backbone.marionette + i18n + handlebars - requirejs

Can some one post an example of combining these libraries together?
including the handler for the i18n and marionette.

point backbone.marionette templates to compile hendlebars.
this can be done on your main.js:
Backbone.Marionette.TemplateCache.prototype.compileTemplate = function(rawTemplate) {
return Handlebars.compile(rawTemplate);
configure your app to use handlebars and i18n:
this can be done on your config.js:
// Initialize the application with the main application file
deps: ["main"],
paths: {
libs: "../assets/js/libs",
plugins: "../assets/js/plugins",
// Libraries
jquery: "../assets/js/libs/jquery",
underscore: "../assets/js/libs/lodash",
backbone: "../assets/js/libs/backbone",
marionette: "../assets/js/libs/backbone.marionette",
handlebars: "../assets/js/libs/handlebars",
text : "../assets/js/plugins/text",
i18n : "../assets/js/plugins/i18n",
config: {
//Set the config for the i18n
//module ID
i18n: {
locale: 'fr-fr'
shim: {
marionette: {
deps: ['backbone'],
exports: 'Backbone.Marionette'
backbone: {
deps: ["underscore", "jquery"],
exports: "Backbone"
handlebars: {
deps: [],
exports: "Handlebars"
use it on any of your modules:
function($, _, Backbone, Marionette, Handlebars, tmpl, msg) {
'use strict';
var mod = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: function() {
return {
feedUrl : "this is for test"
view = Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend({
template: Handlebars.compile(tmpl),
model: new mod(),
initialize: function() {
this.tmpl_data = msg;
if(msg && this.model)
this.tmpl_data = _.extend(this.model.toJSON(),msg);
render: function() {
var view = this;
return this;
this will fetch templates + i18n files and render

I use i18n-JS, which is everything-agnostic, so you can use it with any server-side framework (Ruby on Rails for me) and any Javascript template engine (Haml Coffee for me).
Here is an example:
%button{ class: 'close', data: { dismiss: 'modal' } } ×
= I18n.t(#property.get('name'), scope: '')
- unless #property.get('editable')
%p= I18n.t('data_sheets.you_already_contributed_to_this_property')
So there is nothing to do about Backbone nor Marionette side.


riotjs route not working in requirejs

how can I use riot route with requirejs?
I know it has a js file for AMD that start with define but I can not use this in my project
baseUrl: '/static/front/js',
paths: {
jquery: [
hammerjs: 'lib/hammerjs',
velocity: 'lib/materialize/velocity.min',
materialize: 'lib/materialize/materialize',
riot: 'lib/riot/riot',
route: 'lib/riot/route',
shim: {
'materialize': {
deps: ['jquery', 'hammerjs', 'velocity']
'riot': {
deps: ['materialize', 'route']
], function (riot, route) {
'use strict';
require(['view/all'], function () {
route.base("/"); // start router
route('/..', function () {
alert('It Work!');
in require(['view/all'], function ()... I compile my tags by riot -w ./ ./all.js and edit that:
define(['riot'], function (riot) {'use strict';
riot.tag2('component', '<h2>test</h2>', '', '', function(opts) {
this.on('mount', function(){
riot.tag2('mytag', '<h1>mytag</h1>', '', '', function(opts) {
and it work well, because when I call riot.mount('mytag') it works

Webpack externals in both node and the browser

I have an isomorphic React application which runs in both the browser and on the server. I build the same code for both by running two separate Webpack builds through two different entry points and with different configs.
The problem is that the external file that exists on the browser window via an external script tag (Google Maps in this instance) obviously won't exist when running in node on the server. The code is identical except the entry point file.
// index.html
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
Simplified config:
// Server Webpack config
entry: 'server.js',
target: 'node',
externals: {
google: google
// Client Webpack config
entry: 'client.js',
target: 'browser',
externals: {
google: google
The Component:
// The view which builds and runs fine in
// the client but doesn't run on the server.
var React = require('react'),
css = require('./style.css'),
google = require('google'); // Nope, not on the server obviously!
var Component = React.createClass({
render: function () {
return (
// Do maps stuff
module.exports = Component;
My question is how should I handle this?
Error: Cannot find module 'google'
I currently have a solution which I'm not at all keen on.
// Server Webpack config
entry: 'server.js',
target: 'node',
externals: {
google: google
plugins: [
new webpack.DefinePlugin({ 'ENV.browser': false }),
// Client Webpack config
entry: 'client.js',
target: 'browser',
externals: {
google: google
plugins: [
new webpack.DefinePlugin({ 'ENV.browser': true }),
// The component
var React = require('react'),
css = require('./style.css');
if (ENV.browser) {
var google = require('google');
var Component = React.createClass({
render: function () {
return (
if (ENV.browser) {
// Do maps stuff
module.exports = Component;
You can use NormalModuleReplacementPlugin to replace the module with a noop, as per an idea from Dustan Kasten:
plugins: [
new webpack.NormalModuleReplacementPlugin(/^google$/, 'node-noop'),

requirejs optimization with gulp

I am using requirejs and gulp to build angular app. I am using amd-optimize and gulp-requirejs-optimize to add all js files into single file. Here is my main.js file:
paths: {
app : 'app',
angular : '../bower_components/angular/angular',
jquery : '../bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery',
angularResource : '../bower_components/angular-resource/angular-resource',
angularRoute : '../bower_components/angular-route/angular-route',
publicModule : 'public_module',
route : 'route'
shim: {
'app': {
deps: ['angular']
'angularRoute': ['angular'],
angular : {exports : 'angular'}
And gulpfile.js
var gulp = require('gulp');
var rjs = require('gulp-requirejs');
var connect = require('gulp-connect');
var requirejsOptimize = require('gulp-requirejs-optimize');
var amdOptimize = require('amd-optimize');
var concat = require('gulp-concat');
// using amd-optimize.
gulp.task('bundle', function () {
return gulp.src('app/**/*.js')
// using gulp-requirejs-optimize.
gulp.task('scripts', function () {
return gulp.src('app/main.js')
When I run gulp bundle or gulp scripts, it shows me same content of main.js file in output file(not showing all js template in one output file).
The output file is:
paths: {
angular: '../bower_components/angular/angular',
jquery: '../bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery',
angularResource: '../bower_components/angular-resource/angular-resource',
angularRoute: '../bower_components/angular-route/angular-route',
publicModule: 'public_module',
route: 'route'
shim: {
'app': { deps: ['angular'] },
'angularRoute': ['angular'],
angular: { exports: 'angular' }
define('main', [], function () {
How can I configure gulp to put every js template into one js file?
check the docs for all the options for amdoptimize. For example you can point to your config file or add paths.
I always have trouble getting all the paths to line up, so make sure to check them diligently.
here is how you can start to put the options in:
gulp.task('requirejsBuild', function() {
gulp.src('app/**/*.js',{ base: 'app' })
configFile: 'app/app-config.js',
findNestedDependencies: true,
You are not requiring any files - you just define an empty module named main.
You need to kick off you app by requiring a module, eg.
require(['app'], function (App) {
new App().init();

require.js listener or callback

I am loading a 3rd party script that simply creates an overlay on a site it has been loaded onto. It works fine but sites using require.js seem to have intermittent issues I'm assuming with async loading some js files. Is there any type of callback or way to create a module in the DOM as sort of a listener to see if require.js is done loading?
I tried this but not even close:
define(function() {
return {};
function () {
var myModule = {
console.log('Yay! Stuff');
return myModule;
I ended up just creating a secondary require.config file and loading the module with require if require is detected, seems to work fine.
if(typeof require === 'function') {
var base = 'http://' + someDomainVar;
function getJSTreeURL() {
var url = base + '/js/libs/jstree.min';
return url;
function getModuleURL() {
var url = base + '/module';
return url;
var reqTwo = require.config({
context: "instance2",
baseUrl: "instance2",
paths: {
'jq': '',
'jqTree': getJSTreeURL(),
'module': getModuleURL()
shim: {
'jq': {
exports: 'jq'
'jqTree': {
deps: ['jq'],
exports: 'jqTree'
'module': {
deps: ['jq', 'jqTree'],
exports: 'module'
reqTwo(['require', 'jq', 'jqTree'],
function(require, jq, jqTree) {
setTimeout(function() {
function(module) {
}, 0);

RequireJS - Manually bundling some libs together

I'm trying to migrate a site to use RequireJS to manage it's JS dependencies. Also I want to bundle some libs together.
Currently we are building a base.min.js that comprises underscore, jquery, bootstrap and backbone. They are used all over our site and thus it makes sense to serve them together.
Nevertheless, I think we should have logically the three libs separate by name, thus I have written the following require.config:
baseUrl: '/s/js/libs',
paths: {
app: '../app', shims: '../shims'
map: {
'*' : {
// underscore, backbone, jquery and bootstrap are bundled
'underscore': '../base',
'backbone': '../base',
'jquery': '../base',
'bootstrap': '../base'
'bootstrap': {
deps: ['jquery']
'backbone': {
deps: ['underscore', 'jquery'],
exports: 'Backbone'
'underscore': {
exports: '_'
'jquery': {exports: '$'}
I'm not using the data-main; but instead I'm requiring several things:
require(["jquery", "underscore", "backbone", "bootstrap", "../baseapp"],
// Next line fixes the bootstrap issue with double modals taken from:
$.fn.modal.Constructor.prototype.enforceFocus = function () {};
$('.modal').on('shown', function () {
$('input:text:visible:first, textarea:visible:first', this).focus();
$('#search').on('shown', function () {
require(['micro', 'csrf_xhr', 'locale']);
This however causes the error that $ is undefined.
The global window.$ is defined, but it seems that requirejs is not properly detecting it with the exports of my shims. Even if I do exports: 'window.jQuery' it does not work.
Is this a bug in RequireJS or there a bug in my code? Does map and shim play well together? Does RequireJS support my use case?
Update 2013-11-05
After a long debugging session, I have found that shims are recorded per "real" Module inside RequireJS; so if I just change my shim to be:
shim : {
'../base': {init: function() {return [$, _, Backbone]}}
I do get this array as the first argument to my callback. However I would like them to be exploded, i.e; have each of the returned values as arguments...
I thought that an internal map + paths would work. Like this:
var require = {
baseUrl: '/s/js/libs/',
paths: {
app: '../app',
shims: '../shims',
'base-underscore': '../base',
'base-backbone': '../base',
'base-jquery': '../base',
'base-bootstrap': '../base'
map: {
'*' : {
// underscore, backbone, jquery and bootstrap are bundled
'underscore': 'base-underscore',
'backbone': 'base-backbone',
'jquery': 'base-jquery',
'bootstrap': 'base-bootstrap',
'base-bootstrap': {
deps: ['base-jquery'],
init: function() {return null}
'base-backbone': {
deps: ['base-underscore', 'base-jquery'],
init: function() {return window.Backbone;}
'base-underscore': {
init: function() {return window.Underscore;}
'base-jquery': {
init: function() {return $}
} // shims
Unfortunally, it does not. Now the error is: Uncaught Error: Load timeout for modules: base-underscore,base-backbone,base-bootstrap,../base... Notice base-jquery is not listed!
I have found a workaround, but involves a plugin. This is my current solution. On my HTML I have the following config (I changed to require = {...} idiom so that debugging would be easier):
var STATIC_URL = "/s/js/libs/";
var require = {
baseUrl: STATIC_URL,
paths: {
app: '../app',
shims: '../shims',
map: {
'*': {
'jquery': 'bundler!jQuery',
'bootstrap': 'bundler!',
'underscore': 'bundler!_',
'backbone': 'bundler!Backbone'
bundler: {url: '../base'}
The bundler.js plugin lies in my js/libs. This is the original CoffeeScript:
global = #
each = (ary, func) ->
if (ary)
i = 0
while i < ary.length and (what = ary[i]) and func(what, i, ary)
i += 1
getGlobal = (value) ->
if not value
g = global;
each value.split('.'), (part) ->
g = g[part]
load: (name, require, onload, config) ->
base = config.bundler?.url ? '../base'
require [base], () ->
if name? and name
value = getGlobal(name)
normalize: (name, norm) -> name
Probably there should be a way to do this without a bundler... I'll keep the question open for while, so that better answers might be provided.
