Texture Filtering Mode in 3D graphics - graphics

Is there any specific relations between the workload/ overhead of different types of Texture filtering modes? i.e. comparing for "no filtering mode", bilinear filtering and trilinear filtering? and are they specific to 3D, or we have them also in 2D?
Thanks :)
--Mohammad H.

There is a definite correlation between filter mode and workload. The work performed by each mode is as follows:
Nearest(aka unfiltered): Find the closest mip level, then select the texel whose coordinates are closest to the requested coordinate.
Bilinear: Find the nearest mip level, then linearly interpolate the requested texel value from the four texels that surround it (assuming a 2D texture).
Trilinear: Find the two mip levels which sandwich the depth value, then perform bilinear interpolation on each level. Finally, interpolate between those two values.
As you can see, the amount of work (and just as importantly, the number of memory accesses) goes up considerably as the filter complexity goes up.
Finally, to answer your other question, this applies to any texture dimension, but you pay for it more at higher dimensions.


Uniform spatial bins on surface of a sphere

Is there a spatial lookup grid or binning system that works on the surface of a (3D) sphere? I have the requirements that
The bins must be uniform (so you can look up in constant time if there exists a point r distance away from any spot on the sphere, given constant r.)†
The number of bins must be at most linear with the surface area of the sphere. (Alternatively, increasing the surface resolution of the grid shouldn’t make it grow faster than the area it maps.)
I’ve already considered
Spherical coordinates: not good because the cells created are extremely nonuniform making it useless for proximity testing.
Cube meshes: Less distortion than spherical coordinates, but still very difficult to determine which cells to search for a given query.
3D voxel binning: Wastes the entire interior volume of the sphere with empty bins that will never be used (as well as the empty bins at the 6 corners of the bounding cube). Space requirements grow with O(n sqrt(n)) with increasing sphere surface area.
kd-Trees: perform poorly in 3D and are technically logarithmic complexity, not constant per query.
My best idea for a solution involves using the 3D voxel binning method, but somehow excluding the voxels that the sphere will never intersect. However I have no idea how to determine which voxels to exclude, nor how to calculate an index into such a structure given a query location on the sphere.
† For what it’s worth the points have a minimum spacing so a good grid really would guarantee constant lookup.
My suggestion would be a variant of the spherical coordinates, such that the polar angle is not sampled uniformly but instead the sine of this angle is sampled uniformly. This way, the element of area sinφ dφ dΘ is kept constant, leading to tiles of the same area (though variable aspect ratio).
At the poles, merge all tiles in a single disk-like polygon.
Another possibility is to project a regular icosahedron onto the sphere and to triangulate the spherical triangles so obtained. This takes a little of spherical trigonometry.
I had a similar problem and used "sparse" 3D voxel binning. Basically, my spatial index is a hash map from (x, y, z) coordinates to bins.
Because I also had a minimum distance constraint on my points, I chose the bin size such that a bin can contain at most one point. This is accomplished if the edge of the (cubic) bins is at most d / sqrt(3), where d is the minimum separation of two points on the sphere. The advantage is that you can represent a full bin as a single point, and an empty bin can just be absent from the hash map.
My only query was for points within a radius d (the same d), which then requires scanning the surrounding 125 bins (a 5×5×5 cube). You could technically leave off the 8 corners to get this down to 117, but I didn't bother.
An alternative for the bin size is to optimize it for queries rather than storage size and simplicity, and choose it such that you always have to scan at most 27 bins (a 3×3×3 cube). That would require a bin edge length of d. I think (but haven't thought hard about it) that a bin could contain up to 4 points in that case. You could represent these with a fixed-size array to save one pointer indirection.
In either case, the memory usage of your spatial index will be O(n) for n points, so it doesn't get any better than that.

Calculating average curvature of a polygonal chain with non-uniform segment length

I'm using a polygonal chain to approximate a curve. I want to approximate the average of a function of curvature of all points that lie on the curve. One function of curvature that I need is, for example, the square of curvature.
I can get near that by choosing some points on the chain, calculating the curvature in those points, applying the function on it (for example squaring it), and then averaging the calculated values.
I need both accuracy and speed. I appreciate both — fast, but approximate; as well as accurate, but slow solutions. I'm working in Java, but the answer doesn't need to be written in Java — it doesn't even need to contain any code at all.
Polygonal chain with uniform segment length
If the polygonal chain's segments all have equal length, I can just calculate the curvature in the vertices and then average that. I see two ways to get the curvature in a vertex.
One way is to get the circle that goes through the selected vertex, the vertex before it, and the one after it. The curvature is then 1/radius of the circle.
The other way is to calculate the external angle (in radians) of the two segments connected at the selected vertex and then divide its absolute value by the length of a segment. In the following image, φ marks the external angle:
I am not sure if this method is correct, as I haven't mathematically derived it, but I've noticed through experimentation that it gives similar results to the above method.
Polygonal chain with non-uniform segment length
Unfortunately, though, there's no guarantee that the segments have uniform length.
If I try using the first of the above methods, vertices connected to longer segments give lower curvatures, even if they are visibly sharper. I tried substituting previous and next vertices with a point x units before the selected vertex and a point x units after it. I don't know what to set the x constant to, to get accurate results. All the values I've tried seemed to give inaccurate results.
If I try using the second method, I don't know what length to divide the angle by. If I don't divide by anything at all, I actually get pretty good results for comparing two curves and determining which one is curvier, but I need to be able to determine the actual curvature in a point.
With both of these methods there's also the problem that parts with shorter segments (where points are denser) will affect the average more.
Another possible solution would be to ignore the vertices and instead use an array of points on the chain that are evenly spaced, treat them as a new polygonal chain (connect the points with straight lines), and then calculate curvatures on this new chain instead, using one of the methods I mentioned under the header titled "Polygonal chain with uniform segment length".
Finding such an array of points is not trivial, though, because I have to choose a segment length, and only after producing the points, I can see if the length of the resulting chain is divisible by the chosen segment length.
If you aren't short on space, the last solution you mentioned would be the best, because the "sphere" approximation, as you've perhaps realized, would give awful results in more extreme cases, especially if the curvature is large or changes sign quickly.
There are many ways to do interpolations, the simplest being quadratic and cubic splines. However if you have more pre-processing time, Lagrange polynomials produce very good results: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lagrange_polynomial.
Side note on your angle division method, consider this diagram:
(From simple geometry the inside angle there is also theta)
For a << l. So the curvature:
So your approximation is in fact correct for small curvatures.
An alternative is to use a local parabola approximation to estimate the curvature. Basically, to estimate the curvature at point P(i), you take P(i-1), P(i) and P(i+1) and construct a parabola from these 3 points. Then, you compute the curvature at P(i) from the parabola. Remember to use chord-length (or centripetal) parametrization when constructing the parabola.

Image resizing: what is a "filter"?

I'm trying to understand how image resizing works - please, can someone explain to me what is a "filter" good for?
does a filter calculates how much a source pixel contributes to a destination pixel?
there are filters like "box" and "gaussian", but is there a filter called "bicubic"? Do I mix two concepts here, one being "convolution filter" and ...?
is it possible to use the same filter for both upscaling and downscaling? (it would be really great to see an example code of this)
is it desirable to first stretch the image in one dimension and then in the other one?
In image resizing, the filter avoids a phenomenon called aliasing. If you try to resize without a filter, aliasing typically manifests as obnoxious pixellated effects, which are especially visible when animated...
To answer your points:
The filter does calculate how much each source pixel contributes to each destination. For resizing, you want a linear filter, which is pretty simple: the filter can be viewed as a small grayscale image; effectively, you center the filter over a location corresponding to each output pixel, multiply each nearby pixel by the filter value at that location, and add them up to get the output pixel value.
All such filters are "convolution filters", because convolution is the mathematical name for the operation described above. A "box" filter literally looks like a box -- every pixel within the box is weighted equally, while "gaussian" filters are more roundish blobs, feathering towards zero at the edge.
The most important thing for upscaling and downscaling is to choose the right size for your filter. Briefly, you want to scale your filter based on whichever of the input and output has the lowest resolution. The second most important thing is to avoid bad filters: the "box" filter is what you usually get when you try to resize without filtering; a "bilinear" filter as provided by computer graphics hardware yields mediocre upscaling, but is supplied at the wrong size for downscaling.
For performance reasons, it is desirable to scale images in one dimension and then the other one. This means your filter runs much faster: in time proportional to the filter width, instead of proportional to the filter area. All the filters discussed here are "separable", which means you can apply them in this way.
If you choose a high-quality filter, the exact form is less critical than you might think. There are two classes of good filters: all-positive ones like "gaussian" which tend to the blurry side, and negative-lobed ones like "lanczos" which are sharp, but may yield slight ringing effects. Note that "bicubic" filters is a category, which includes "B-spline" which is all-positive, and "Mitchell" and "Catmull-Rom" which have negative lobes.

visibility of objects in multi-dimensional space based on a specific perspective

I'm working on a data mining algorithm that considers features in their n-dimensional feature-space and allows surrounding training examples to block the 'visibility' of other training examples effectively taking them out of the effective training set for this particular query.
I've been trying to find an efficient way to determine which points are 'visible' to the query. I though the realm of computer graphics might offer some insight but there is a lot of information to peruse and much of it either can't be generalized to multiple dimensions or is only efficient when the number of dimensions is low.
I was hoping I could get some pointers from those of you who are more intimately knowledgeable in the domain.
The solution I found is to convert the euclidean coordinates into 'hyper-spherical' coordinates. Its similar to the spherical coordinate system except you add an additional angle with a range [0, pi) for each additional dimension beyond three.
After that I can sort the list of points based on their distance from the origin and iterate through comparing each point in the list to the first item looking for angles that overlap. after each iteration you remove the first item in the list and any items that were discovered to have been blocked. then start over with the new first item (closest item).
Don't know if anyone will ever find this useful but I thought I should put the answer up anyways.

What does 'Polygon' mean in terms of 3D Graphics?

An old Direct3D book says
"...you can achieve an acceptable frame
rate with hardware acceleration while
displaying between 2000 and 4000
polygons per frame..."
What is one polygon in Direct3D? Do they mean one primitive (indexed or otherwise) or one triangle?
That book means triangles. Otherwise, what if I wanted 1000-sided polygons? Could I still achieve 2000-4000 such shapes per frame?
In practice, the only thing you'll want it to be is a triangle because if a polygon is not a triangle it's generally tessellated to be one anyway. (Eg, a quad consists of two triangles, et cetera). A basic triangulation (tessellation) algorithm for that is really simple; you just loop though the vertices and turn every three vertices into a triangle.
Here, a "polygon" refers to a triangle. All . However, as you point out, there are many more variables than just the number of triangles which determine performance.
Key issues that matter are:
The format of storage (indexed or not; list, fan, or strip)
The location of storage (host-memory vertex arrays, host-memory vertex buffers, or GPU-memory vertex buffers)
The mode of rendering (is the draw primitive command issued fully from the host, or via instancing)
Triangle size
Together, those variables can create much greater than a 2x variation in performance.
Similarly, the hardware on which the application is running may vary 10x or more in performance in the real world: a GPU (or integrated graphics processor) that was low-end in 2005 will perform 10-100x slower in any meaningful metric than a current top-of-the-line GPU.
All told, any recommendation that you use 2-4000 triangles is so ridiculously outdated that it should be entirely ignored today. Even low-end hardware today can easily push 100,000 triangles in a frame under reasonable conditions. Further, most visually interesting applications today are dominated by pixel shading performance, not triangle count.
General rules of thumb for achieving good triangle throughput today:
Use [indexed] triangle (or quad) lists
Store data in GPU-memory vertex buffers
Draw large batches with each draw primitives call (thousands of primitives)
Use triangles mostly >= 16 pixels on screen
Don't use the Geometry Shader (especially for geometry amplification)
Do all of those things, and any machine today should be able to render tens or hundreds of thousands of triangles with ease.
According to this page, a polygon is n-sided in Direct3d.
In C#:
public static Mesh Polygon(
Device device,
float length,
int sides
As others already said, polygons here means triangles.
Main advantage of triangles is that, since 3 points define a plane, triangles are coplanar by definition. This means that every point within the triangle is exactly defined as a linear combination of polygon points. More vertices aren't necessarily coplanar, and they don't define a unique curved plane.
An advantage more in mechanical modeling than in graphics is that triangles are also undeformable.
