Connection was reset / file upload in azure with ssl only - azure

I am trying to upload a file to blob in azure. I am getting success if the page is without ssl. but if i upload with https page then i am getting connection was reset error.
And also I mentioned the maxrequestlength in web.config.

This is not Azure specific error instead it is an ASP.NET specific problem. I did some test if I could hit the problem but no luck..
I am getting sure that the problem is introduced by adding maxrequestlength and potentially having request filtering. You must setup the timeout setting with length and support script runtime in webserver specific settings.
You also have one option to RDP to your instance and enable IIS debugging to understand what could be the problem:
After running Debug Diagnostic Tool v1.2, please share your log, and i will look for root cause.
To RDP Access to Windows Azure Application, visit my blog here


Connecting to an Azure App Service via IIS Manager (inetmgr)

Is it possible to remote-connect to an Azure App Service running on Windows with my IIS Manager?
This seems to have been possible according to this blog post by clicking in IIS Manager File -> Connect to a site.
I refer to the steps mentioned in the link shared by you and in the last step I got an error below.
I did some research on it and it looks like managing the App Service from IIS is not supported anymore. I have not got any official link but the below links might give you some information on it.
Microsoft.Web.Configuration.AppHostFileProvider not found after configured Remote IIS Administration for Microsoft Azure Web App
Can no longer manage any Web Apps with IIS Remote Manager - Could not load file or assembly - AppHostFileProvider
I'm not sure for what purpose why you want to. My thoughts is you shouldn't be doing that as it defeat the purpose of PaaS services. Cannot access the iis layer in app service however you can still configure in web.config of your web app.

Unable to log in to IIS Application

I have been facing a very weird issue with a simple web application that I have recently deployed using IIS. This is an already working application in a server in NA region. I re-created the same exact IIS environment in a new server from a different region. When I try to login using the new URL, I get the following error message.
I have double-checked multiple times that my IIS configuration is exactly same as my old (working) server.
Here is what I have selected for the Authentication setting of the server.
Kindly help with the pointers. Thank you.

Azure App Service - Request Diagnostics reveals HTTPS on port 80

I created an Azure App Service. Deployed it via a develops pipeline.
Basically, this service is broken, and im trying to troubleshoot it.
During my investigation using the Request Diagnostics blade/tool, i learned that the request url is using HTTPS with port 80.
Does this mean i tried making an invalid request?
Here is some ways for troubleshooting web app breken:
You could find out the error logs in kudu: --> LogFiles --> eventlog.xml, which file only be created when your web app broken.
A useful tool you mentioned in your question also helps. The steps for diagnostics is: Click Availability and Performance--> click Web App Down.
Here is a solution about troubleshooting .net-core web application broken using Diagnostic tools. As you can see, JAVA and PHP also supported. see the created Profiler Trace in kudu:> data--> DaaS--> logs--> yourwebapp.

ERR_CONNECTION_RESET Azure App Service w/Let's Encrypt

I have a seemingly intermitted issue with a site I'm hosting on Azure.
The site works for most but we're getting a few reports that when people try to access the site via a link (in an email for example) the site throws an ERR_CONNECTION_RESET error in Chrome.
The site is an S1 App Service
The site running is .Net Core 2.1 (MVC)
It has Let's Encrypt certificate applied to it (and this shows in the browser)
It is set to be Https only and Always On in Azure's SSL and Application Settings blades respectively.
I've had a look around and it feels like maybe this is an SSL issue but I'm not sure.
I've done a re-bind of the cert.
Can anyone offer any advice? I've not encountered this before.
An update from our clients suggest it could be happening as our domain is newly registered.
Specifically, it could be a reputation/categorisation issue coming in to play with the threat protection they utilise on their networks.
I will look into submitting an update to the relevant sites to see if it helps.

Azure app service: how to add custom Handler mapping to process TXT files?

I want to use ASP.Net Directives in a TXT file. Typically, I would add a handler mapper for that. But how can I do that in Azure App Service? Adding the following handler (D:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\aspnet_isapi.dll):
generates the following exception:
Most likely causes: IIS received the
request; however, an internal error occurred during the processing of
the request. The root cause of this error depends on which module
handles the request and what was happening in the worker process when
this error occurred. IIS was not able to access the
web.config file for the Web site or application. This can occur if the
NTFS permissions are set incorrectly. IIS was not able to
process configuration for the Web site or application. The
authenticated user does not have permission to use this DLL.
The request is mapped to a managed handler but the .NET
Extensibility Feature is not installed.
Things you can
try: Ensure that the NTFS permissions for the
web.config file are correct and allow access to the Web server's
machine account. Check the event logs to see if any
additional information was logged. Verify the permissions
for the DLL. Install the .NET Extensibility feature if the
request is mapped to a managed handler. Create a tracing
rule to track failed requests for this HTTP status code. For more
information about creating a tracing rule for failed requests, click
and I don't think there is much I can do with the suggestions.
So what's the right way to map static file to ASP.Net pipeline in Azure App Services?
In Azure web service, we don't have to use aspnet_isapi.dll to use ASP.Net pipeline because the built-in server is IIS. We can see below screenshot, i published a ASP.NET Core to Azure web app, and we can see the Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb.dll under the root folder, this means that my ASP.NET Core application is hosted in IIS. (Besides IIS, are there any other better servers to support OWIN?).
Thus, if you are using ASP.NET Core and you want to use IIS pipeline, i think it is impossible because the IIS is just a reverse proxy server in this situation. You need to delete the Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb.dll and modify the web.config file (I tried and worked) but doing this will cause your ASP.NET Core application crashing.
If you are using ASP.NET Framework or just a simple static web, we can do it with our code and web.config.
