest way I found, instead of unnistalling Java x64, you only have to temporarily rename your Java x64 installation folder to anything you want. That is, rename the folder C:\Program Files\Java to, e.g, C:\Program Files\JavaTEMP.
Now run unnistaller. When finished rename the folder back it's previous name.
That's all.
Hope I helped.
Just perform the following steps and you will be done:
1) Click on the link below and click on any of the ...i586.exe link according to your system
2)Install the software without changing default settings.
3)Run cmd command and type the following:
C:\Java_ME_platform_SDK_3.0\uninstall.exe --javahome "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre8"
4)[optional] uninstall java 8 from control panel which you downloaded to uninstall the above software.
Congratulations.. You just did it!!
Thank you for reading.. Any suggestions or aprreciation is welcomed..
Turns out I had exactly the same problem, uninstall java (TM) 7 64bit and locate the 32-bit java installer bone this download uninstall it and try to install the Sun Java Wireless Toolkit and uninstalled correctly.
Just run this command:
C:\Java_ME_platform_SDK_3.0\uninstall.exe --javahome "32-bit jre location"
Rather than temporarily moving the x64 JRE out of the way, just tell the J2ME SDK uninstaller to use the 32bit JRE:
C:\Java_ME_platform_SDK_3.0\uninstall.exe --javahome "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7"
Note that this provides the path to a JRE within the "Program Files (x86)" directory, which is the 32bit variant. I only had a Java 7 JRE, but this ought to work with a Java 6 JRE, also.

Install a 32-bit JRE on Windows 64-bit platform

I have a Windows 2008 64-bit server and I have to install a 32-bit JRE, because my Java application uses 32-bit DLLs using JNI.
Unfortunately the java.exe is installed to C:\Windows\SysWow64 and when I start a console window or a batch file the installed java.exeis not found. (Because cmd.exe is a 64-bit application and sees the 64-bit version of the system directory which has no java.exe)
How can I make the installed java.exe available to batch files and the command line without to much messing around with the system configuration, causing other problems or preventing future updates to the JRE?
Don't rely on the java.exe that's in a Windows system directory; add the bin directory of your Java runtime environment to the PATH environment variable (if that's not too much "messing around with the system configuration").
Known issues when you install a 32 -bit JRE on a 64- bit Windows architecture machine:
Online Installation and Java Update features are not applicable to 64-bit architecture
The public JRE installed with the 32-bit JRE is not registered. You must set the PATH environment variable to point to JAVA_HOME \bin to register the JRE
